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Sunday, 17 March 2013

Map 1 Quantum Theory for Language

Map 1

                Quantum Theory for Language

                                     TANAKA Akio

1. Proto Theory
1.1 On Time Property Inherent in Characters

2. Theory
2.1 Quantum Theory
2.1.1 Quantum Theory for Language Summary
2.1.2 Quantum Theory for Language Synopsis
2.1.3 Distance Theory
2.1.4 Reversion Theory
2.1.5 Quantum Theory for Language 
Theoretical Summarization and Problem in Future

2.2 Prague Theory
2.2.1 Prague Theory
2.2.2 Prague Theory Summary and Prospect
2.2.3 Prague Theory 2
2.2.4 Prague Theory 3
2.3 Warp Theory 
Warp Theory
2.4 Time Theory
2.4.1 Time Theory

3. Essay
3.1 Early Work
3.1.1 Direction
3.1.2 Uniformity
3.1.3 Changeability
3.1.4 Individuality
3.1.5 Time
3.1.6 Fixation
3.2 Resent Work
3.2.1 Grammar
3.2.2 Substantiality
3.2.3 Frame
3.3 Current Work
3.3.1 Recognition
3.3.2 Ideogram
3.3.3 Conversation

4. Paper
4.1 Model Paper
4.1.1 Model of Quantum Theory for Language
4.1.2 Sending and Receiving Information of Quantum
4.1.3 Reconstruction of Information between Two Quanta 
4.1.4 Core Quanta and Convergence of Quanta
4.2 Method Paper
4.2.1 Method of Linguistics
4.3 Basic Paper
4.3.1 Guarantee of Language
4.3.2 Place where Quantum of Language Exists
4.3.3 Actual Language and Imaginary Language
4.4 Additional Paper
4.4.1 Property of Quantum
4.4.2 Quantification of Quantum
4.5 Applied Paper
4.5.1 Mirror Theory
4.5.2 Mirror Language

5. Model
5.1 Notice for Model Simplified Level
5.2 Positioning of Quantum
5.3 Model Simplified Level
5.4 Model Simplified Level 2

6. Preface
6.1 Declaration
6.1.1 Declaration
6.1.2 Declaration 2 Uniformity of Language
6.2 Aim
6.2.1 Aim
6.2.2 Aim 2 Dedication and Perspective
6.3 Invitation to This Site
Invitation to This Site

6.4 Diagram of Quantum Theory for Language 
      Diagram of Quantum Theory for Language

7. Postface
7.1 Abbreviation
7.1.1 Abbreviation of Quantum Theory for Language 
7.1.2 Abbreviation of Quantum Theory for Language 2
7.2 Theory Dictionary
7.2.1 Theory Dictionary Person
7.2.2 Theory Dictionary Concept
7.2.3 Theory Dictionary Concept 2
7.2.4 Theory Dictionary Writing
7.2.5 Theory Dictionary Place
7.2.6 Theory Dictionary Time
7.2.7 Theory Dictionary Time 2
7.3 Theory Log
7.3.1 Log of Quantum Theory for Language
7.3.2 Log of quantum Theory for Language 2
7.3.3 Log of Quantum Theory for Language 4 
         Love and Thanks to the Pioneers

7.3.4 Log of Quantum Theory for Language 4 
         On the Themes of SAPPIR and KARCEVSKIJ 

7.4 Fundamental Literature
7.4.1 Special Index
7.4.2 General Index
7.5 Curriculum Vitae 
Curriculum Vitae

                                     14 October 2012
                           Sekinan Research Field of Language

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