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Monday, 16 November 2015
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Saturday, 14 November 2015
Friday, 13 November 2015
SRFL Lab / Topic, Pioneer,History and Tags
Sekinan View
Sekinan View Half Farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague with References / Sekinan Study / Sekinan Library, Founded in 1986 / Publishing Revolution / Geometry is the only one expression to describe the universal language containing the...
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From Hodge diamond of mirror symmetry by KONCEVICH to mirror language
From Hodge diamond of mirror symmetry by KONCEVICH to mirror language
From Print 2012, Chapter 18
実数に対して虚数があるように、実言語に対して虚言語がある。祈りは虚言語で書かれているとする。実言語の中に内在する時間を想定したように、虚言語にも内在する時間を想定する。天国に行くことは、虚言語の中で内在する時間を移動することになる。その言語をミラー言語mirror languageと呼ぶことにする。それならば、そのmirror はどこに置かれるのだろうか。
図書館でもっともよく読んだのは、深谷賢治だった。円はやはりx2 + y2 = 1で認識するより、丸い図形のイメージで認識するのが自然におもわれると書いてあった。幾何学の直感性はたしかにすばらしく普遍的だ。
深谷の本を読んでいくと、ミラー対称性mirror symmetryが出てくる。ホッジ・ダイアモンドと呼ぶものを或る値のところに設定し、そこで折り返すときれいなミラー対称性を得ると記されていた。Aが考えるmirror languageもそこで可能かもしれない。
Source: Tale / Print by LI Koh / 27 January 2012
Mirror Language / 10 June 2004
Reversion Theory / 27 September 2004
実数に対して虚数があるように、実言語に対して虚言語がある。祈りは虚言語で書かれているとする。実言語の中に内在する時間を想定したように、虚言語にも内在する時間を想定する。天国に行くことは、虚言語の中で内在する時間を移動することになる。その言語をミラー言語mirror languageと呼ぶことにする。それならば、そのmirror はどこに置かれるのだろうか。
図書館でもっともよく読んだのは、深谷賢治だった。円はやはりx2 + y2 = 1で認識するより、丸い図形のイメージで認識するのが自然におもわれると書いてあった。幾何学の直感性はたしかにすばらしく普遍的だ。
深谷の本を読んでいくと、ミラー対称性mirror symmetryが出てくる。ホッジ・ダイアモンドと呼ぶものを或る値のところに設定し、そこで折り返すときれいなミラー対称性を得ると記されていた。Aが考えるmirror languageもそこで可能かもしれない。
Source: Tale / Print by LI Koh / 27 January 2012
Mirror Language / 10 June 2004
Reversion Theory / 27 September 2004
References 2:
Mirror Symmetry Conjecture on Rational Curve / 27 February 2009
Homological Mirror Symmetry Conjecture by KONTSEVICH / 26 April 2009
Supersymmetric Harmonic Oscillator / 6 May 2009
References 3:
Reversion Analysis Theory / 8 June 2008
Reversion Analysis Theory 2 / 12 June 2008
Reversibility of Language / 5 June 2009
Reversion Conjecture Revised / 1 May 2014 - 20 May 2014
Homological Mirror Symmetry Conjecture by KONTSEVICH / 26 April 2009
Supersymmetric Harmonic Oscillator / 6 May 2009
References 3:
Reversion Analysis Theory / 8 June 2008
Reversion Analysis Theory 2 / 12 June 2008
Reversibility of Language / 5 June 2009
Reversion Conjecture Revised / 1 May 2014 - 20 May 2014
Former Maeda marquis residence
Komaba Park, Tokyo
Thursday, 12 November 2015
Non-symmetry, 1920s' Prague and Sergej Karcevskij's "Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique"
Non-symmetry, 1920s' Prague and Sergej Karcevskij's "Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique"
From Print 2012, Chapter 18
非対称性。Non-symmetry. それはかつてCと繰り返し話した内容だ。It was the very theme that I repeatedly talked on with C.1920年代のプラハ。Prague in 1920s. 雑誌TCLPに載ったカルツェフスキイの論文、「言語記号の非対称的二重性」。Karcevskij's paper "Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique" that appeared in the magazine TCLP. 言語が保持し続けるところの、それによって言語が言語であり続けるところの、絶対的に矛盾する柔構造と硬構造の共存。Absolutely contradicted coexistence between flexibility and solidity, which language keeps on maintaining, by which language continues existing as language. 言語において二重に内在し続けるだろう永遠の矛盾。Still now there will exist the everlasting dual contradiction in language.言語がかくも柔軟でかくも堅固でいられるのはなぜか。Why can language stay in such solid and such flexible condition like that. そのほとんど絶対的に矛盾するかともおもわれる二重性をカルツェフスキイは提示した。Karcevskij proposed the duality that is seemed to be almost absolute contradiction. Cがその最後の本の中でただ一人天才と称した言語学者、セルゲイ・カルツェフスキイが残した白眉の論考。Sergej Karcevskij's best of papers, for whom C called as the only genius in his last book.
非対称性。Non-symmetry. それはかつてCと繰り返し話した内容だ。It was the very theme that I repeatedly talked on with C.1920年代のプラハ。Prague in 1920s. 雑誌TCLPに載ったカルツェフスキイの論文、「言語記号の非対称的二重性」。Karcevskij's paper "Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique" that appeared in the magazine TCLP. 言語が保持し続けるところの、それによって言語が言語であり続けるところの、絶対的に矛盾する柔構造と硬構造の共存。Absolutely contradicted coexistence between flexibility and solidity, which language keeps on maintaining, by which language continues existing as language. 言語において二重に内在し続けるだろう永遠の矛盾。Still now there will exist the everlasting dual contradiction in language.言語がかくも柔軟でかくも堅固でいられるのはなぜか。Why can language stay in such solid and such flexible condition like that. そのほとんど絶対的に矛盾するかともおもわれる二重性をカルツェフスキイは提示した。Karcevskij proposed the duality that is seemed to be almost absolute contradiction. Cがその最後の本の中でただ一人天才と称した言語学者、セルゲイ・カルツェフスキイが残した白眉の論考。Sergej Karcevskij's best of papers, for whom C called as the only genius in his last book.
Finiteness of 3 dimensional standard flop and shutting up to finite 3 dimensional world of language from infinite 4 dimensional world
Finiteness of 3 dimensional standard flop and shutting up to finite 3 dimensional world of language from infinite 4 dimensional world
From Print 2012, Chapter 18
Source: Tale / Print by LI Koh / 27 January 2012
Source: Tale / Print by LI Koh / 27 January 2012
Metropolitan Nogawa Park, Tokyo
Half Farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague with References
Half Farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague with References
I have thought on language through the rich results of the linguistic Circle of Pragueand its important member Sergej Karcevskij. But now my recent thinking has inclined towards algebraic or arithmetic geometrical method and description. Probably it is the time of half farewell to those milestones which led me to the standing place here with rather sufficient results in my ability. Great thanks to all that always encouraged me for hard and vague target on language especially meaning and its surroundings. And also to CHINO Eiichi with love and respect who taught me all the bases of language study.For recent results see the following papers group named AGL Arithmetic Geometry Language and related essays.
Arithmetic Geometry Language (AGL)
Dimension of Language (AGL 1)
Synthesis of Meaning and Transition of Dimension (AGL 2)
Birth of Word, Synthesis of Meaning and Dimension of New Word (AGL 3)
Dimension Conjecture at Synthesis of Meaning (AGL 4)
Arithmetic Geometry Language (AGL)
Dimension of Language (AGL 1)
Synthesis of Meaning and Transition of Dimension (AGL 2)
Birth of Word, Synthesis of Meaning and Dimension of New Word (AGL 3)
Dimension Conjecture at Synthesis of Meaning (AGL 4)
Parts and Whole
Edward Sapir’s Language, 1921
Macro Time and Micro Time
Meaning Minimum
Disposition of Language
Parts and Whole
Edward Sapir’s Language, 1921
Macro Time and Micro Time
Meaning Minimum
Disposition of Language
24 September 2014, references added
Sekinan Research Field of Language
Sekinan Research Field of Language
10 Extracts from Tale, Print, 2012
10 Extracts from Tale, Print, 2012
17/07/2014 12:03
17/07/2014 12:03
- Coffee shop named California
- Winter comes as if grace arrives
- Generation and extinction of quantum in the field space
- Canal, saint and wandering is over now
- CHINO Eiichi and Prague
- Finiteness of 3 dimensional standard flop and shutting up to finite 3 dimensional world of language from infinite 4 dimensional world
- Non-symmetry, 1920s' Prague and Sergej Karcevskij
- From Hodge diamond of mirror symmetry by KONCEVICH to mirror language
- Qauntum space through Poisson manifold's deformation quantization by Kontsevich
- From Gromov-Witten invariant to quantum cohomology ring and Gromov-Witten potential, in the centre considered homological mirror symmetry
12 November 2015
For me, geometry is the only one expression to describe the universal language containing the time which is one of the meanings
For me, geometry is the only one expression to describe the universal language containing the time which is one of the meanings
From Print 2012, Chapter 10
Cは事実と法則を追って、それを見出さなかった。そして或るとき突然の病いで逝った。言語学を愛した幾冊かの本を残して。最後の本の名は、言語学への開かれた扉、Janua Linguisticae Reserata。彼が言うように、扉は万人に開かれていた。ひたすら追うのであれば。
Cが生きていれば、今またAに問うかもしれない。おまえは今何をしているかと。If C live, he also may ask me, “What are you researching now?” そしてAもまた同じように答えるだろう。And A also will answer him as same as ever.事実ではなく普遍を追っています、こりることなくと。I have pursued universals, never done facts, without repenting.
生きていれば、あの急な階段をのぼって、天井の低いテーブルでまた話していただろうか、Cよ。Oh C, if you live, will we also talk on language at the table facing each other under the low ceiling of the shop, going up the steep stairs. 転注をめぐる研究の国境を超えたつながりの中で、再発見された転注論の貴重な原稿を損傷させないために、発見者みずからが飛行機に乗って届けてくれたことなどを。だから途方にくれるようにまずしかった私はどれほど勇気づけられたか、Cよ。駅前の路地を入ってすぐ左の、掘っ立て小屋のようだったあの店の名まえはカリフォルニア。The name of the shop is California. ぼくらの決して悲惨ではなかった忘却の紀念に、今はそれを書き記そう。For the memory of our daily forgetful life, its never miserable though poor all over, I will write down our delight.
生きていれば、あの急な階段をのぼって、天井の低いテーブルでまた話していただろうか、Cよ。Oh C, if you live, will we also talk on language at the table facing each other under the low ceiling of the shop, going up the steep stairs. 転注をめぐる研究の国境を超えたつながりの中で、再発見された転注論の貴重な原稿を損傷させないために、発見者みずからが飛行機に乗って届けてくれたことなどを。だから途方にくれるようにまずしかった私はどれほど勇気づけられたか、Cよ。駅前の路地を入ってすぐ左の、掘っ立て小屋のようだったあの店の名まえはカリフォルニア。The name of the shop is California. ぼくらの決して悲惨ではなかった忘却の紀念に、今はそれを書き記そう。For the memory of our daily forgetful life, its never miserable though poor all over, I will write down our delight.
Source: Tale / Print by RI Kohr / 27 January 2012
Under the Dim Light / 1 August 2012
Road to Language Universals / 31 December 2012
Half Farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague / 23 October 2013
Under the Dim Light / 1 August 2012
Road to Language Universals / 31 December 2012
Half Farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague / 23 October 2013
Tokyo in wintry evening
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
Sekinan Study
Sekinan Study
Sekinan Library founded in 1986
Sekinan Research Field of Language founded in 2003
Sekinan Library founded in 1986
Sekinan Research Field of Language founded in 2003
Aiming for Language Universals
Prague in 1920s, The Linguistic Circle of Prague and Sergej Karcevskij's paper "Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique"
Quantisation of Language
Prague in 1920s, The Linguistic Circle of Prague and Sergej Karcevskij's paper "Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique"
Quantisation of Language
Sekinan Study is the study site of Sekinan Library which was founded in 1986 at Tachikawa, Tokyo.
Sekinan Library at first aimed to study ideogram's relationship between figure and meaning mainly using Chinese characters. But the study gradually declined to the essences of meaning in language itself. In 1990s the library began to study language universals influenced byEdward Sapir, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Bernhard Karlgren and always WANG Guowei and Sergej Karcevskij.
From 2003 the library newly established SRFL Sekinan Research Field of Language at Hakuba, Nagano for the further study of language universals led by The Linguistic Circle of Prague in 1920s being taught from CHINO Eiichi using geometrical description. The outline of study is now shown at the sites, Sekinan Library and SRFL.
From 2008 several Zoho sites were set up one by one for applying the mathematical description. The papers on the site are shown at Zoho Paper Group and Zoho Wiki Index.
Now being owed by pioneers, Sekinan Study inherits the results of Sekinan Library and SRFL and specializes the study through algebraic method to one more clearer description of language universals. Daily activity is shown at Blogger sites, SRFL News and Sekinan Table.
Sekinan Library at first aimed to study ideogram's relationship between figure and meaning mainly using Chinese characters. But the study gradually declined to the essences of meaning in language itself. In 1990s the library began to study language universals influenced byEdward Sapir, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Bernhard Karlgren and always WANG Guowei and Sergej Karcevskij.
From 2003 the library newly established SRFL Sekinan Research Field of Language at Hakuba, Nagano for the further study of language universals led by The Linguistic Circle of Prague in 1920s being taught from CHINO Eiichi using geometrical description. The outline of study is now shown at the sites, Sekinan Library and SRFL.
From 2008 several Zoho sites were set up one by one for applying the mathematical description. The papers on the site are shown at Zoho Paper Group and Zoho Wiki Index.
Now being owed by pioneers, Sekinan Study inherits the results of Sekinan Library and SRFL and specializes the study through algebraic method to one more clearer description of language universals. Daily activity is shown at Blogger sites, SRFL News and Sekinan Table.
5 April 2015
5 April 2015
Alpine flower
Kirigamine Highlands, Nagano, Japan
Early papers were frequently thought and written here from summer 2003.
Kirigamine Highlands, Nagano, Japan
Early papers were frequently thought and written here from summer 2003.
Sekinan Library
Sekinan Library
Founded in 1986
Sekinan Library is the research site on language from 1986 at Tokyo, where I started language study mainly related with Chinese classical philology called "Small Study", the most fundamental study base of Chinese characters using texts of Chinese philosophical classics. After the deepening down this classical study, from about millennium days, I started the youth's dream, investigating language universals inherited from the Linguistic Circle of Prague in 1920s' results, according to algebraic geometry as a incapable student affected by glorious Bourbaki's mathematics.
Leading Essay
Non-symmetry, 1920s' Prague and Sergej Karcevskij's "Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique"
Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language
Presupposition on Natural Language
Sayama Assumption on Language
Non-symmetry, 1920s' Prague and Sergej Karcevskij's "Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique"
Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language
Presupposition on Natural Language
Sayama Assumption on Language
Relevant Sites
Relevant Sites 2
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