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Monday, 26 June 2017

Language and I

Language and I

Sekinan Library has researched on language from 1986 and successively at SRFL from 2003.
Papers and essays that have been  written at Sekinan Library and SRFL Sekinan Research Field of Language 
are shown and searched at SRFL Essay and SRFL Paper.
Sekinan Library's main theme is now at language universals that has been a hard target and researched since 1920s at Linguistic Circle of Prague, but the theme had been always put aside from the centre of the study.
In Japan. on Prague School CHINO Eiichi probably first introduced systematically through his direct study experience at Prague between 1958 and 1964.

I first met with him in 1969 at Tokyo, from whom received Russian language lesson at the beginner's small class.
And after some 10 years I again met him in 1979 at his lecture on structural linguistics, to which I listen till till March 1986 when I get apart from the university.

In 1986 I also started to study my own object on language, in  which the main theme  was language universals by mathematical description, surging from Nicolas Bourbaki, that were already applied to wide and deep approach even at human studies at that time.

For me algebraic geometry was the great aid to deepen the theme, to which from 1920s many researchers have recognised one of the most important but hard to operate with clear description at the field of philology.

In 2003 I narrowly wrote up the trial paper on language's characters, at that time not for total language, but I got the steady way to approach the hard target of language's basis mainly on meaning, through which I faintly could see the final target, language universals.


26 June 2017

Sekinan Library

Saturday, 24 June 2017

Story Papa Wonderful by RI Koh. 1999.Contents by English

Papa Wonderful

00-00 すてきなおとうさん Papa Wonderful
00-01 この小さな家に To this little house
01 はじまり Beginning
02  春の雨 Spring rain
03 沈丁花 Daphne
04 丘陵 Hills
05 新しい家 New house
06 兄弟 Brothers
07 ランニング Running
08 居間 Sitting room
09 ソファー Sofa
10 庭 Garden
11 バラの日々 Days of roses
12 植物画 Botanical art
13 レパートリ Repertory 
14 観葉植物 Foliage plant
15 レンガの道 Brick lane
16 松村おばさん Mrs Matsumura
17 百瀬先生 Professor Momose
18 佐藤さん Mr. Sato
19 近代 Modern times
20 大学 University
21 歴史 History
22 ツバメ Swallow 
23 贈り物 Present
24 麦畑 Wheat field
25 外国語 Foreign language
26 キャンプの準備 Preparation for camping
27 コンピュータ Computer
28 時代 Days
29 強制終了 Forced termination
30 再会 Meet again
31 一冊の本 A book
32 自由選択 Free choice
33 秋の庭 Autumnal garden
34 つぼみ Buds
35 フォークリフト Folk lift
36 お月見 Enjoying the moonlight
37 写真 Photograph
38 声門閉鎖 Glottal stop
39 十月の花 October flowers
40 研究会 Society for the study
41 市民講座 Course for the citizen
42 譚嗣同 TAN Sitong
43 歴史における自由の観念について On the concept of freedom in history
44 世界表現 Representation on the world
45 一回性と自由性 Mono-occurrence and free confirmation
46 待合室で読む本 The book to waiting room
47 意味 Meaning
48 手紙 Letter
49 時雨 Drizzle rain
50 クリスマス・リース Christmas wreath
51 部屋飾り Room ornament
52 歳晩 Year-end
53 見知らないあなたへ To you who I do not know
54 雑踏  Crowd
55 いつかまた Someday again

21 June 2017
Sekinan Library

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Saturday, 17 June 2017

Story To Winter by RI Kor, 2015

To Winter by RI Kor, 2015
Youth days of a student enthralled by language

