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Saturday, 30 April 2022
Sekinan Table: CHEN Donghai, my dearest Chinese language teacher ...
Tuesday, 26 April 2022
Sekinan Data: Genealogical Tree of Sekinan's Paper 7th Edition 2018
Sekinan Data: The 30th Anniversary of Sekinan Library Memorial Essay
Sekinan Data: Methodical Paper
Monday, 25 April 2022
Sekinan Data: Early Paper 2003-2008
QNT News : Quantum-Nerve Theory Abbreviation : QNT
QNT News : SQGL - Sekinan Library's specialised site for Quantum Group for Language - 2018 and 2020
Sekinan Data: Quantum Linguistics 2018
Sekinan Data: Quantum Theory for Language Synopsis 2004, 2008-2009
Sekinan Data: Preface Language between Sergej Karcevskij and string theory, one century's trace The 30th Anniversary of Sekinan Library Memorial Essay
Sunday, 24 April 2022
Sekinan Data: Main Paper 2007-2013
Sekinan Table: What is signal? The existence that generates language / Original Title What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve / 21 November - 23 April 2019
Friday, 22 April 2022
QNT News : My Heimat of Learning, the Linguistic Circle of Prague
Of John Donne's For Whom the Bell Tolls in the film Wim Wenders' Submergence 2017
Of John Donne's For Whom the Bell Tolls in the film Wim Wenders' Submergence 2017
On 5 August 2019, we went to see the film Wim Wenders' Submergence 2017 at kino cinema, Tachikawa. Tokyo.
In the film, the sea and the rocks are frequently appeared as if all were born from those.
At the couple's conversation, John Donne's poem, For Whom the Bell Tolls is quoted.
No man is an ireland,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thine own
Or of thine friend's were.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.
7 August 2019
SRFL Paper
Sekinan Table: NOGUCHI Hiroshi. A Group of Mathematicians. Tokyo. 1970.
Thursday, 21 April 2022
Sekinan Table: Karcevskij conjecture 1928 and Kawamata conjecture 2002
Wednesday, 20 April 2022
Sekinan Data: Operad Meaning Theory From Cell to Operad Revised Edition 2013-2015
Sekinan Table:Connection between early paper's quantum and recent paper's geometry 7th edition 2017
QNT News : Language, Amalgamation of Mathematics and Physics 2013-2014
Sekinan Data: Selected Essay and Paper 2022
Saturday, 16 April 2022
Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented Brane Simplified Model 2 Distance 2007-2014
Sekinan Table: Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented Brane Simplified Model 2 Distance 2007-2014
Sekinan Table: Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented Brane Simplified Model 1 Bend 2007-2014
QNT News : Substantiality Dedicated to SAPIR Edward 2005
Friday, 15 April 2022
Sekinan Data: Sekinan Index Its historical path 2020
Sekinan Data: The Days of von Neumann Algebra 2015
Hurrying up to library Note added 2015- 2016
Hurrying up to library Note added
Hurrying up to libraryTANAKA Akio
When I was a high school student, my dream of near future was to go to library everyday for reading, learning and researching my themes at that time unknown. In the school I liked solving easy questions of mathematics and physics, but those were all rudimentary questions for general students aiming university’s entrance.
I thought that there would be clear themes of my own life somewhere in my learning world, which never came up to the surface. So above all things I wanted to go library to find my themes for my study life, in which I probably would satisfy in my youth time. I dreamed my figure hurrying up to library with carrying books under my arm being bothered nothing perfectly.
At university my dream surely came to true. But a new more difficult problem emerged up in my front. It was a talent or gift for keeping study deeply. I was a common person having nothing peculiar gift. From that time my true long winding road to language study started towards hard field or precipitous mountain.
27 January 2015
[Note added, 20 January 2016]
In June 2016, I become 69 years old, that is the time to remember the life to this day. How has my youth time dream realised? What has I obtained the objects I ever hoped?. Some are realised, some are not. I obtained the real aim to keep studying on. It is in language I ever dreamt. But I have not made enough contribution to the people around me and social itself. I only walked my narrow road for my study, not paid attention to others.
I met many splendid people leading me generally to my study way. I was too happy to my tiny research results ever made. I sincerely thank to all and I truly love this small road. It was a long and winding road as the Beatles sang in my youth time and I feel that I surely got fine strawberry from language field. It is For Ever.
Read more:
QNT News : The days when I was thinking on Energy Distance Theory
Sekinan Table: CHEN Donghai, my dearest Chinese language teacher in 1967-1968
Sekinan Table: KAJIMURA Hideki His Korean Classroom With Note
Sekinan Data: How the language has been sought for ? 1-8. 2019
Tuesday, 12 April 2022
Sekinan Data: Essay
Sekinan Data: 15 Silk Road and 16 Story.2021. Revised 2022. Translated by Google
Monday, 11 April 2022
Person and Days
Dedicated to the days
- On Time Property Inherent in Characters 2003
- Ideogram 2005
- Lineation 2005
- Egyptian Hieroglyph Exhibition, Journey through the Afterlife Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead by The British Museum 2012
- Lang Model 2012
- ONO Shinobu and Bernhard Karlgren 2015
- Essence of Language 2016
- The Days of Decipherment 2016
- The Days of Ideogram 2017
- The Days of Ideogram Note added Edition 2017
- From Chinese character’s meaning structure to Homological algebraic model of language universals 2017
- Time and Shape of Language from How is the time alive in language 2017
- Connection between early paper’s quantum and recent paper’s geometry 7th edition 2017
- Letter to Y. Of the century of language 2018
- Letter to Y. Of Broad Language 4th edition 2018
- Determination of the concept, Broad Language 2018
- Ars longa Seeing Masterpieces of French Landscape Paintings from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow 2018
- Letter to Y. Of Broad Language 4th Text revised edition With Note 2019
The upper Ideogram Paper is now placed at the basis of a new theory titled Quantum-Nerve Theory.
Quantum-Nerve Theory With References 2019
- AMINO Yoshihiko, historian of modern Japan
- At the campus of university
- At the lawn terrace before library
- CHINO Eiichi and Golden Prague
- CHINO Eiichi Fortuitous meeting
- Coffee shop named California
- From Distance to Pseudo-Kobayashi-Distance Dedicated to CHINO Eiichi
- Geometry is the only one expression for me to describe language universals
- containing the time which is one of the important elements of meaning
- Glitter of youth through philosophy and mathematics in 1970s
- Hurrying up to library
- KAJIMURA Hideki His Korean Classroom
- KAWASAKI Tsuneyuki Late spring trip
- Language and I
- Letter to the library Abridged version
- Linguistic Circle of Prague
- NISHI Junzo, Philosopher of Modern Japan
- Intuition and Mathematics
- Natary MURAVIJOVA Russian Language Class
- ONO Shinobu and Bernhard Karlgren
- Papa Wonderful. Professor Momose
- PW. University
- PW. History
- PW. Drizzling Rain
- Rhododendron has come out this year 2017
- Symbolism of Japan, Haiku. I learnt from SAEKI Shoichi
- Under the dim light
11 April 2022
Sekinan Memory
Sekinan Data: Person and Days
Sunday, 10 April 2022
Glitter of youth through philosophy and mathematics in 1970s 2015-2018
Glitter of youth through philosophy and mathematics in 1970s
In 1970s at Tokyo or in age 20s, there surely exists glitter of youth in my life, now I remember.
In those days, in Japan many fabulous magazines were successively published. Episteme,Toshi(City)、Chugoku(China) and the likes. Especially I loved reading Episteme which had printed many philosophical or philological articles as the form of special issues concentrated important philosopher, thinker and writer. The chief editor of Episteme was NAKANO Mikitaka(1943-2007), probably one of the best editors in the latter half of the 20th century in Japan. The most impressive number was Ludwig Wittgenstein(1889-1951), probably in 1977. Also influenced from the issue of Kurt Gödel(1906-1978)who gave me the possibility of set theory and its application.
In my life, Wittgenstein gave the big influence for thinking and writing style, never entering or approaching his essential philosophical themes.After millennium year when I started the regular writing on language universals, my writing style was at first rather resembling in his Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. My paper written in 2003, Quantum Theory for Language shows a very imitative style to him. This tendency kept on for some time till I changed to adopt algebraic method for clearer description to the themes.
1970s was a relatively calm time after those university’s revolution in the late 1960s in which I was also compellingly rolled in. In those days I time to time had wandered between library and old book shops searching my life-time true themes cowardly avoiding the turmoils of university and towns. Blaise Pascal(1623-1662)’s Pansees was my favourite one. One day at Kanda’s Taiwan Chinese book shop Haifeng Shudian, I bought WANG Guowei(1877-1927)’s Guantangjilin that clearly opened the new frontier for classical Chinese philology along mainly streamed by Small Study, traditional restrict linguistics in China. Influenced WANG Guowei I trlally wrote a paper titled On Time Property Inherent in Characters, 2003 by which I began the later start of language study.
In 1970s, I had cherished a dream in which I wanted to use mathematical description and get the essential of language. But I had not any ability to proceed the study for it while I read at random mathematical books. One day I found and bought the amount Nicolas Bourbaki(1935-)’s text books at old book shop in Kanda, Tokyo. They were hard to continue reading for my talent in those days. After all, the books were put aside the desk. The only remaining in my mind was adoration to Bourbaki and their brilliant achievement. My return to Bourbaki was long after in 1990s when I again tried the pursuit of language having a clear vision to study language universals according to the Linguistic Circle of Prague, especially aiming to resolve the supposition presented by Sergej Karcevskij(1884-1955).
Turning round the past days, my way was always narrow and winding. But it has been kept till now not breaking off in any situations. The way was almost always glittering in my youth days in spite of under the cloudy skies. Probably I have walked happily till now being assisted by many people especially at the field of language, mathematics and the relevant studies.
At random now I remember the dear names, but from whom I never cannot hear their voices. HASEGAWA Hiroshi, CHEN Donghai both Chinese language, KAJIMURA Hideki, CHO Shokichi both Korean language, Natary Muravijowa Russian language, ONO Shinobu Chinese literature, MIIYAZAKI Kenzo, FURUTA Hiromu, KONDO Tadayoshi all three Japanese literature, ANDO Tsuguo French poem, SAEKI Shoichi Haiku, IKEDA Hiroshi Japanese classical drama, SAITO Kohei sculpture, YAMAGISHI Tokuhei bibliography, NISHI Junzo Chinese philosophy, KAWASAKI Tsuneyuki Buddhism, CHINO Eiichi Russian language, the Linguistic Circle of Prague. At last dear friend of high school days KANEKO Yutaka mathematics and our youth.
6 March 2015
24 March 2018 Text revised and link added
Sekinan Library
Intuition and Mathematics What NISHI Junzo remained for us 2 2012-2018
Intuition and Mathematics
What NISHI Junzo remained for us 2
Intuition and mathematics are deeply concerned with each other.
In my stand, intuitive concept is first flowing up and the next mathematical description is arranged.
According to this situation, intuition is very important and if there is no such flowing up thinking, the development is almost not so easy proceeding.
The time concept in language is the key concept of my language model that is at first found from the ancient Chinese characters’ construction and after writing a short intuitive paper, the more precise descriptions are took up using mathematics especially of geometry. But at the deepest basis of language, time is seemed to be infinitive but not spread towards* a strait line to the future, more likely going round as circle or circular situation.
This conjecture was firmed by Yi-jing that is one of the Five Great Classics of China.
I received the lecture on Yi-jing from philosopher NISHI Junzo some five years at the university. The world of Yi-jing consists from perfect infinitive circularity and this world is perfectly recognised by human for its closed situation of infinity.
It is very hard to recognise infinity as perfect whole image and Yi-jing is resolved this baffling problem through the shut-in world, that is “compact” concept of mathematics.
NISHI Junzo, Philosopher of Modern Japan 2012
30 August 2012
15 May 2018 Text revised at *mark word
Sekinan Research Field of Language
Saturday, 9 April 2022
Sekinan Data: File Till Spring 2007
Sekinan Data: File Till Spring 2007
Sekinan Data: Genealogical Tree of Sekinan's Paper 7th Edition ...
Sekinan Data: Main Paper From SQGL
Sekinan Data: Essay, Essay 2 and Essay 3. From SQGL
Sekinan Data: SRFL Lab Paper
Sekinan Data: Geometrization Language Paper
Friday, 8 April 2022
Sekinan Data: Sekinan Library Uploaded Articles January 2017-March 2019
Thursday, 7 April 2022
Sekinan Data: Letter to WPM. Maria Pires’ Schumann KINDERSZENEN 19 June 2020. P.S. added 9 August 2020 Generation Theorem Reprint 31 August 2020
Sekinan Data: Theme Paper 2003-2018 and Others
Sekinan Data: Ideogram Paper 1-18 With Addition. Total Edition 2003-2019
Sekinan Data: Quantum space through Poisson manifold’s deformation quantization by Kontsevich. Translated by Google translate
Sekinan Data: Quantum-Signal 2020. From SRFL Geometry 2020
Wednesday, 6 April 2022
QNT News : From Ideogram to Quantum-Nerve Theory QNT. 2019
Sekinan Data: Karcevskij conjecture 1928 and Kawamata conjecture 2002
Language Definition for the Child who Lost the World. 2007-2008
Definition for the Child who Lost the World
0 The world spreads around the human being.
1 Language divides the world.
2 Language connects the world.
3 Language bends the world.
4 Language stretches the world.
5 Language shrinks the world.
6 Language extinguishes the world.
7 Language creates the world.
8 Language gives despair.
9 Language gives hope.
10 Language is pasting on spacetime with energy.
[Referential note / November 29, 2007]
For Authentication of Solidity
[Definition added / November 3, 2008]
Definition 10, the part of <with energy> is newly added.
Tokyo November 3, 2008 Added
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