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Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Sekinan Library, SRFL and CHINO Eiichi

Sekinan Library, SRFL and CHINO Eiichi

01/02/2016 13:01

SRFL Sekinan Research Field of Language was established in 2003 for the study on language universals, that was the core theme since my youth time some 40 years ago in the 1970s. But real start was much later in the late 1980s.

In 1986 I established the Sekinan Library for the base of study at Tachikawa, Tokyo. At that time my main theme was declined to the study of old Chinese character’s classical semantics using the traditional study of the form of characters reading Qing Dynasty’s WANG Guowei. The study from the direction had not given me so rich results. I at the same time read some mathematical books influenced from Bourbaki that was the big stream in 1970s in Japan. Set theory represented by Godel was also the favourite at the time.

In 1990s I determined the direction of study only to language universals taught from CHINO Eiichi, one of the modern typical philologists of Japan. He taught me almost all the aspects of European philology that were unknown for me. In the various themes he gave me, the most impressive was the existence of the Linguistic Circle of Prague. Above all Sergej Karcevskij was overwhelmingly deep and moving. But Karcevskij’s  approach was seemed to be intuitive and far from clear descriptiveness.

I began to learn the theme hinted by Karcevskij while learning Godel, Bourbaki and Wittgenstein that was also gave me the big influence form the age 20s. I had frequently read Wittgenstein’s TRACTATUS. But my base of math was so poor and never became the descriptive use for language’s delicate phases. So I again restarted math from geometry that gave the most familiar and clear image for me. My intuitive image and basic math description were seemed to be able offer in nearly millennium days.

In spring 2003 I knew the application paper for the international symposium held  by a certain institute. I arranged the short paper for it till early summer and sent it. The paper was happily adopted  as one of the language and literature section of the symposium. The paper’s title was Quantum Theory for Language. It was again arranged next year 2004 as the title Quantum Theory for Language synopsis.

The establish date of Sekinan Research Field of Language  was 23 August 2003, that was the date of completion of proto-conceptive paper of Quantum Theory for Language at the hutte in Hakuba, Nagano. Now the time passed rapidly 10 years. All things are now  very dear for me with fine landscape of Japan Alps.

14 August 2013
Sekinan Research Field of Language
31 October 2017
Title changed from old title, Short Hisoty of SRFL
Geometrization Language

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On Structure ​Symplectic Language Theory

On Structure
Symplectic Language Theory

Dialogue 1
On Structure
For HORI Tatsuo, Footprints on the snow, 1946

Why do you think that language has structure?
_We have true-false problem since Greece had logic on language, Crete man tells himself a liar. The situation suggests that if language has structure and we see the structure's whole, there is no more problem in the upper funny but radical story.

Do you mention that language has dimensions in it for preventing the confusion?
_Surely dimension is an important factor of structure. But language is a vast building in which all the logisc and all the feelings are expressible for all the hope of human beings.

Then how the structure is built, do you imagine?
_I ever learned the history of Linguistic Circle of Prague, in which the most important hypothesis is said that language has function. Function is inevitably occurred following after the completion of structure, I think.

Do you say that from the observation of language function is adequately acceptable for structure's surface?
_Yes, I think so.

Then on inner structure of language, what do you think?
_At first, language has meaning. But it was put aside by Prague Linguistic Circle as the hardest problem on language for its ambiguity as MATHESIUS V. gave the famous lecture, Latency of language phenomena, 1911.  I attracted the theme, language has ambiguity.

Did you go to Prague? 
_No. I only heard on PLC from CHINO Eiichi. He learned linguistics at Prague, from 1958 to 1967. He gave me the basis of linguistics after his returning to Tokyo. I first met him at Tokyo 1969. I learned Russian at that time in the small class. He was young at 37, and I also young too at 21.   

You really respect CHINO.
_I remember him respectfully, but more frequently merrily, for his fantastic conversation to the younger beginner, studying language from various fields, from art to classical languages at the university. 

On language, ambiguity is important?
_Undoubtedly. CHINO gave me the concept of asymmetric dualism of linguistic sign. The paper was written by KARCEVSKIJ Sergej at 1929. Precisely to say, "Du dualisme asymétrique du signe linguistique", Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Prague 1.

From ambiguity to structure, through what course did you choose?
_I took the road from the minimum unit of meaning that was extracted by WANG Guowei's GUANTANG JILIN, the book was real youth of my life, for which I named <meaning minimum> by reference of JAKOBSON Roman's concept <semantic minimum>. I dearly remember CHINO's warm advice "not to enter such a theme that are firstly treated by WITTGENSTEIN-like person. We are not invited", backing to the railway station from the university, after his lecture on linguistics at early summer twilight. 

<Meaning minimum> is your starting point, I recognized. After that, To where did you go?
_At first, from set theory. I ever learned it mainly from TAKEUCHI Gaishi's papers. Now I yet like his approch to the mathematical object. And I, at that time, also came under the influence of LÉVI-STRAUSS Claude.

That course was productive to you?
_It is a difficult question. For first step of my study, partly yes and mostly no.

Mostly no, for what?
_For me the most important is the relation between <meaning minimum>s. But set theory is not efficient for that direction.

Is relation important?
_Perhaps yes.

_Back to MATHESIUS's <latency> or KARCEVSKIJ's <asymmetric duality>, there exists relationship between one meaning and another meaning. For me, this relationship is not able to be handled by my set theory's level. But set theory is enough charming for its elemental simplicity.

And where did you go to the next?
_Geometry. It is the most natural and fantastic approach by its freely intuitive methods. 

Intuition is surely familiar. But selection is only done by such reason?
_I have not any other choices at considering my mathematical level then.

Geometry was respondent to your hope?
_Yes, absolutely yes. As people say that geometry is a heimat of mathematics, I really think so.

Geometry is more easily way to approach for you?
_Repeatedly say, I have not any choices at that time. Meeting with geometry, I often wrote various figures containing topological ones, for instance at on the train to the town in which mother is under medical care.

Such drawings can express language's validity?
_Much interesting to express but the themes containing validity of language and so forth are very hard to access.

_Relationship among language inside is far away beyond my amateurishly imaginary figures.

And after that?
_I came here, at my present mathematical situation as PENROSE Rogersaid in his book THE ROAD TO REALITY, that mathematics is the most highly investigated way for the study of universe. His confidence to mathematics is put up on my home page of Sekinan Research Field of Language.

Where do you stand now?
_Symplectic geometry.

Why do you stand there?
_Also natural for me. And freely thinkable.

Freely thinkable, what imagine by that?
_Mathematics is radically free. Just like a wind at high lands, far-sighted and transparent.

Mmm. Transparent. 
_Yes,perfectly transparent. In contrast with language. Language is always having ambiguity.

Ambiguous language and transparent mathematics.
_That's all.

Many thanks today.
_It's my pleasure. 

12 March 2009
14 December 2015 Revised

Sekinan Research Field of Language

[References added, 12 January 2016]

  1. Symplectic Language Theory
  2. Prague in 1920s, The Linguistic Circle of Prague and Sergej Karcevskij's paper "Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique"
  3. Half farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague

Geometrization Language Specialised site of Sekinan Library

Geometrization Language
Specialised site of Sekinan Library


Sekinan Library was founded in 1986, where Oriental language has been researched. 

SRFL is the abbreviation of Sekinan Research Field of Language, which was founded in 2003 and has succeeded sekinan Library's research work mainly focused on language unniversals.  

SRFL has aimed to make a new model being considered since August 2015, assisted by the great work of Grisha Perelman. 

Model's name is Geometrization Language, that will contain energy and distance, both are quite fantastic themes for me for long time. 

1 February 2016. 

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Road to Language Universals

Road to Language Universals

Sekinan Research Field of Language was established in 2003 for the study on language universals, that was the core theme since my youth time some 40 years ago in the 1970s. But real start was much later in the late 1980s.

In 1986 I established the Sekinan Library for the base of study at Tachikawa, Tokyo. At that time my main theme was declined to the study of old Chinese character's classical semantics using the traditional study of the form of characters reading Qing Dynasty's WANG Guowei. The study from the direction had not given me so rich results. I at the same time read some mathematical books influenced from Bourbaki that was the big stream in 1970s in Japan. Set theory represented by Gödel was also the favourite at the time.

In 1990s I determined the direction of study only to language universals taught from CHINO Eiichi, one of the modern typical philologists of Japan. He taught me almost all the aspects of European philology that were unknown for me. In the various themes he gave me, the most impressive was the existence of the Linguistic Circle of Prague. Above all Sergej Karcevskij was overwhelmingly deep and moving. But Karcevskij's  approach was seemed to be intuitive and far from clear descriptiveness.

I began to learn the theme hinted by Karcevskij while learning Gödel, Bourbaki and Wittgenstein that was also gave me the big influence form the age 20s. I had frequently read Wittgenstein's TRACTATUS. But my base of math was so poor and never became the descriptive use for language's delicate phases. So I again restarted math from geometry that gave the most familiar and clear image for me. My intuitive image and basic math description were seemed to be able offer in nearly millennium days.

In spring 2003 I knew the application paper for the international symposium held  by a certain institute. I arranged the short paper for it till early summer and sent it. The paper was happily adopted  as one of the language and literature section of the symposium. The paper's title was Quantum Theory for Language. It was again arranged next year 2004 as the title Quantum Theory for Language synopsis.

The establish date of Sekinan Research Field of Language  was 23 August 2003, that was the date of completion of proto-conceptive paper of Quantum Theory for Language at the hutte in Hakuba, Nagano. Now the time passed rapidly 10 years. The home site, sekinan, has become full by the papers accumulation. So the new site has become indispensable.

31 December 2012
Sekinan Research Field of Language

New Site for Sekinan Research Field of Language
Sekinan Study
14 July 2015 Added

Read more:

Sunday, 29 October 2017



Old Title
Charles Bally


Charles Bally is a successor of Ferdinand de Saussure together with Sergej Karcevskij.
He wrote LINGUISTIQUE GENERALE ET LINGUISTIQUE FRANCAISE 1932-1963 that is a clear basis for my language study.


Follower of Sergej Karcevskij

Follower of Sergej Karcevskij

Sergej Karcevskij succeeded Ferdinand de Saussure 
1 and now I followed Sergej Karcevskij 2.

  1. Sergej Karcevskij succeeded Ferdinand de Saussure - Charles Bally
  2. I followed Sergej Karcevskij- Linguistic Circle of Prague
9 November 2012
Sekinan Research Field of Language
Autumn rose
Jindai Botanical Gardens
Chofu, Tokyo

Gift from Sergej Karcevskij

Gift from Sergej Karcevskij

Is language variable? If so, where is substance of variability?
Variability occurs in substance.
What is not substance is untrue in variability.
Where is substance of language?
Letters are substance. Pronunciations are substance. Meanings are substance?
Meanings occurs in inner human being.
The sun rises in the east. It is true. The sun also rises. It is true in Hemingway.
Meaning is variable.
At where occurs variability of meaning?
If variability of meaning is true, substance in which variability occurs must be shown in front of us.

October 23, 2005
Sekinan Research Field of Language

Postscript [References January 1, 2008]
Substantiality / Tokyo February 27, 2005
Substantiality of Language / Tokyo February 21, 2006

Geometrization Language

Geometrization Language

SRFL has aimed to study on language universals making a new model considered since August 2015, assisted by the great work of Grisha Perelman. 
Model's name is Geometrization Language, that will contain energy and distance, both are quite fantastic themes for me for long time. 
1 February 2016.

Read more:

Ideogram, 21 Century's pivot theme

29/10/2017 17:36
Ideogram, 21 Century's pivot theme
Cherry blossom season came again everywhere in Tokyo.
We went to several famous cherry spots to enjoy fantastic season now being over severe winter. Everyone knew that we again come back safely and happily to this season.
I am now suffering slight heart disease from this winter. So I desire that warm and blight spring come fast.
From the winter's end, I have written an essay titled The Days of Ideogramwhich is one of the most intersting themes in my research life. On 20 April I wrote over the essay and cherry season in this spring has gone waiting the next spring.

29 October 2017
Reprinted from SRFL Data's Blog

Read more:

Saturday, 28 October 2017



  1. Author:
      TANAKA Akio
  1. Born:
      1947 in Tokyo
  1. Foundation:
      1986 at Tachikawa, Tokyo
           as Sekinan Library
        vide: Tachikawa, Youth Days
                 Road to Language Universals
      2003 at Hakuba, Nagano
            as SRFL Sekinan Research Field of Language
        vide: Road to Language Universals                 
  1. Source of Sekinan:
      Sekinan means shrub, rhododendron in Japanese. 
  1. Teacher:
      CHINO Eiichi
          vide: Coffee shop named California
                    Under the Dim Light
                    CHINO Eiichi and Golden Prague

  1. Inherited thinking:
      The Linguistic Circle of Prague in 1920s
          vide: Linguistic Circle of Prague
                   Prague in 1920s, The Linguistic Circle of Prague and Sergej Karcevskij's paper "Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique"

7 April 2015
Sekinan Study    

Read more:



SRFL Data is a portal site of Sekinan Library.

Main essays and papers data are shown in this site, which are written between 2003 and 2017.

Sekinan Library was founded in 1986, where Oriental language has been researched.

SRFL is the abbreviation of Sekinan Research Field of Language, which was founded in 2003 and has succeeded sekinan Library's research work mainly focused on language universals.  

Tokyo22 April 2017​Sekinan Library

Friday, 27 October 2017

1970s' dream, writing clear description on language universals by mathematics

1970s' Dream

1970s' dream, writing clear description on language universals by mathematics

The Days of Ideogram
​​​4. Time property in characters

In Autumn 2002 I got pneumonia and was hospitalized about 2 weeks, where I thought of 1970s' dream, writing clear description on language universals by mathematics. The theme was as hard as ever. So, at the bed I thought the basis of language from a side of Chinese character's classical approach which had vast heritage till Qing dynasty. 
I directed my attention to the character's figure which had compound meanings containing time elements continuing from Yin dynasty's hieroglyphic characters left on bones and tortoise carapaces some 2400 years ago. 
I thought that Chinese characters had containing time and its structure could be written by geometric approach once I had abandoned for difficulty. After leaving hospital, I wrote a paper titled On Time Property Inherent in Characters*3-1.   

27 October 2017 Reprinted

Language will become one of the most important target of mathematics for us all

Language will become one of the most important target of mathematics for us all

08/02/2016 20:28

Monday, 8 February 2016

Language will become one of the most important target of mathematics for us all

In the 21st century, language will definitely become one of the most important theme and target of mathematics for us all.The main reasons are the following.

  1. Language is the most convenient tool for human being.
  2. Language has the vast variations in natural language and technical language. 
  3. Natural language has speech language, written language and their recorded language, for example books, records, CD and so on.
  4. Technical language has many computer languages and their related devices.
  5. At natural language, there exists many meanings not to confirm clear definitions, for example finite,infinite, discrete, continuity, universal and super. 
  6. Technical language has naturally defines the meanings by its discrete arithmetical basic using of discreteness.
  7. Mathematics is probably belonged to natural language, that uses speech and written language by usual conversations and papers or books. 
  8. But mathematics can clearly define the meaning through a few axioms and derived theorems. for example boundary, continuity, distance, finite, infinite and space.
  9. Mathematics has many strong tools for description, for example mapping, projection and identification.
  10. Mathematics has solid structure through long historical verifications from ancient Greece.
8 February 2016

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Thursday, 26 October 2017

Geometrization Language

Geometrization Language

SRFL has aimed to study on language universals making a new model considered since August 2015, assisted by the great work of Grisha Perelman. 
Model's name is Geometrization Language, that will contain energy and distance, both are quite fantastic themes for me for long time. 
1 February 2016.