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Sunday, 3 March 2013

Love and Thanks to the Pioneers

Log of Quantum Theory for Language 3
Love and Thanks to the Pioneers

<Quantum Theory for Language>†1 now entered the second stage at <Prague Theory>†2.
The last aspect of the theory of this period is represented by <Reversion Theory> which propose the cause of propelling the quantum.
<Reversion principle of quantum> gives human being the guarantees of language.
<Prague Theory> is dedicated to KARCEVSKIJ , PRAGUE and CHINO.
October 2, 2004

Theories, principles, rules and terms are enumerated in the paper.
The end of the paper, I clearly expressed that <Quantum Theory for Language> is the succession of the Linguistic Circle of Prague.
October 9, 2004

<Prague theory 2>†3 clearly proposes <language machine>, which is one aim of <Quantum Theory for Language Summary> and <Quantum Theory for Language Synopsis> 2003.
October 17, 2004

<Sending and Receiving Information of Quantum> describes <Model Simplified Level>†4.
In this paper, the concept of warp is proposed for the first time.
October 22, 2004

<Warp Theory>†5 is delivered from the point of the proceeding of quantum.
The proceeding is the main issue of the quantum movement.
<Warp> is the kernel concept of <Quantum Theory for Language>.
<Warp> is supposed to be the original energy of “drift” which was proposed by SAPIR Edward.
So this paper is dedicated to SAPIR.
October 24, 2004

Tokyo October 24, 2004

[Postscript July 7, 2008]
†1<On basis of Quantum Theory for Language> On Time Property Inherent in Characters / Hakuba Marc 28, 2003
†2<On Prague Theory Group> Prague Theory
†3<On Post-Prague Theory 2> Prague Theory 3 / Tokyo January 28, 2005
†4<On Graphical representation of Model Simplified Level> Model Simplified Level / Tokyo February 12, 2005    Model Simplified Level 2 / Tokyo February 14, 2005
†5<On post-Warp Theory group> Map 4 Quantum Linguistics / Quantum Warp Theory

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