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Sunday, 9 March 2025

At Bank of Dam Again

At Bank of Dam Again 


At bank of dam we conversed with friends on many innocent themes in our youth days. Long time ago the place was the sight of the fireworks, for which father took me and elder sister to see in the summer night. When returning home you perfectly slept soundly at father's back, the sister said to me later.
After some thirty years after, we came again with the family to play in the fallen leaves at the bank of dam. Children were rolling down at the slope of the bank wearing golden leaves on the clothes.
And after half a century we have come again at the bank with wife protecting leg's slight pains each other. 

ONO Shinobu and Bernhard Karlgren 2015


ONO Shinobu and Bernhard Karlgren


In December 1979, I submitted the post-graduate thesis on Japanese Buddhist priest Kukai (774-835)'s maiden work Sangoshiiki that comparatively considered the three regions, Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. Probably in January 1980, I met with Prof. ONO Shinobu at the corridor of university. He said to me that he read my thesis and my thinking method using at the thesis was resembled in the method of Bernhard Karlgren at his paper "The Authenticity and nature of the Tso Chuan" 1926. He successively talked to me, "TANAKA, did you read the paper?" I promptly answered " Professor, No." 

My thesis was presented the other prof. who specialist of the old Buddhism in Japan and probably he sent my thesis to his dear fried ONO. My approach was the study on the appearance frequency distribution of all the expletives appeared in the text.

I knew this famous Sweden sinologist's name earlier and already bought one of his important work Grammata Setica Recensa, 1957 in the early 1970s at Kaifu Shoten Book shop in Kanda, Tokyo. But the paper shown by ONO was perfectly unknown at that time. ONO invite me to his study room and handed me the book Saden Shingi Ko" that was the translation of Karlgren's paper  by ONO and published in 1939 from Bunkyudo Shoten Book shop at Hongo, Tokyo, which was one of the leading publisher in the field of Chinese classics in 1930s.

ONO was one of the scholar on Chinese literature from Yuan dynasty to the modern China and the member of Chugoku Bungaku Dokokai, Chinese Literature Society in Japan that led the study of modern Chinese literature in Japan from 1940s. with his colleagues TAKEUCHI Yoshimi, TAKEDA Taijun and the like. In 1980s he had engaged in the translation of long novel, The Journey to the West in the Ming dynasty all the time of his non-university's work.

Going back to the past, I received ONO's lecture " Chinese literature and Modern Japan" at his study room or dean room, who was the dean of the faculty for humanities department. In my memory he lectured precisely to Japanese novelist ODA Takeo, now not famous recently.

Karlgren's book was difficult for my talent at that time but somehow  read over and gave back to ONO deeply appreciating his kindness. And some years later in Kanda, Tokyo, I found this Karlgren's book and bought. The book shop's name is Yamamoto Shoten, one of the long established Chine classic book shop in Kanda.  The date is 2 November 1982 by the receipt put in the book.

One day probably in spring 1980, on the train on the way home, I met ONO and told him on his the new lecture on Yuanqu, Yuan dynasty's poems that was frequently said very difficult for modern readers.
I said to him, "Wonderful lecture for excellent undergraduates." He returned definitely," Very important to study such a hard work for me still now."

ONO Shino died suddenly by disease in 18 December 1980, age 74. The conversation at the train was the last hearing of this profound scholar.

3 March 2015
Sekinan Library

To Winter 3. 2015 / Old Title Print 2012 / Translated by Google



To Winter 3. 2015 / Old Title Print 2012

To Winter

LI Kohr


From Author;
This tale version has some ambiguity by auto-translation.
Original text is Japanese.


It was a fine day on Sunday, so I took the tram to the second-hand bookshop district. After about ten minutes on the wide main road, I entered the second-hand bookshop district. The ginkgo trees along the road are still a little early to turn yellow. The brown brick buildings on both sides blend in with the old stone pavement. I used to come here on the city line, get off at the old D station, walk south along the stone pavement, and enter the second-hand bookshop district. Now it's easier. Just south of the tram stop is N Bookshop, a Chinese bookshop I often visit. It's easiest to just walk around as a routine, so before I knew it, I'd often stop by the same bookstore. N Bookshop is narrow and long, as is the norm for bookstores around here. There are two aisles and four rows of bookshelves. There is a clerk at the very back. I once asked about the stock of a book I vaguely remembered. Then, I was handed a thick catalogue without any words, which put me in a difficult position. Since then, A hasn't bothered to ask around so carelessly. He's already had a look around the entrance area, so today he goes further in. It takes a while for his eyes to get used to the dimness. A large, elderly clerk wearing glasses is working silently, as if he is handling parcels to be sent to libraries. There are unknown book titles lined up on the shipping slips that are placed on the shelves. A tries not to get in the way,

I decided to look at the bookshelf just in front of it. I reached for a large dictionary of oracle bone script with a light gray cover that was in a place in the middle where it was easy to see. It was heavy when I picked it up. It had a distinctive oily smell. There may not be many real oil-stamp books like in the past, but Chinese books have a unique smell. Inside, there is a black frame with vertical lines, and handwritten characters are printed on it. The characters are not very cursive. Many handwritten characters are too beautiful to read, but this one is manageable. The preface is long, so I looked at the very end of it and saw that it took eight years to create this dictionary. The table of contents after the preface has a list of oracle bone script headings. Looking at the main text, there are many that say "The shape of the characters is unknown" and "The meaning is unknown." It seems honest and appealing, so I decided to buy it. It was so heavy that it would have been inconvenient for me to walk from then on, but I didn't want to have to stop by again on the way home, so I went ahead and bought it.

 A little further south on the opposite sidewalk there is an old two-story coffee shop. The first floor is like an office, and up the stairs is the shop. I left without having lunch so decided to have a quick meal. There are hardly any customers at all. I wonder if this is okay, but it's still going on. Looking down from the window, I see people hurrying across the sidewalk. Someone, perhaps a bookstore worker, is pedaling a sturdy bicycle with a large bamboo carrier. Occasionally a tram passes by. The scene has not changed for a long time. Here he has been wandering alone, like a rhinoceros. 

It's been a long time since he became interested in oracle bone script. The origin of anything is fascinating. "This is where writing began," was enough evidence. After that, he spent some time reading introductory books and explanations. A certain concept and the figure that represents it, its deformed depiction changes with the times. But soon he wondered what was before the origin. There was nothing. What would happen if you went to a place where there was nothing? The concept became more and more simplified and childish, and at the tip of it there was nothing. Thinking like that, he lost interest in continuing. 

Then I moved house and some of the books I had collected were scattered at some point. But recently I started to think about oracle bone script again because of the fireworks prints. As I was thinking about the flow of the screen, I realized that time is inherent in the shapes, and that is what the oracle bone script shows. In the prints, the fireworks are launched one after another and explode. This is repeated in the infinitely small prints. You could say it is an event that occurs in a closed time. I thought that such a closed time may be inherent in letters as well. 

Once, while looking at Wang Guowei's Guandang Collection, I came across a passage. It was about the character "亙". This character means "cross" or "endure". Wang Guowei said that in the oracle bone script, the two horizontal lines drawn up and down represent the riverbanks, and between them is a crescent-shaped boat that travels between the two banks, so "crossing" or "repeatedly going back and forth" is the meaning. When I felt that Wang Guowei had made it clear that time is inherent in the Chinese characters as a structure, I was struck by his precise reasoning, but at the time, I left it at that. Now, it has been brought back to light by the fireworks prints.

 When I searched for the Kandō Collection in my wandering days, I could only understand a part of it, but I had a premonition that hope would shine there like a ray of straw. Now that has become a reality. In the Kandō Collection's commentary on the west, the character "west" is shown to be a bird's nest, and in the Shi Lao Pian Commentary, the character "中" is shown to be a state in which flags are blowing in the same direction in the wind. In other words, birds return to their nests at sunset, and flags are blowing in the wind in the centre of the group. Time truly flows within the characters. In particular, he claims that the character "中" (中) where flags are blowing left and right is a phenomenon that cannot occur with the same wind, and that the character is a transcription error and a pseudo-character. Wang Wang's sentences are all relatively short, but each and every piece of information in the annotations is full of dazzling and sharp insights that evoke vast historical facts behind them.

In literature, too, human words speak minutely and precisely: sounds in the air, colors in the air, shadows in the water, images in the mirror; words are exhausted and meanings are infinite. He touches on the finiteness of language and the infinity of meaning. He also says that the five characters "a light rain moistens the light" all capture the soul of spring grass. Wang Wang was born in 1877 and died in 1927. Did he live in modern times with his sharpened natural talent, or did he build modern times himself?

 Returning to my room and reading through the dictionary I had requested, I was drawn to the oracle bone inscription for "育" (raise). It is clear that the top of this character represents a woman giving birth, and the bottom represents a baby being born. In ancient times, therefore, the character for baby is written upside down. Some sources explicitly indicate the amniotic fluid at the time of birth. In other words, the original meaning of this character is childbirth itself, but after birth, child-rearing begins immediately. It was written that therefore the meaning of "raise" emerges. Given the idea of ​​time inherent in this character, it can be interpreted as representing the preparations for childbirth, the birth itself, and then child-rearing. 

Curious, I looked up this character again in the Shuowen Jiezi notes by Duan Yucai, which Wang Wang studied most in primary school, and found that it said that an upside-down baby is not good, so the meaning is to make it good. The explanation retained some of the original source material in the part about "upside-down baby", but overall it was abstract, and quite far removed from the diagram showing the specific process of childbirth and the time thought to be inherent in it in the original source material. Duan Yucai, a rare scholar, passed away in 1815. The oracle bone inscriptions discovered in 1899 had never been seen before.

9 March 2025

Saturday, 8 March 2025

A beginning of language model. Aurora Theory Dictoron and Aurora For SAEKI Shizuto 2006-2008


Dictoron and Aurora
<Language is aurora dancing above us.>
For SAEKI Shizuto

Language is a substance that carries meaning1.
Refer to the following paper.
Also refer to the following papers.
Dictoron is the minimum element of language.
Dictoron has electrical charge.
Refer to the following paper.
Dictoron crosses field that has electrical charge.
Dictoron remains trace in field. The field is called aurora2.
Refer to the following papers for auroria’s image. 
Auroria is in topological space.
Refer to the following paper.
Auroria has color and shape.
Color is derived from Dictoron’s electrical charge.
Refer to the following paper.
Shape is derived from Dictoron’s vector.
Refer to the following paper.
7 Color and shape make expression.
Expression is changeable.
Refer to the following paper.
Expression is observed at hut that has observational device.

Tokyo September 24, 2006
Tokyo September 28, 2006 Added
<Dedicated to Tachikawa and Astronomy at Our Youth>

[Post script July 3, 2008]
†2<On theoretical basis of aurora>   Stochastic Meaning Theory 3 / July 3, 2008
<More Details>   For KARCEVSKIJ Sergej Group / Holomorphic Meaning Theory Group / Stochastic Meaning Theory Group

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Edward Sapir, Language, 1921. 2014 / Revised 2019


Edward Sapir, Language, 1921. 2014 /  Revised 2019

Edward Sapir's Language, 1921 showed me the dynamism of language proposing the concept, drift.
Drift shows us the macro phase of natural language and I was hinted by Sapir's this concept and proposed the micro phase of natural language. The paper "Quantum Theory for Language" 2003 is my first total proposal paper describing the natural language's model.

Substantiality Dedicated SAPIR Edward / 27 February 2005

5 September 2014
Sekinan Research Field of Language 

[Additional Explanation]
17 November 2019
SRFL Paper

Edward Sapir's LANGUAGE AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF SPEECH 1921 gave me a moment for study in 1980s while I was roaming about the darkness of not- getting any aim to study on language. I ever wrote a short paper being influenced in 2005 and after also wrote a memo on his book in 2014.

Substantiality / 2005
Edward Sapir, Language, 1921 / 2014

A moment came from his famous concept drift. At the near-end Chapter 7 Sapir wrote "the three major drifts", that were the next.

"The drift toward the abolition of most case distinctions"
"the correlative drift toward position as an accompanied"
"the drift toward the invariable word"

This "the three major drifts" are all apparently seen in Chinese, especially in the classical written language. At my age 20s and 30s I continuously had read Qing dynasty's classical linguistic books and papers. WANG Guowei, ZHANG Binglin, DUAN Yucai, WANG Yinzhi were the most reliable works for me.

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Letter to Y, 2 June 2024


Letter to Y, 2 June 2024

Dear Y,

The other day on TV, there was a documentary about a female cooking expert and beauty expert in their 80s.
Both of them are still active in their work, and when the announcer asked them about their secret, they both
mentioned the joy of continuing to do the work they love.

Since ancient times, a lifelong job that suits a person has been called a calling and respected, but
in recent years, I have realized something about this.
There may be a calling that lasts for a short period of time, but it is usually called something that you continue for a long time.
Therefore, I have come to think that a calling is the easiest job for a person. That is why you can naturally
continue it for a long time.

In my case, I have come to think that the easiest thing is mathematics.
Classical Chinese is difficult, and languages ​​are difficult, and literature and history seem quite difficult.
Mathematics is difficult, but once you start, you will gradually learn it, and the results will naturally come along.
As you continue, the results will gradually accumulate, and even I am amazed at the amount and breadth of them.

This spring, I classified and organized my essays for the first time in a long time.
I thought I could classify them into about 30 categories, but I ended up classifying them into 80 categories for now, and
I am surprised at the number and diversity of them.

Currently, I have 19.2K posts on Twitter, and I will soon reach 20,000 posts.
Most of them are introductions to essays, so I am also surprised by this.

current fair health may be because I continue to do what I like. My current
central theme is to express language using mathematical quanta, which is one of the fundamental concepts of physics, and can now be completely expressed using
mathematical group theory, and
to develop this by constructing language as energy.
The meaning of language is also constructed as energy.
Energy can now be expressed mathematically. It is very difficult, but it is the result of Perelman, who solved the Poincaré conjecture.
I can only understand the basics of mathematics at this time.

In recent years, the concept of quantum information has emerged in physics, and I
have named universal linguistic information derived from natural language as quantum nerve, and have written What is signal? and Quantum-Nerve Theory
as a preparatory step.

It has already been 20 years since I presented "Quantum Theory for Language" at the international symposium "Silk Road" held in Nara in 2003, and we are now in
a situation where we are not sure whether the mathematical notation is ready.

Please take care of your health.

2 June 2024


The universality of language 2019 / Translated by Google 2025


The universality of language
-There was only one chance. I thought I had discovered a law. About the frequency of occurrence in language. I researched it for a few days. But I had already found the law. C stopped talking. Although he was older than A, he taught A all he knew about language, without considering the difference in age or experience. Language has facts and laws, that was all he had. C stated that he had not discovered any of them himself. A had no words to reply at that time, so he just accepted it in silence. I had been wondering about this law ever since, but one day I read Kuramoto Yuki and it became almost clear to me. I think what C was talking about was an empirical law discovered by the American linguist George Zipf or something related to it. According to Kuramoto, Zipf's law is that the ranking of the frequency of occurrence of words in literary works follows an inverse power law. According to the graphs presented by Keiichiro Tokita and Haruyuki Irie, there were striking similarities in works from different fields, such as Shakespeare, Darwin, Milton, Wells, and Carroll. In particular, the curves of Wells' "The Time Machine" and Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" were so completely overlapping that they seemed to be the same work. Tokita and Irie confirmed this excellent empirical law, discovered in the first half of the twentieth century, as an unshakable scientific law by analyzing and graphing the frequency and rank of words appearing in the sampled works from 1 to 100,000. In other words, it was beautifully shown as a quantitative achievement of modern science that all words that authors seem to have freely selected to express their thoughts are almost identical in correlation to the number of times each word is used, according to this law. When K once asked A what poetry was, A answered at a simple level that poetry was about trying to deviate from the norms of language up to that point, but now it seemed to me that A instinctively knew that literature as a whole was governed by the strong laws of language that humans must have created, and that he had been fighting a long and courageous battle. It is also true that the works of different people, not Galileo, will continue to follow Zipf's law and always have nearly identical curves. However, C did not like A's excessive conceptualization of language, and spent his whole life pursuing the facts of language and the laws extracted from them, but did not find them. Then one day he suddenly fell ill and passed away. He left behind several books that showed his love of linguistics. The title of his last book was "Janua Linguisticae Reserata, An Open Door to Linguistics." As he said, the door was open to everyone. If you just keep chasing it. If C were alive, he might ask A again now. What are you doing now? And A would answer in the same way. I pursue universality, not fact, without giving up. If you were alive, would you have climbed that steep staircase and talked to me again at the low-ceilinged table, C? In the cross-border connection of research on transference, the valuable manuscript of the transference theory was rediscovered, and the discoverer himself flew to deliver it to me so that it would not be damaged. How encouraging it was for me, C, who was so poor and lost. The name of that shack-like shop on the left just after entering the alley in front of the station was California. Let's write it down now in the memorial of our oblivion, which was by no means miserable. 

Ideogram and finite generative 2017


Ideogram and finite generative

​Ideogram and finite generative


1. Ideogram
The 21st century will become the century of ideogram.
The history of ideogram succeeds from Egyptian  hieroglyph to Chinese character.
The reason is below.
a. It is intuitively understandable.
b. It sends big information.
c. It is easy to manage for stability.

2. Set theory
Probably in summer 1977, I was  designing for a paper on the sentence in language. The central part of the paper was connection between words or sentence, in which the logic of  language would be shown using the set theory as a simplified model of true and false. I was strongly influenced from Kurt Godel, Gaishi Takeuchi and Bourbaki. But this design was abandoned for my lack of mathematical basis keeping on.

3. Qing dynasty's linguistics
In 1980s and 1990s I was lost in learning Chinese classical character theory, Xiaoxue, especially Qing dynasty for ideogram's fundamental property. At this period I did not write any paper on language. I solely read WANG Guowei, WANG Yinzhi, DUAN Yucai and Qing dynasty's linguists.

4. Time property in characters
In Autumn 2002 I got pneumonia and was hospitalized about 2 weeks, where I thought of 1970s' dream, writing clear description on language universals by mathematics. The theme was as hard as ever. So, at the bed I thought the basis of language from the side of Chinese character’s classical approach which had vast heritage till Qing dynasty. I directed my attention to the character's figure which had compound meanings containing time elements continuing from Yin dynasty's hieroglyphic characters left on bones and tortoise carapaces some 2400 years ago. I thought that Chinese characters had containing time and its structure could be written by geometric approach once I had abandoned for difficulty. After leaving hospital, I wrote a paper titled On Time Property Inherent in Characters.  

5. Quantum elements in language
In 2003 staying at Hakuba, Nagano, I wrote a rial paper on language universals from the viewpoint of physics. This was remained manuscript till now. The title was Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language for the time being. Because in summer 2003 I wrote the first paper on language universals from physics titles as Quantum Theory for Language which was read at a conference held in winter  2003 of Nara Japan. 
5. Finite generative
Language probably begins finite elements and generates its world responding to outer world. I learned the concept of finite generative from von Neumann Algebra at around 2006 and 2007. 

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REMINISCENCE To my dear friend K 2013


REMINISCENCE To my dear friend K


To my dear friend K


We were always sitting at the right end of the classroom, where the seats were near the entrance from the corridor, so classmates entered the room with rattling noises. But we liked the seats rather satisfying. We were G class of the third year of high school, which class was all hoped to go universities of the mathematical or science fields. The seats were free to sit but almost determined by the personalities. The serious were sitting at the comparatively before widows sites. The seats were quiet and easy to concentrate. We were also serious to the learning but liked probably the worst seats that could not concentrate by the various noises for entering and out-going to the room. But we loved the seats.

K and I first met at this class and became best friends. He probably hoped to go to chemistry and I was physics. He was very good at mathematics and I was ordinary at math. I sometimes asked him how to solve the hard quests of math. At that time he smiled to me and said, " there's any little paper? The problem can be written enough by such a little space."

Over the our seats, papers were frequently flown to the end of the class where the trash can was set always filled with the calculate-papers for math and writing of English memos. The members of the class were all eager to solve math quests for preparing to entrance examinations to the universities. At the result they threw the used papers over us towards the can. So around the can, the scraps were littered with. I was never tidy but I was the nearest one to the can, so I sometimes went to trash dump to clean the can.

After we graduated the high school, he studied chemistry as planned at university. But I selected language study, not physics. I also liked philosophical or linguistic fields for their long historical heritages. What I returned to the field related with physics was already over the age 30s. As a result my research object has been narrowed to language universals using mathematical writing or physical approach.

After half a century, he died by disease in his researching way while I have learnt same theme on language using maths way not solving any quest from 1920s' Linguistic Circle of Prague. Over my head still now vain calculate-papers are being thrown to the can behind us. If I ask him to help me for solving, he will say to me wanting tiny paper to write the simple answer with his dear smiling as ever.

22 May 2013

Friday, 7 March 2025



Letter to WPM On aim for the study of language

Dear WPM,
Thanks a lot for your frequent RT of my uploads.
I do not know the value of my posts for your kindness.
But I feel till now that the only cause that I have been able to keep on writing is the next attitude on language, which was written under the several sad occurrences to the children involved in dispute or plague in the world.

Language and Spacetime 
Language Definition for the Child who Lost the World 

0 The world spreads around the human being.
1 Language divides the world.
2 Language connects the world.
3 Language bends the world.
4 Language stretches the world.
5 Language shrinks the world.
6 Language extinguishes the world.
7 Language creates the world.
8 Language gives despair.
9 Language gives hope.
10 Language is pasting on spacetime with energy.

[Referential note / November 29, 2007]
For Authentication of Solidity 
[Definition added / November 3, 2008]
Definition 10, the part of <with energy> is newly added. 

Tokyo March 3, 2007
Tokyo November 3, 2008 Added

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I have a high regard for your unchangeable eagerness to languages for the strong basis of mutual understanding in this world.
Yours sincerely,
4 February 2020
The first day of spring, Old lunar calendar in Japan
T. A.

Language Definition for the Child who Lost the World  is the first paper of the Paper group, Language and Spacetime, which subtitle is Relation between Language and Time. Contents are the following. The group’s theme is distinctly described at the 9th paper, Time Flows in Word, which is dedicated to mathematician KOHARI Akihiro who had lived the difficult days of 1960s and died 1971 at age 40 .
Language and Spacetime 
Relation between Language and Time
Language   Definition for the Child who Lost the World
Word Containing Time and 4 Dimensional Sphere
<Dedicated to MACLANE>
Structure of Word
4 Generation of Sentence
<For WANG Guowei and CELAN Paul>
5 Description of Meaning
<6th Time for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej>
6 Shift of Time
<From SAPIR Edward to KAWAMATA Yujiro>
Construction of Spacetime  
   Especially on Transformation with boundary for  Dimensions
Stability of Language
Time Flow in Word
 <For KOHARI Akihiro and His Time>

Read more:
5 February 2020

How did I spend the late 1960s?

I was a student of university, so I had enough time in the late 60s.
But the real state of mine was in very poor and coward situation.
I ever wrote several essays related with 60s.

Susan Sontag
Now I am enough old for remembering the past


Recently I read Susan Sontag’s WHERE THE STRESS FALLS, 2001. The impression is a little different with the other books.
I was never the good reader of her, but her existence was always strong and had glittered.
The time was Sixties that contained the infinite things in it.
Now I am enough old for remembering the time.
She wrote a fine essay on the time, Thirty Years Later … , 1996.
The pages are short but sufficient to describe the time that was infinite and endless.
If her life was able to be shine, while my Sixties was always under the tiny dim light.
At the place where I was, the long view never could be seen. I never thought on the things as I was very coward and was fluttered even at the very tiny event of the time. I was infirm and timidity.
What I could do at that time was read or turned pages of the text books of some foreign languages.
How little and shallow heart I had, pitiable and poor existence. Probably till now.

Under the Dim Light
Sixties, For Susan Sontag

27 September 2012
9 August 2017 Revised
Sekinan Research Field of Language

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Sixties, For Susan Sontag  
TANAKA Akio                                        
On Sixties, Susan Sontag wrote in her book, WHERE THE STRESS FALLS, 2001 as the following.

Perhaps the most interesting characteristic of the time now labeled the Sixties was that there was no little nostalgia. In that sense, it was indeed a utopian moment.

From “Thirty Years Later…”  Surely I also think that it was a utopian moment, not utopia everlasting.Someone ever said at a book, ” We were loose change.” Surely we were all loose change for a utopian moment. This is the great dedication to Sontag from me. We have lived in a same time though I was extremely coward far away than her to the time and myself. 

27 September 2012
Sekinan Research Field of Language

30 November 2014 Note added

Sixties are precious times for me though full of exactly heartbreaking events.
At first, using all the university’s summer holidays in 1969, I read three times, one of the Japanese classics, Ochikubo Monogatari, in English Dark Hole Story written in Heian Times some 1,000 years ago, faithfully following the teach of  Japanese classic literature Scholar YAMAGISHI Tokuhei by the precise annotated text.

The scholar lent me his valuable collation text of NAKAMURA Shuko in his library. Before beginning the holidays he said to me like admonishment that selection of one classic in the vast literary heritage was alike a meeting with a fiancée, walking to the station from the university in the clear summer evening.

And I sometimes read the modern Chinese novels, Luxun or Maodun, thinking on the Beijing’s old days, of which CHEN Donghai taught us how to hear the Beijing Opera sitting the chair facing sideways to the stage.

In university I met CHINO Eiichi at the small room for Russian language in 1969.I met KAJIMURA Hideki at his Korean class and Natary Muravjova at her Russian class in the next year.

I learnt alone the composition of French by the text of MAEDA Yoichi at the university’s library, who indicated me the splendid world of French language and philosophy while reading Pascal’s Penséeslittle by little, almost all the days outside afar demonstrations of eager students to politics. It is the reason for I was coward in those days.

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Fascicule de résultats
Troisieme édition, 1964


Bourbaki’s ELEMENTS DE MATHEMATIUE, THEORIE DES ENSEMBLES is the datum of my mathematical thinking in youth time in the late 1960s to the early 1970s. So I was also one of the product of the  Bourbaki’s age.
I have confirmed that the basis of mathematics is in the freedom as the saying of Cantor. This book reflects the great flow from Cantor.

Also refer to the next.

3 October 2012
Sekinan Research Field of Language

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The Time of Language
Ode to The Early Bourbaki To Grothendieck

In early 1970s, I had think of language from the side of mathematics, that level of mine is very low and primitive, moreover I never had any talent to mathematics.
But my eager to trying the approach was going to overcome hard barriers before me. So the route had really fascinated my mind for long time.

At that time I had read Chinese classics almost every day. WANG Guowei*, DUAN Yucai and WANG Yingzhi. They were giants on Chinese language historically and modern.
On the other hand I had thought of language generally, not defined by Chinese.
But in front of the vast world of language, I had stood still lonely, not taking any method for approaching.
Mathematics was the only gleam of hope in the wasteland.

I never took the route of ordinary linguistics.
I really dreamt a dream that time.
There exists set theory before me.
Probably there was the influence of Bourbaki**, that several translations to Japanese, shared from Tokyo Tosho Publisher, were on the desk of mine.
My talent and endeavour were so low, so I had not any results at that time.
My desire was deep but my hand was so shallow.
The time passed by.

In 1979 the meeting again with CHINO Eiichi*** made me the chance to learn on language, the object was clear and direct.
Language universals by mathematics became the never-ending goal of the study hereafter.
Sergej Karcevskij**** gave me the courage to the research.
All the way to investigation were taught from CHINO, who was the genuine teacher on language.
In mathematics I took the route from geometry, especially by projection.
Now I stand at algebraic geometry.
Grothendieck is in the northernmost at the end of Bourbaki.

SAITO Takeshi said at the essay on Grothendieck***** that the object of mathematics for Bourbaki was the set of being attached by construction and the object of mathematics for Grothendieck was the object of category representing the presentable functor.
The time has come for describing****** on language by mathematics despite my poor ability.
Sincere thanks for the pioneers letting us make the fascinating route of modern mathematics.

1. *WANG Guowei
Encounter in life / A Letter /2005
Influenced paper / On Time Property Inherent in Characters / 2003 , Quantum Theory for Language / 2004
2. **Bourbaki
SAITO Takeshi. Bourbaki, Mathematics Seminar, vol.41 no.4 487. Nihonhyoronsha, Tokyo, 2002.
3.***CHINO Eiicji
First met in 1969, again in 1979. Fortuitous Meeting
4. ****Sergej Karcevskij
Note on Karcevskij’s theme. Note for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej’s “Dudualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique”
5. *****Grothendieck
SAITO Takeshi. Grothendieck, Mathematics Seminar, vol.49 no.5 584. Nihonhyoronsha, Tokyo, 2010.
6. ******describing
Note on Grothendieck’s theorem. Vector Bundle Model

January 10, 2012
Sekinan Research Field of Language

[Note, 28 October 2014]
When I first learnt French in 1964, I was the second grade of high school. My aim to learning was to get the lowest readable situation for modern poems of French Symbolism represented by Arthur Rimbaud and Paul Verlaine.

Afterwards in 1969 I knew the importance of Martinet’s work at the linguistic class of university. Probably in the early 1970s, I bought Bourbaki’s books at the old-book-shop at Kanda, Tokyo, when Bourbaki’s fame reached to the poor-talented linguistic student like me.

I was enchanted Bourbaki’s works and I somehow would like to adopt their results to my linguistic study. But my mathematical level was too low to get near Bourbaki’s world. From those days my wandering around mathematics and linguistics kept long long way like the Beatles song, The long and winding road.

What I again met mathematics, especially algebraic algebra was already over the twentieth century. From 2003 I began to write papers being assisted with CHINO Eiichi’s advice and Sergej Karcevskij’s work. At that times Chinese Qing dynasty’s vast linguistic works topically represented by WANG Guowei was also assisting my study.

At the result my first satisfied paper, “On Time Property Inherent in Characters”1 was completed. The theme in my life, model making of  language universals was begun further later in 2008 at Zoho site 2 sekinanlogos 3. At Complex Manifold Deformation Theory 4 I started writing more clearer descriptive papers by mathematics especially according to algebraic geometry. And now I step up one more and entered in arithmetic geometry for solving more difficult themes such as dimension, synthesis and fusion of meaning in word. Refer to the next.
  1. On Time Property Inherent in Characters
  2. Zoho site
  3. sekinanlogos
  4. Complex Manifold Deformation Theory
  5. Arithmetic geometry

 [Note 2 2 May 2019]
5 years passed from I wrote Note at October 2014.The situation for the research changed rather largely.I and wife became older and I become 72 years old this summer while the both have illness.We often go to the hospital for the treatment for what I often think that all the illness are probably on the nerves which make persistent flows in our body, which inevitably need energy for fluidity.At these circumstances  I began to write a new paper titled What is signal? The existence that generates language,What is signal?, original title,   What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve. The text is the next.

So far I have thought of language at the point from language universals which are the most fantastic theme for me. But illness and its base nerve showed me the new site of language that is the real base of language. It was the signal which has energy and flows and hatch language in the human being.
Now I stand back at the manuscript written in 2003 at Hakba, Nagano, Japan titled Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language. The text is the next.

Quantum is the real kernel of my research, by which signal and language may be  unifiedly constructed for human being.
2 May 2019
Sekinan Library

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P.S. 3
Dear WPM,
Late 1960s were poor and coward days all over for me, being mentioned at the upper essays.
I had not any clear and accurate objects of study although strongly hoped to find in those days.

I ever wrote those days’ especially 1970’s boundless irritation at the letter to an acquaintance, quoting a poem written by KIYOOKA Takayuki who was one of the finest lilic poets in the post-war days after 1950s. Its title was At the campus of university, by which I had scarcely keep expectation to my future. He wrote in the last lines that  he meets with the whole life object of learning as he meets with his beloved person in his life.
But my whole life object was not found in entering the new 21st century.

In March 2003, I spent several days at the hotel of Nagano Prefecture with my family mainly for skiing. I only stayed at the room and wrote a new idea of language study floating from Chinese old characters’ classical linguistic results in the Qing dynasty, being invoked especially by DUAN Yucai and WANG Guowei. The written memo was afterwards titled as
Manuscript of Quantum Theory for LANGUAGE.

At a international symposium opened at Nara in December 2003, I presented a paper titled Quantum Theory for LANGUAGE, that was more clearly mentioned and developed than the memo written at March.

Now in 2020, I stand at QNT Quantum-Nerve Theory.
From KIYOOKA’s stanza in 1970, 50 years past by.

How long and winding road it was.
The Beatles sang really a youth’s truth beyond doubt.

At the campus of university
Abstract from The letter to O. again

In your letter, you wrote that you would read the books comfortably not selling the old books of your work. I have also felt the same feeling so I bought  Development of the modern poems written by ANDO Tsuguo who was the fine teacher of literature at the university and I once went to his home thinking to hear his intimate voice on poem and literature. He was one of the most typical poet and critic in the present age of Japan.
And now I would want to read KIYOOKA Takayuki’s collected poems, that was ever read in my youth.
In autumn 1970 I was the senior of university, when the next spring I would graduate, I met with the thick French binding KIYOOKA’s collected poems  at the well drop-in bookshop of Hachioji, Tokyo. At that time I could not yet find my whole life object of learning.
In his book, I read a long poem titled “at the campus of university” in which he wrote that he meets with the whole life object of learning as he meets with his beloved person in his life.
The next spring 1971 I graduated the university, when I could not find any object at the campus while I ruminated KIYOOKA’s stanza.
What I really met with my whole life object was already entered in the 21 century at my age 56 in 2003 after much trial and error. It was language universals that was ever taught from CHINO Eiichi who was the real life time teacher of mine and the successor of the Linguistic Circle of Prague, who spent 7 year study at Prague.
Sergej Karcevskij gave me the great  hint of approach to language universals through the famous paper titled “Du Dualisme asymétrique du signe linguistique” 1929.
In 2003 I wrote a paper titled ” Quantum Theory for Language” after some trial papers, ” On Time Property Inherent in Characters”, ” Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language” .
In 2004 I wrote two attached papers, ” Distance Theory” and “Reversion Theory”.

The proper papers’ URL is the next.

After the suggestion of CHINO, I have tried the very hard road of writing style using mathematical base assisted from many contemporary mathematician works,especially at the field of algebraic geometry.
The paper ” Quantum Theory for Language” was selected one of the 4 oral presentations of the linguistic field of a international symposium focused on the Silk Road.
On Karcevskij and CHINO I wrote a tiny paper, ” Prague in 1920″ which was dedicated the two as a token of my cordially gratitude.
2 January 2018
Sekinan Library

Dear WPM,
It is a my tiny story of 1960s and its afterwards.

8 February 2020
At Tokyo

Read more:

P.S. 4
Dear WPM,
Time rapidly One and half year passed by.
Now is August 2021.

I am preparing a revised theory from QNT Quantum-Nerve Theory.
New direction turned to Energy-Nerve Theory that is started from physical phenomenon, Energy.
Energy is a real root of human activity, that is smoothly taken in mathematics by Perelman’s fine result.

The concept of the theory was thought at the paper Macro Time and Micro Time.
Its short text is the following.

Macro Time and Micro Time


24 July 2013

Through natural language, in human being, occurred the electrical signal by eye or ear. These complex situations are beyond this paper’s limits.
Language is a physical object as signal and its transmission. At this circumstances, language must be recognised to be the existence that has finite time.
An apple on the desk gradually becomes rotten by passing the time very after the crop in the orchard. #0
Like an apple, language has passing physical time in oneself.
Language is metamorphosed  by the time progressing.  #1
Language includes the outer world from human being to universe. At this declaration, I recall Blaise  Pascal’s Pensées. XXXIII. PROOFS OF JESUS CHRIST 308 The infinite distance between body and mind symbolizes the infinitely more infinite distance between mind and charity, for charity is supernatural. (Translated by A.J. Krailsheimer, 1966) #2
Language’s time goes freely from the present to the future or the present to the past. #3
Language symbolises the time from finiteness to infinity. #4
Human being recognises this vast language world perfectly. #5

For WITTGENSTEIN Ludwig Position of Language / December 10, 2005 – August 3, 2012 / Sekinan Research Field of Language
Time of Word / Complex Manifold Deformation Theory / January 1, 2009 / sekinanlogos
PASCAL PENSÉES. Translated with an introduction by A.J. Krailsheimer. PENGUIN BOOKS 1966.
Escalator language and Time For SHINRAN’s Idea and BOHDISATTVA / Escalator Language Theory / December 16, 2006 / Sekinan Research Field of Language
From Finiteness to Infinity on Language / Topological Group Theory / February 1, 2009 / sekinanlogos
Understandability of Language / Complex Manifold Deformation Theory /January 9, 2009 / sekinanlogos

To be continued.
Read more:

WPM, I at first entered to human’s electric signal, energy from mathematical quantum group that was founded by Drinfel’d and Jimbo in 1985. But from this approach I could not smoothly take energy in mathematical especially geometry. Perelman’s supreme results between 2002 and 2003 resolved this hard barrier between physics and mathematics, using thermodynamics. Perelman’s grand history of originality is now overviewed by the next 2 Uploads at this Sekinan View.

Work of Perelman
Three books of Perelman’s work and life

Several important key terms of Perelman are shown at my site , Geometrization Language.
Key terms are the next.

Perelman’s Approach 1
Perelman’s Approach 2

My next sites show some of the preparatory work for a new theory, Energy-Nerve Theory.
Portal – ENSILA

Family – ENSILA Energy

Specialised 2 – Sekinan Geometry

Specialised 3 – Sekinan Energy

Specialised 4 – Sekinan Nerve

Preparatory papers of geometrical approach are also shown at the site ENSILA.

PaperPaper 2003-2019


Main paper is the next.
What is signal?
Total Edition
21 November 2018-23 April 2019


Yours sincerely,