For language study, its theoretical description is a very important role for understandability and clarity of the paper. Till my age 30s , I had never been satisfied with my way to study and write. Philosophical and philological methods have been felt somewhere ambiguous and unreliable to proceed sensitive research of language.
My great turn occurred at the relearning of mathematics, especially geometrical algebra. In the past 1970s, I was also one of the many influenced students from Bourbaki, that was the brightest star in the universe of minute and rigorous road to the destination. But my poor way was always unevenness and wide deep fog was surrounded in the vast field in front of mine. What at last I arrived at the gate of confirmed style was the beginning of the 21st century. At that time I wrote several trial papers related with language universals but still never had been satisfied for their ambiguity and intensive styles. My next crux came at my study of new wave of algebraic geometry, complex manifold deformation at 2008. Its result became some papers named Complex Manifold Deformation Theory. This was the very fresh and clear way to study language for me.
Conjecture A
1. Distance of Word
2. Reflection of Word
3. Uniqueness of Word
4. Amplitude of Meaning Minimum
5. Time of Word
6. Orbit of Word
Conjecture B
1. Map between Words
2. Understandability of Language
15 August 2013
Sekinan Research Field of Language
Google tag
Friday, 31 May 2019
At least three elements for language universals
At least three elements for language universals
Supposition 1:
Three elements for language universals
For language universals, now I suppose at least three elements being based from mathematical description.
Three elements for language universals are energy, dimension and distance.
The most fundamental element is energy. By this energy, all the movements and changes occur in language.
All the languages are located at a certain dimension in space. By this dimension, confusions in language are averted.
In language, all the movements and changes inevitably make distance occurred. By this distance, important phases of language are clearly defined.
Supposition 2:
Mathematical description for three elements of language universals
Energy, dimension and distance can be describe by mathematical writing.
Energy in language is now preparatory description til now.
For dimension, definite results are presented being aided by arithmetic geometry.
For distance, its vast and vagueness of the concept can not be grasped up. But related papers of mine are probably the most in number.
This paper is not finished.
27 February 2015
Supposition 1:
Three elements for language universals
For language universals, now I suppose at least three elements being based from mathematical description.
Three elements for language universals are energy, dimension and distance.
The most fundamental element is energy. By this energy, all the movements and changes occur in language.
All the languages are located at a certain dimension in space. By this dimension, confusions in language are averted.
In language, all the movements and changes inevitably make distance occurred. By this distance, important phases of language are clearly defined.
Supposition 2:
Mathematical description for three elements of language universals
Energy, dimension and distance can be describe by mathematical writing.
Energy in language is now preparatory description til now.
- Energy of Language / Stochastic Meaning Theory
- Energy and Distance / Energy Distance Theory
- Energy and Functional / Energy Distance Theory
- Potential of Language / Floer Homology Language
For dimension, definite results are presented being aided by arithmetic geometry.
For distance, its vast and vagueness of the concept can not be grasped up. But related papers of mine are probably the most in number.
- Distance / Direct Succession of Distance Theory / Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented
- Distance of Word / Complex Manifold Deformation Theory
This paper is not finished.
27 February 2015
Language, Amalgamation of Mathematics and Physics
Language, Amalgamation
of Mathematics and Physics
Language will become the urgent agenda of this century. Language will be recognised as the amalgamation of mathematics and physics. Because language is mathematically designed physical transmission system in human being. This transmission is finite and compact within a human body but infinite and eternal connected with the outer worlds in the universe.
15 April 2014
Sekinan Research Field of Language
of Mathematics and Physics
Language will become the urgent agenda of this century. Language will be recognised as the amalgamation of mathematics and physics. Because language is mathematically designed physical transmission system in human being. This transmission is finite and compact within a human body but infinite and eternal connected with the outer worlds in the universe.
- Relation between mathematics and physics Operad Meaning Theory. From Cell to Operad. 24 March 2013. ifbetruezoho
- finite and compact Simplicial Space language. Composition of Word. 20 January 2013. ifbetruezoho
- Infinite and eternal Infinite Loop Space language. Word as Infinite Loop Space. 6 December 2012. sekinanmodel
15 April 2014
Sekinan Research Field of Language
Fortuitous Meeting What CHINO Eiichi Taught Me in the Class of Linguistics
Fortuitous Meeting
What CHINO Eiichi Taught Me in the Class of Linguistics
CHINO taught me the core of linguistics in the class of structural linguistics.
The most remarkable was what he explained the paper of KARCEVSKIJ to me.
The title is “Du dualisme asymétrique du signe linguistique”. CHINO's saying has become a miraculous pole-star of my life.
Now I summarize the essence of the paper by the writing of CHINO’s most major book, Gengogaku eno hirakareta tobira, Janua linguarum reserata in Latin. Language has the dualism.
One is firm structure. The other is flexible variability.
This is a very revelation in the roaming of study.
At first I selected the firmness of language for my research target.
It overlapped with the research of Chinese characters.
Thought of KARCEVSKIJ fructified the quantum of language.
The theory I reached is Quantum Theory for Language.
The starting point of the theory was given from CHINO.
I deeply appreciate him for teaching me almost all the things on language.
CHINO Eiichi died March 19, 2002.
At age 70.
December 5, 2004
July 16, 2014 Added
June 9, 2015 Revised
Sekinan Research Field of Language
What CHINO Eiichi Taught Me in the Class of Linguistics
CHINO taught me the core of linguistics in the class of structural linguistics.
The most remarkable was what he explained the paper of KARCEVSKIJ to me.
The title is “Du dualisme asymétrique du signe linguistique”. CHINO's saying has become a miraculous pole-star of my life.
Now I summarize the essence of the paper by the writing of CHINO’s most major book, Gengogaku eno hirakareta tobira, Janua linguarum reserata in Latin. Language has the dualism.
One is firm structure. The other is flexible variability.
This is a very revelation in the roaming of study.
At first I selected the firmness of language for my research target.
It overlapped with the research of Chinese characters.
Thought of KARCEVSKIJ fructified the quantum of language.
The theory I reached is Quantum Theory for Language.
The starting point of the theory was given from CHINO.
I deeply appreciate him for teaching me almost all the things on language.
CHINO Eiichi died March 19, 2002.
At age 70.
December 5, 2004
July 16, 2014 Added
June 9, 2015 Revised
Sekinan Research Field of Language
ONO Shinobu and Bernhard Karlgren
ONO Shinobu and Bernhard Karlgren
In December 1979, I submitted the post-graduate thesis on Japanese Buddhist priest Kukai (774-835)'s maiden work Sangoshiiki that comparatively considered the three regions, Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. Probably in January 1980, I met with Prof. ONO Shinobuat the corridor of university. He said to me that he read my thesis and my thinking method using at the thesis was resembled in the method of Bernhard Karlgren at his paper "The Authenticity and nature of the Tso Chuan" 1926. He succesively talkedto me, "TANAKA, did you read the paper?" I promptly answered " Professor, No."
My thesis was presented the other prof. who specialist of the old Buddhism in Japan and probably he sent my thesis to his dear fried ONO. My approach was the study on the appearance frequency distribution of all the expletives appeared in the text.
I knew this famous Sweden sinologist's name earlier and already bought one of his important work Grammata Setica Recensa, 1957 in the early 1970s at Kaifu Shoten Book shop in Kanda, Tokyo. But the paper shown by ONO was perfectly unknown at that time. ONO invite me to his study room and handed me the book Saden Shingi Ko" that was the translation of Karlgren's paper by ONO and published in 1939 from Bunkyudo Shoten Book shop at Hongo, Tokyo, which was one of the leading publisher in the field of Chinese classics in 1930s.
ONO was one of the scholar on Chinese literature from Yuan dynasty to the modern China and the member of Chugoku Bungaku Dokokai, Chinese Literature Society in Japan that led the study of modern Chinese literature in Japan from 1940s. with his colleagues TAKEUCHI Yoshimi, TAKEDA Taijun and the like. In 1980s he had engaged in the translation of long novel, The Journey to the West in the Ming dynasty all the time of his non-university's work.
Going back to the past, I received ONO's lecture " Chinese literature and Modern Japan" at his study room or dean room, who was the dean of the faculty for humanities department. In my memory he lectured precisely to Japanese novelist ODA Takeo, now not famous recently.
Karlgren's book was difficult for my talent at that time but somehow read over and gave back to ONO deeply appreciating his kindness. And some years later in Kanda, Tokyo, I found this Karlgren's book and bought. The book shop's name is Yamamoto Shoten, one of the long established Chinese classic book shop in Kanda. The date is 2 November 1982 by the receipt put in the book.
One day probably in spring 1980, on the train on the way home, I met ONO and told him on his the new lecture on Yuanqu, Yuan dynasty's poems that was frequently said very difficult for modern readers.
I said to him, "Wonderful lecture for excellent undergraduates." He returned definitely," Very important to study such a hard work for me still now."
ONO Shino died suddenly by disease in 18 December 1980, age 74. The conversation at the train was the last hearing of this profound scholar.
3 March 2015
Sekinan Library
In December 1979, I submitted the post-graduate thesis on Japanese Buddhist priest Kukai (774-835)'s maiden work Sangoshiiki that comparatively considered the three regions, Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. Probably in January 1980, I met with Prof. ONO Shinobuat the corridor of university. He said to me that he read my thesis and my thinking method using at the thesis was resembled in the method of Bernhard Karlgren at his paper "The Authenticity and nature of the Tso Chuan" 1926. He succesively talkedto me, "TANAKA, did you read the paper?" I promptly answered " Professor, No."
My thesis was presented the other prof. who specialist of the old Buddhism in Japan and probably he sent my thesis to his dear fried ONO. My approach was the study on the appearance frequency distribution of all the expletives appeared in the text.
I knew this famous Sweden sinologist's name earlier and already bought one of his important work Grammata Setica Recensa, 1957 in the early 1970s at Kaifu Shoten Book shop in Kanda, Tokyo. But the paper shown by ONO was perfectly unknown at that time. ONO invite me to his study room and handed me the book Saden Shingi Ko" that was the translation of Karlgren's paper by ONO and published in 1939 from Bunkyudo Shoten Book shop at Hongo, Tokyo, which was one of the leading publisher in the field of Chinese classics in 1930s.
ONO was one of the scholar on Chinese literature from Yuan dynasty to the modern China and the member of Chugoku Bungaku Dokokai, Chinese Literature Society in Japan that led the study of modern Chinese literature in Japan from 1940s. with his colleagues TAKEUCHI Yoshimi, TAKEDA Taijun and the like. In 1980s he had engaged in the translation of long novel, The Journey to the West in the Ming dynasty all the time of his non-university's work.
Going back to the past, I received ONO's lecture " Chinese literature and Modern Japan" at his study room or dean room, who was the dean of the faculty for humanities department. In my memory he lectured precisely to Japanese novelist ODA Takeo, now not famous recently.
Karlgren's book was difficult for my talent at that time but somehow read over and gave back to ONO deeply appreciating his kindness. And some years later in Kanda, Tokyo, I found this Karlgren's book and bought. The book shop's name is Yamamoto Shoten, one of the long established Chinese classic book shop in Kanda. The date is 2 November 1982 by the receipt put in the book.
One day probably in spring 1980, on the train on the way home, I met ONO and told him on his the new lecture on Yuanqu, Yuan dynasty's poems that was frequently said very difficult for modern readers.
I said to him, "Wonderful lecture for excellent undergraduates." He returned definitely," Very important to study such a hard work for me still now."
ONO Shino died suddenly by disease in 18 December 1980, age 74. The conversation at the train was the last hearing of this profound scholar.
3 March 2015
Sekinan Library
Macro Time and Micro Time
Macro Time and Micro Time
24 July 2013
Through natural language, in human being, occurred the electrical signal by eye or ear. These complex situations are beyond this paper’s limits.
Language is a physical object as signal and its transmission. At this circumstances, language must be recognised to be the existence that has finite time.
An apple on the desk gradually becomes rotten by passing the time very after the crop in the orchard. #0
Like an apple, language has passing physical time in oneself.
Language is metamorphosed by the time progressing. #1
Language includes the outer world from human being to universe. At this declaration, I recall Blaise Pascal’s Pensées. XXXIII. PROOFS OF JESUS CHRIST 308 The infinite distance between body and mind symbolizes the infinitely more infinite distance between mind and charity, for charity is supernatural. (Translated by A.J. Krailsheimer, 1966) #2
Language’s time goes freely from the present to the future or the present to the past. #3
Language symbolises the time from finiteness to infinity. #4
Human being recognises this vast language world perfectly. #5
For WITTGENSTEIN Ludwig Position of Language / December 10, 2005 – August 3, 2012 / Sekinan Research Field of Language
Time of Word / Complex Manifold Deformation Theory / January 1, 2009 / sekinanlogos
PASCAL PENSÉES. Translated with an introduction by A.J. Krailsheimer. PENGUIN BOOKS 1966.
Escalator language and Time For SHINRAN’s Idea and BOHDISATTVA / Escalator Language Theory / December 16, 2006 / Sekinan Research Field of Language
From Finiteness to Infinity on Language / Topological Group Theory / February 1, 2009 / sekinanlogos
Understandability of Language / Complex Manifold Deformation Theory /January 9, 2009 / sekinanlogos
24 July 2013
Through natural language, in human being, occurred the electrical signal by eye or ear. These complex situations are beyond this paper’s limits.
Language is a physical object as signal and its transmission. At this circumstances, language must be recognised to be the existence that has finite time.
An apple on the desk gradually becomes rotten by passing the time very after the crop in the orchard. #0
Like an apple, language has passing physical time in oneself.
Language is metamorphosed by the time progressing. #1
Language includes the outer world from human being to universe. At this declaration, I recall Blaise Pascal’s Pensées. XXXIII. PROOFS OF JESUS CHRIST 308 The infinite distance between body and mind symbolizes the infinitely more infinite distance between mind and charity, for charity is supernatural. (Translated by A.J. Krailsheimer, 1966) #2
Language’s time goes freely from the present to the future or the present to the past. #3
Language symbolises the time from finiteness to infinity. #4
Human being recognises this vast language world perfectly. #5
For WITTGENSTEIN Ludwig Position of Language / December 10, 2005 – August 3, 2012 / Sekinan Research Field of Language
Time of Word / Complex Manifold Deformation Theory / January 1, 2009 / sekinanlogos
PASCAL PENSÉES. Translated with an introduction by A.J. Krailsheimer. PENGUIN BOOKS 1966.
Escalator language and Time For SHINRAN’s Idea and BOHDISATTVA / Escalator Language Theory / December 16, 2006 / Sekinan Research Field of Language
From Finiteness to Infinity on Language / Topological Group Theory / February 1, 2009 / sekinanlogos
Understandability of Language / Complex Manifold Deformation Theory /January 9, 2009 / sekinanlogos
- Source:
- To be continued.
The Complete Works of TANIYAMA Yutaka, Revised Edition, 1994
The Complete Works of TANIYAMA Yutaka, Revised Edition, 1994
The Complete Works of TANIYAMA Yutaka, Revised Edition, 1994 always shows me the youth of the post-war mathematics in Japan. At the same time It gave me the feeling of strong longing.
When A. Wiles and R. Taylor finally solved the Fermat's Last Theorem in 1994, TANIYAMA-SHIMURA Conjecture became famous overnight in Japan too. After the situation was settled a matter, I saw the feature articles on TANIYAMA in the journal, Mathematics Seminar at the bookstore nearby of my home.
My first impression was a longing desire to his high achievement to mathematics or studies in history. At those days I was at the midst of age 40s and did not accomplish anything on my field of language. Of course I did not desire any fame or special situation. I only hope from the bottom of my heart to propose the results that let assent to myself.
Nearly 20 years passed away since those days. Now there is any enviable thing to TANIYAMA or his colleague. Because I also discovered my aim and approach on my theme. It is absolutely same that I have not proposed anything to the learning. I only have the probably same aim that many surpassed people had or have. Merely I have not any genius to learning.
My true tiny happiness is what I am still learning on my objects every day. It is only one that is language forever.
11 November 2012
Sekinan Research Field of Language
The Complete Works of TANIYAMA Yutaka, Revised Edition, 1994 always shows me the youth of the post-war mathematics in Japan. At the same time It gave me the feeling of strong longing.
When A. Wiles and R. Taylor finally solved the Fermat's Last Theorem in 1994, TANIYAMA-SHIMURA Conjecture became famous overnight in Japan too. After the situation was settled a matter, I saw the feature articles on TANIYAMA in the journal, Mathematics Seminar at the bookstore nearby of my home.
My first impression was a longing desire to his high achievement to mathematics or studies in history. At those days I was at the midst of age 40s and did not accomplish anything on my field of language. Of course I did not desire any fame or special situation. I only hope from the bottom of my heart to propose the results that let assent to myself.
Nearly 20 years passed away since those days. Now there is any enviable thing to TANIYAMA or his colleague. Because I also discovered my aim and approach on my theme. It is absolutely same that I have not proposed anything to the learning. I only have the probably same aim that many surpassed people had or have. Merely I have not any genius to learning.
My true tiny happiness is what I am still learning on my objects every day. It is only one that is language forever.
11 November 2012
Sekinan Research Field of Language
The Time of Wittgenstein 2012
The Time of Wittgenstein
There surely exists the time of Wittgenstein for me.
That time about in my age 30s, in the middle of 1970s.
One may aware of the kernel of the problem after almost all the hardships were gone and the problem is going under pursuing in the daily work for oneself, as Wittgenstein wrote at 6.521 in TRACTATUS LOGICO-PHILOSOPHICUS.
Wittgenstein wrote on language immanently at least in TRACTATUS.
He also said in TRACTATUS 6.432 that how world exists does not care from the higher dimensions.
I also wanted to write on language from the immanent side in language.
But I had not any pursuing method for writing on language at that time, only remaining set theory typically presented by Bourbaki that some translations were surely on my desk.
Set theory was enough fascinating at the time, but it did not give me any relative and constructive situations on language or widely on the world. It was isolated and non-relative for writing on language. I wanted the bond of the world.
Now I have geometry for which the world can be bonded enough tightly. In 1970s I was never aware of the existence of geometry by myself, probably not being influenced from Wittgenstein's 6.35 in TRACTATUS, Geometry absolutely tell nothing on how the figure is and where the figure situated.
So I had remain silently in the days not being able to write on the theme, the basic essence of language. Then I never knew the object on language, language universals that was taught from CHINO Eiichi later in 1980s. CHINO showed me the paper of Sergej Karcevskij, Du dualisme asymétrique du singe linguistique. The theme determined my remain life hereafter. CHINO was the true teacher of my study.
Wittgenstein wrote at the last 6.54 of TRACTATUS that his some propositions must be abandoned. I began to go through the wood of hard theme of language universals by mathematics especially using geometry. About what can be told to, I never must be silent.
Citation from Ludwig Wittgenstein
January 20, 2012
Sekinan Research Field of Language
There surely exists the time of Wittgenstein for me.
That time about in my age 30s, in the middle of 1970s.
One may aware of the kernel of the problem after almost all the hardships were gone and the problem is going under pursuing in the daily work for oneself, as Wittgenstein wrote at 6.521 in TRACTATUS LOGICO-PHILOSOPHICUS.
Wittgenstein wrote on language immanently at least in TRACTATUS.
He also said in TRACTATUS 6.432 that how world exists does not care from the higher dimensions.
I also wanted to write on language from the immanent side in language.
But I had not any pursuing method for writing on language at that time, only remaining set theory typically presented by Bourbaki that some translations were surely on my desk.
Set theory was enough fascinating at the time, but it did not give me any relative and constructive situations on language or widely on the world. It was isolated and non-relative for writing on language. I wanted the bond of the world.
Now I have geometry for which the world can be bonded enough tightly. In 1970s I was never aware of the existence of geometry by myself, probably not being influenced from Wittgenstein's 6.35 in TRACTATUS, Geometry absolutely tell nothing on how the figure is and where the figure situated.
So I had remain silently in the days not being able to write on the theme, the basic essence of language. Then I never knew the object on language, language universals that was taught from CHINO Eiichi later in 1980s. CHINO showed me the paper of Sergej Karcevskij, Du dualisme asymétrique du singe linguistique. The theme determined my remain life hereafter. CHINO was the true teacher of my study.
Wittgenstein wrote at the last 6.54 of TRACTATUS that his some propositions must be abandoned. I began to go through the wood of hard theme of language universals by mathematics especially using geometry. About what can be told to, I never must be silent.
Citation from Ludwig Wittgenstein
January 20, 2012
Sekinan Research Field of Language
The First Paper on Inherent Time in Word 2014
The First Paper on Inherent Time in Word
26/07/2014 10:18
In 2003 I wrote a paper which shows the inherent time in word, titled On Time Property Inherent in Characters.
In those days I frequently looked upon the reading on linguistic history of Chinese characters. Qing dynasty is like a sitting sun being lighted with classical study of Chinese Classics.
In October 2002, I contracted pneumonia and entered a hospital two weeks. At the hospital pneumonia smoothly recovered to usual health. So I thought on my study life and my main target of language at the free time. From the hospital's window the Okutama Mountains were always clearly seen. Seeing the mountains, I gradually determined that the research must be led by clear description, not by traditional style of historical language study.
But my study was mainly put on WANG Guowei's style until then. His life work, Quangtangjilin is the only book in my life. Then at the hospital bed, I confirmed that my study was mixed to clear description and traditional WANG's work.
In March 2003, I stayed at Hakuba, Nagano for tasting the passing wintry season’s landscape. At the place, I suddenly floating up an idea of language study that word has time in it and that time and meaning are all shaped to be elements. At the result I finished the paper, On Time Property Inherent in Characters.
Short History of SRFL
On Time Property Inherent in Characters / 28 March 2003
Read more:
24 July 2014
Sekinan Research Field of Language
Roman Jakobson References added 2012-2016
Roman Jakobson References added
Roman Jakobson References added
THE SOUND SHAPE OF LANGUAGE by Roman Jakobson & Linda Waugh, 1979 is one of put-aside-desk book for the study. The authors wrote the Preface to The Japanese Edition, 1980 that the primary concern was the basic opposition between form and meaning, furthermore there were definite difference and intimate bonding between these two essential phenomena.
For turning to myself, I had already determined the main target on meaning, and sound had been put aside, while Jakobson's book was still referred time to time. It was a great teacher for me, and probably from now on.
- Cell Theory Continuation of Quantum Theory for Language / From Cell to Manifold For LEIBNIZ and JAKOBSON / Tokyo June 2, 2007
- Meaning minimum / On Roman Jakobson, Sergej Karcevskij and CHINO Eiichi
16 July 2012
Sekinan Research Field of Language
3 December 2014 Revised
Reference added
5 March 2016
SRFL Paper
Winding road to physics, Revised version 2015-2016
Winding road to physics, Revised version
When I was a student of high school, I hoped to learn physics at university. But from various reasons in fact I learnt language at university, on the other still longing for physics. After graduation I once worked as a high school teacher and eight years passing I returned to university for investigating language study further more. On the way I again met CHINO Eiichi in 1979, from whom I ever learnt Russian in 1969. By his teaching I could have the distinct aim for my study, that was to make clear description to others, not using philosophical terms, but taking mathematical method being also assisted with physical thinking or approach. Mathematics was always set in my mind long before but my talent was not overtaken to its hardness. But aiming clear description I began to learn again or thrice to make a new stage where I had decided to come back someday. It was the very starting point of youth being strongly attracted by physics.
Fore more details refer to the next.
1. Remembrance
2. Physics
16 January 2015
8 February 2016
SRFL Collection
When I was a student of high school, I hoped to learn physics at university. But from various reasons in fact I learnt language at university, on the other still longing for physics. After graduation I once worked as a high school teacher and eight years passing I returned to university for investigating language study further more. On the way I again met CHINO Eiichi in 1979, from whom I ever learnt Russian in 1969. By his teaching I could have the distinct aim for my study, that was to make clear description to others, not using philosophical terms, but taking mathematical method being also assisted with physical thinking or approach. Mathematics was always set in my mind long before but my talent was not overtaken to its hardness. But aiming clear description I began to learn again or thrice to make a new stage where I had decided to come back someday. It was the very starting point of youth being strongly attracted by physics.
Fore more details refer to the next.
1. Remembrance
2. Physics
- To my dear friend KANEKO Yutaka / 22 May 2013
- Half farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague / 23 October 2013
- Perhaps Return to Physics /16 August 2014
- Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented / Brane Simplified Model / Bend /17 October 2007
- Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented / Brane Simplified Model / Distance / 26 October 2007
- Substantiality Dedicated to SAPIR Edward / 27 February 2005
- Language, Amalgamation of Mathematics and Physics / 15 April 2014
- The Complete Works of TANIYAMA Yutaka,1994 / 11 November 2012
- A Group of Mathematicians.1970 / 13 January 2013
- Description / 15 August 2013
16 January 2015
8 February 2016
SRFL Collection
Papers on language dimension In chronological order 2015
Papers on language dimension
In chronological order
9 May 2015
Sekinan Library
In chronological order
- Construction of Spacetime
Especially on Transformation with Boundary for Dimensions / 24 April 2007 - From Cut and Glue Dimension to Krull Dimension 8th for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej / 26 September 2007
- Moser's Theorem / 10 January 2009
- Lang Model / 17 June 2012
- Dimension of Words / 30 January 2012
- Word as Infinite Loop Space / 6 December 2012
- Dimension of Word / 24 December 2012
- Dimension of Language / 4 September 2013
- Birth of Word, Synthesis of Meaning and Dimension of New Word / 8 September 2013
- Dimension Conjecture for Synthesis of Meaning / 9 September 2013
- Dimension Decrease Conjecture / 1 May 2014
9 May 2015
Sekinan Library
The Days of Distance 2012-2016
The Days of Distance
From Distance to Pseudo-Kobayashi-Distance
In 2004 I wrote the paper titled "Distance Theory". The paper handled the structure of sentence, using the classic written Chinese for its simplicity of form that has not any transformation at word. In Chinese, word namely character does not change anymore. Nevertheless grammatical functions strictly exist by its sequence of characters. I had been very interesting the style of language that never appears in the European languages. But the study for it was too hard to pursue at my age 20s and 30s by my talent.
In 1979, I met CHINO Eiichi again at the university to where I returned from the work of teaching at senior high school. He taught me the importance of the Linguistic Circle of Prague. We talked with many problems of language study at the campus or coffee shop near the station we usually got on and off. The shop were old and steps were always sounded rattling. The light of the shop were dim and yellowed with age. We were both young, he was late 40s and I was early 30s.
Before these days we already met at the Russian class. The time was 1969, he taught us the language in the tiny classroom. Then he was just after coming back from the long study at Czechoslovakia.
From 1979, he had actively introduced the Linguistic Circle of Prague while studying his own subjects. It was a really happy time for me. He told us at the class of linguistics and told me more frankly at the coffee shop on the various themes related with language. Prague was always at the centre in the conversation.I gradually went on to the narrow theme concerned with language universals. What decisively entered to my mind was Sergej Karcevskij.
If there only be Saussure, I could not determined so smoothly.In my age 30s, 1980s, I had been wandering to and fro at Kanda, the central part Tokyo, where I encountered many Chinese classics at the Chinese book shops. From my familiar language I wanted to research the study on the subject. But there were no clear road to going ahead. I had hoped concise and clear description on the theme, if I wish, using mathematics.
In 1960s, in my front, Bourbaki emerged the huge target that was built by the vast from-set-theory-to-topology. At the time's going my level was very low and primitive. I was never able to use such a difficult mathematics.
I spent the lag time in 1970s. reading Chinese classic books at random. The main was Qing dynasty's Xiaoxue (Small Study in Chinese) on Chinese characters classical research.
In 1990s, the target of language study decided to language universals, being led by Sergej Karcevskij for that almost all the information were given from CHINO. At that time mathematics were going on and on to the wide and deep fields covering the humanities, e.g. category, sheaf and discreteness.
In March 2003 I stayed some days at Hakuba, Nagano, where I wrote the proto-paper on language model for the first time, titled " On Time Property Inherent in Characters". It treated the unchanging language, Chinese, as the typical one for its simplicity and familiarity in my life. The paper's main theme was time that is hypothetically inherent in each character in Chinese. The basis of the theory was in the study of WANG Guowei's ancient Chinese inscriptions on bone and tortoiseshell.
In order to possess grammar in unchanging language, there should be the another functions to express grammar or near -grammar. I selected inherent time in each character supposedly.
In August 2003, I again stayed at Hakuba, where I wrote "Quantum Theory for Language". It was the enlarged paper of the March's one. There intuitive long-short times were supposed. There was not any description of mathematics. But important points were presented not using mathematics, I thought.
The problem was how precisely writing the theory using mathematics.
In 2004 I wrote " Distance Theory" from the viewpoint of clear concept using distance instead of time that was not able to mention enough descriptively. But the theory was also intuitive and philosophical one. I never satisfied the expression. The theory's essentials were distance and connection, that is to say, words connect according by the distance inherent in words.
Succeeding this theory, I tried to write many fields on language making the efficient models for natural language, namely language universals in my mind, being led by Karcevskij.
Hereafter the main target was the mathematical description for many varieties that were almost intuitively remained or noted. Now I use algebraic or arithmetic one for their strict simplicity and beauty.
Recently I wrote in distance from pseudo-Kobayashi-distance that was very fantastic and widely perspective views for me. The paper's title is 'Connection of Words", that is my long winding road from encountering CHINO and Linguistic Circle of Prague.
Grateful thanks to CHINO Eiichi. You wrote "Linguistics of the 21th Century" in 1998, four years before your death, that there are studies undergoing to be able to understand meaning by combination of several elements. Still now I am your student and probably forever.
Distance of Language, Historical Review
February 5, 2012
February 2015, revised
September 16, 2016, Title. The Days of Distance, added
Sekinan Research Field of Language
The Days of Distance
From Distance to Pseudo-Kobayashi-Distance
In 2004 I wrote the paper titled "Distance Theory". The paper handled the structure of sentence, using the classic written Chinese for its simplicity of form that has not any transformation at word. In Chinese, word namely character does not change anymore. Nevertheless grammatical functions strictly exist by its sequence of characters. I had been very interesting the style of language that never appears in the European languages. But the study for it was too hard to pursue at my age 20s and 30s by my talent.
In 1979, I met CHINO Eiichi again at the university to where I returned from the work of teaching at senior high school. He taught me the importance of the Linguistic Circle of Prague. We talked with many problems of language study at the campus or coffee shop near the station we usually got on and off. The shop were old and steps were always sounded rattling. The light of the shop were dim and yellowed with age. We were both young, he was late 40s and I was early 30s.
Before these days we already met at the Russian class. The time was 1969, he taught us the language in the tiny classroom. Then he was just after coming back from the long study at Czechoslovakia.
From 1979, he had actively introduced the Linguistic Circle of Prague while studying his own subjects. It was a really happy time for me. He told us at the class of linguistics and told me more frankly at the coffee shop on the various themes related with language. Prague was always at the centre in the conversation.I gradually went on to the narrow theme concerned with language universals. What decisively entered to my mind was Sergej Karcevskij.
If there only be Saussure, I could not determined so smoothly.In my age 30s, 1980s, I had been wandering to and fro at Kanda, the central part Tokyo, where I encountered many Chinese classics at the Chinese book shops. From my familiar language I wanted to research the study on the subject. But there were no clear road to going ahead. I had hoped concise and clear description on the theme, if I wish, using mathematics.
In 1960s, in my front, Bourbaki emerged the huge target that was built by the vast from-set-theory-to-topology. At the time's going my level was very low and primitive. I was never able to use such a difficult mathematics.
I spent the lag time in 1970s. reading Chinese classic books at random. The main was Qing dynasty's Xiaoxue (Small Study in Chinese) on Chinese characters classical research.
In 1990s, the target of language study decided to language universals, being led by Sergej Karcevskij for that almost all the information were given from CHINO. At that time mathematics were going on and on to the wide and deep fields covering the humanities, e.g. category, sheaf and discreteness.
In March 2003 I stayed some days at Hakuba, Nagano, where I wrote the proto-paper on language model for the first time, titled " On Time Property Inherent in Characters". It treated the unchanging language, Chinese, as the typical one for its simplicity and familiarity in my life. The paper's main theme was time that is hypothetically inherent in each character in Chinese. The basis of the theory was in the study of WANG Guowei's ancient Chinese inscriptions on bone and tortoiseshell.
In order to possess grammar in unchanging language, there should be the another functions to express grammar or near -grammar. I selected inherent time in each character supposedly.
In August 2003, I again stayed at Hakuba, where I wrote "Quantum Theory for Language". It was the enlarged paper of the March's one. There intuitive long-short times were supposed. There was not any description of mathematics. But important points were presented not using mathematics, I thought.
The problem was how precisely writing the theory using mathematics.
In 2004 I wrote " Distance Theory" from the viewpoint of clear concept using distance instead of time that was not able to mention enough descriptively. But the theory was also intuitive and philosophical one. I never satisfied the expression. The theory's essentials were distance and connection, that is to say, words connect according by the distance inherent in words.
Succeeding this theory, I tried to write many fields on language making the efficient models for natural language, namely language universals in my mind, being led by Karcevskij.
Hereafter the main target was the mathematical description for many varieties that were almost intuitively remained or noted. Now I use algebraic or arithmetic one for their strict simplicity and beauty.
Recently I wrote in distance from pseudo-Kobayashi-distance that was very fantastic and widely perspective views for me. The paper's title is 'Connection of Words", that is my long winding road from encountering CHINO and Linguistic Circle of Prague.
Grateful thanks to CHINO Eiichi. You wrote "Linguistics of the 21th Century" in 1998, four years before your death, that there are studies undergoing to be able to understand meaning by combination of several elements. Still now I am your student and probably forever.
Distance of Language, Historical Review
February 5, 2012
February 2015, revised
September 16, 2016, Title. The Days of Distance, added
Sekinan Research Field of Language
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