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Sunday, 31 August 2014

Now I am Enough Old for Remembering the Past / 27 September 2012



Recently I read Susan Sontag's WHERE THE STRESS FALLS, 2001. The impression is a little different with the other books.
I was never the good reader of her, but her existence was always strong and had glittered.
The time was Sixties that contained the infinite things in it.
Now I am enough old for remembering the time.
She wrote a fine essay on the time, 
Thirty Years Later ... , 1996. The pages are short but sufficient to describe the time that was infinite and endless.
 If her life was able to be shine, while my Sixties was always under the tiny dim light.
At the place where I was, the long view never could be seen. I never thought on the things as I was very coward and was fluttered even at the very tiny event of the time. I was infirm and timidity.

What I could do at that time was read or turned pages of the text books of some foreign languages.
How little and shallow heart I had, pitiable and poor existence. Probably till now.

Under the Dim Light

My Heimat of Learning, the Linguistic Circle of Prague / 3 October 2012

    My Heimat of Learning, the Linguistic Circle of Prague   

                                                         TANAKA Akio

My heimat of learning is the Linguistic Circle of Prague on which I was taught from my teacher CHINO Eiichi. Sadly he died almost suddenly by disease in 2002 at age 70. after a dacade, I am now already 65 and near his later year days. When we met and told at the university or station-front old coffee shop, he had been a researcher and I had been a student all the time, and maybe sometimes been a younger friend. If we meet again,  we will be the researcher-student relation same as old days but or this time only become friends that are absorbed in language problems under the dim light of a narrow coffee-shop.  3 October 2012

Reference: Linguistic Circle of Prague / 19 July 2012

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Presupposition on Natural Language / 22 August 2012

Presupposition on Natural Language

TANAKA Akio        

Language is variable. If it be true, what is the base of variability?
Language is pronounceable. If it be true, what is emerged by pronounced?
Language is recordable. If it be true, what is emerged by recorded?
An apple is variable and will be rotten by time proceeding.
An apple is pronounced at a glossary shop and will be bought by a homemaker.
An apple is recordable  and will be recorded in a photo.
What distinguishes language from apple? The answer is uncertain. So I make the language models parting from natural language.


For WITTGENSTEIN Ludwig / Position of Language / 10 December 2005-3 August 2012
                                                         22 August 2012

Friday, 29 August 2014

Wellspring / 28 November 2008


I read two geniuses
in my twenties at early 1970s.
WANG Guowei and WITTGENSTEIN Ludwig.
I have continued thinking and writing by own-recognized WITTGENSTEIN's TLP's style throughout till now.
Linguistic themes are almost all depended on WANG's papers.
Yin buci-zhong suojian xian-gong xian-wang kao ( Juan 9 Shilin 1) overwhelmed me by profound considerations and  citations from Chinese vast classic texts.
Wang-Heng ( Juan 9 Shilin 1) is the origin of  my early concept that consists of infinite cyclic meaning minimum  inherent in characters.
On Time Property Inherent in Characters and Prague Theory are early embodiment of the concept.  
On meaning of language, CHINO Eiichi taught me its fascination and hardship mainly throughout the works of Linguistic Circle of Prague.
KARCEVSKIJ Sergej showed me the most fascinating approach to the meaning's flexibility in word.
From Orient, WANG Yinzhi lead me the meaning of word  especially by analysis of functional words in Chinese classics.
Jingzhuan shici is a compilation of his analysis by which I tried the concept of
positive and negative on the generation of word. The result is shown by early work
Quantification of Quantum, from which the concepts of actual language and imaginary language are emerged. Early work of showing the concepts are Guarantee of Language, Mirror Language and Reversion Theory and the like.
ZHANG Bingling is the another peak of China.
Wenshi is the work I have tried to get understanding over and over again from my youth. My paper is tried as Energy of Language and Brown Motion as Language. Two papers are targeted to the energy inherent in language.
Simple chronological table is shown at Theory Dictionary Time

Tokyo November 28, 2008 

SRFL Sekinan Research Field of Language

SRFL Sekinan Research Field of Language is the new root site of this blog SRFLNews.
SRFL began at Hakuba, Nagano in 2003 for the research of language universals.
The first paper is "On Time Property Inherent in Characters".
URL is the next. 
29 August 2014
Sekinan Research Field of Language

At the veranda
Summer 2013

Mirror Language / 10 June 2004

There are two languages in the language world.                                                         
One is real language, the other is mirror language.
Real language has distance in the real world.
Mirror language has distance in the mirror world.
Typical real language is a cooking language.
There is a recipe in the kitchen.
A person cooks by the recipe, later delicious dishes put on the table.
Here the recipe is in real language.
Delicious dishes are in the real world.
Typical mirror language is a pray language.
A person prays to god in a shrine, later he verifies God’s help.
Here pray is in mirror language.
Verified God’s help is in the mirror world.
Quanta of real language have distance from the real world.
Quanta of mirror language have distance from the mirror world.
In real language starting point of distance is a quantum on a linear orbit, and ending point of distance is a standstill point of a sentence.
In mirror language starting point of distance is a mirror image point of a quantum on a linear orbit, and ending point of distance is a standstill point of a sentence.
Mirror image point is a plane symmetrical point about a standstill point of a sentence.
Standstill point is a symmetrical plane.
Real language and mirror language are both physically speak and read in the real world.
But distances are absolutely separated.
The distance of real language is real.
The distance of mirror language is imaginary.
Quanta of real language finally go to the real world.
They have real distance.
Quanta of mirror language also go to the real world.
They have imaginary distance.
They approach to the real world from mirror world.
Distance of real language is shown by the real number.
Distance of mirror language is shown by the imaginary number.
When real language and mirror language are mixed, they are, at first, all in the mirror language. And finally they go to the real world.
For example, the sentence- /God/ /saves/ /me/, it is at first in the mirror language for /god/. And words-/saves//me/ return to the real world for their reality.
Second example, a sentence-/I//pray// god/, it is also at first in the mirror language for /god/. And words-/I/ /pray/ return to the real world.
Each distance has strength.
Longer distance is stronger than shorter distance.
Probably /god/ is a quantum that has the strongest distance in the world.
For details about strength, see <strength rule> in <Quantum Theory for Language Synopsis>.
The concept of mirror will be useful for the linguistic examination of religious field in anthropology.


Tokyo June 10, 2004
Sekinan Research Field of Language

[Referential note June 5, 2009]

Prague Theory 3 / 28 January 2005

Prague Theory 3

An Inference of Early Work

Human being abstracts images from the world.
Images are simplified for memories.
Simplified images are drawn to linear forms.
Linearly formed images are used for substitutes of the world.
Lineation†1 is used with single or composite.
This lineation is the model of quantum in Quantum Theory for Language.
Chinese characters†2 are the actual model of the theory.
The theory adopts writing language for the object.
Chinese classics are the actual model†3 of the theory.
The theory renounces the overall situation of spoken language.
The theory adopts uniformity†4 in language.
Uniformity abandons the personal and periodical conditions for reproduction.
Uniformity is aimed for automaton†5 of reproduction on language.
Automaton of language will be one result of the theory.
Target of the theory is the whole movement of quanta.
A quantum comes into existence in the language world on account of the presentation of a new concept in the real world†6
The birth of a quantum†7 is the alienation from the real world.
A quantum drifts†8 in the language world.
A quantum has a location mark in the language world.
A quantum has a tendency to return to the real world.
Quanta touch in sequence toward the returning to the real world.
Quanta are finally at rest in the real world.
The drift of quantum is extinct.
A quantum ends the role of presentation.
The extinction of a quantum occurs at the return to the real world.
The sequence of quanta makes a sentence.
Quanta have a sequent linear locus†9 toward the real world.
The locus is recordable by the proper means in the language world.
The record is described by the numeral value on a coordinate system†10.
The record guarantees the reproduction of same sentence.
The same set of quanta makes the same set of sentences.
A quantum searches the appropriate set of quanta.
The searched set of quanta makes sentences.
Automaton of language is in the possible field.

Tokyo January 28, 2005

[References / June 21, 2008]
†1< Lineation>
†2<Chinese character>
†6<Real world>
†10<Coordinate system.

[References / July 11, 2008]

[Reference / January 1, 2009]
<On meaning and grammar>

Reversion Theory / 27 September 2004

In <Quantum Theory for Language> two major principles are worked.
One is <time principle>.The other is <reversion principle>.
From <time principle> two major rules are derived.
One is <connection rule>. The other is <separation rule>.
From <reversion principle> one rule is derived. It is <strength rule>.
In the theory language is divided into two categories.
One is <actual language>. The other is <imaginary language>.
<Actual language> and <imaginary language> are belong to <real language>.
<Real language> and <Mirror language> are opposed.
<Mirror language> of <actual language> is <imaginary language>.
<Mirror language>of <imaginary language> is also considered.
In <real language> <reversion principle> is always worked.
This principle guarantees the credibility of language.
In the theory language is constructed from the linear arrangement of plural number of <quantum of language>.
In the linear arrangement the first quantum is the weakest. The last quantum is the strongest. In this situation <strength rule> is worked.
The strongest quantum touches the real world.
The real world is the standstill point of the reversion of language.
The reversion of language is the main power of integration of sentence.
A quantum of language sends messages to the next quantum.
Messages succeed to the last quantum which gives the standstill of sending messages.
The standstill point of language is < real world>. 
<Real world> is an axis of symmetry on <actual language> and <imaginary language>.
<Real world> is an axis of symmetry on <real world> and <mirror language>.
Messages of quanta are digital signals of electricity on the model simplified level of the quantum theory for language.
This model is abbreviated to <MSL> of the theory.
In the model two elements are worked.
One is <time element>. The other is <distance element>.
Both are abbreviated to <TE> and <DE>.
The succession of <time element>s and <distance element>s makes <word>s and <sentence>s.
This succession is subscribed by the linear digitized signals.
In the <MSL>, <TE> is classified by the longitude of time.
The minimum time is numbered by 1, the maximum time is numbered by 9.
In the number 1, subdivision is classified from 1 to 9.
If necessary, sub-subdivision is classified from 1 to 9.
In these working, all <TE> of quanta are digitally classified.
In the <MSL>, <DE> is classified by the length of distance.
Numbering is similar to the case of <TM>.
<TE> and <DE> are elements of language, especially <grammar> and <meaning>.
In <Quantum Theory for Language>, <meaning> is imminent in each quantum.
The typical example of the theory is Classical Chinese, especially character inscriptions on bone and tortoiseshell. In these inscriptions, <meaning> is expressed in unitary or composite figures.
The figures in each inscription are completed respectively.
Each figure is separated in writing and seeing.
The figure is a <signal>.
The inscription has a <message> which consists of signals.
A signal can be replaced with a number.
For example characters /ri/ /shang/, the sun rises in English are numbered by 1 and 2.
Characters /chuan//xia/, river flows in English are numbered by 3 and 4.
Figures are finite. Contracted numbers are also finite.
Each character has one or over one figures. So it has one or over one numbers.
This work is called <sequence of numbers on signals>.
<Sequence of numbers on signals> is regarded as <meaning> in our daily usage.

Tokyo September 27, 2004

[Referential note October 14, 2007]
<Reversion Theory> is related with the next papers for the most part.
[Referential note January 26, 2008]
Basic concepts of <Reversion Theory> are prepared under the reading of SAPIR Edward and influenced from the lecture on Linguistic circle of Prague and KARCEVSKIJ Sergej by CHINO Eiichi.
Refer to the next.
[Referential note December 7, 2008]

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Distance Theory / 5 May 2004

Distance theory is an extension of Quantum Theory for Language.
Distance theory is an extension of strength rule in Quantum Theory for Language.
Distance theory is considered for the purpose of the guarantee to language.
What quanta of language propel to the end of the sentence is for the purpose of the guarantee to language, in which quanta of language finally unite the real world in the end of propelling.
The guarantee to the inherent signification of indicator in quantum of language is quantified by the distance which starts from the real world to the quantum of language.
A quantum consists of indicators.
An indicator has a signification and a period inherently.
The structure of quantum is indicated in Quantum Theory for Language.
An inherent signification is an element in a quantum.
An inherent time is an element in a quantum.
There are two types of elements, significant and periodical.
Element is defined.
A significant element gets a signification from the real world.
A periodical element gets a time from the real world.
An indicator gets a meaning and a period from elements.
An element emerges from the real world to the language world.
An indicator gets power from the elements in the language world.
A quantum moves in the language world by the power of indicators.
An element emerges to the language world, because each element has immanent perceptible area which works upon visual sensation and auditory sensation of the human beings.
An indicator gets energy in the language world, because each indicator has a tendency which will approach and finally coincide with the real world.
This continuous tendency guarantees the trust in language for the human beings.
A quantum moves in the language world toward the real world.
A quantum is not guaranteed in the situation of cessation.
A quantum is guaranteed by the connection to the real world.
Therefore a quantum propels to the real world.
Indicators make meaning and connection rule in a quantum, both are derived from significant and periodical elements in an indicator.
Meaning is guaranteed by the tendency of coincidence with the real world.
Guarantee of the meaning is reduced by the remoteness of distance from the real world.
Connection rule is decided by periodical elements in indicators.
Details are indicated in Quantum Theory for Language.
Signification in an indicator and meaning in a quantum once emerged are occasionally transformed or expanded in the language world.
This alteration is called multiplication.
Multiplication is defined.
Multiplication generally occurs by the addition of signification in an indicator.
But multiplication in meaning of a quantum sometimes occurs without any addition oneself.
Multiplication in a quantum without addition occurs by situational transition in the language world.
Situational transition in a quantum is caused by difference of distance from the real world.
Difference of distance at a quantum is a proceeding of abstract thinking in human beings.
A quantum of language itself becomes <word> in the language world.
Word is defined.
Therefore each word has a distance toward the real world.
A distance immanent in a word does not emerge itself.
Distance emerges in the linear situation of words gathering.
This situation is called <sentence>.
Sentence is defined.
Therefore sentence is an emergence of distance in words gathering.
Words form a line, thereafter one arrangement is determined.
Sentence is realized in our world.
In Chinese language, /lai/ come has a larger distance than /liao/completion.
Words are arranged from the end of a sentence, according to the own- possessing- distance.
Therefore /lai le/ having come is realized.

Tokyo May 5, 2004
For the memory of Kusatsu Shiranesan March 30, 2004

[Referential note / October 14, 2007]
<Distance Theory is related with the next papers at early work.>

[Referential note / December 25, 2007]

[Referential note / July 7, 2008]
<On meaning>
<On time>
<On distance>
<On measure as generalization of distance>

[Referential note / December 7, 2008]

[Referential note / December 22, 2008]
<On meaning minimum>
<On place of meaning>
<On confirmation of meaning>
<On warp>
<On finiteness in manifold>

[Referential note / December 23, 2008]

[Referential note / January 1, 2009]
<On meaning and grammar>

[Referential note / January 31, 2009]
<On distance>