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Monday, 30 June 2014

Autumnal rain

Autumnal rain at  Nihonbashi, Tokyo

The eve of festival

From Print 2012, Chapter 5

















Source: Tale / Print by LI Koh / 27 January 2012  

Conjecture: Language can make infinite sentences by finite words

From Print 2012, Chapter 10









これをひとつの予想conjectureとするなら、大鹿はその解決 solutionのためのひとつの強い方向を示唆する。

Source: Tale / Print by LI Koh / 27 January 2012  

Sunday, 29 June 2014

恩寵のように冬が来る Winter comes as if grace arrives

From Print 2012, Chapter 19


―むかしね。谷山豊TANIYAMA Yutakaって人がいたんだ。


―若くして亡くなった。婚約者もたしかまもなく亡くなった。彼とその友人が作った予想が、フェルマー予想Fermat Theoremを解くかぎになった。ワイルズWilesという人が解いてもう十年以上になる。それで谷山TANIYAMAの特集が雑誌に載ったことがあった。





ふたりに今、恩寵のように冬が来る。For the two, winter comes as if grace arrives.


Reference: The Complete Works of TANIYAMA Yutaka / 11 November 2012

                                         Holiday in autumn, Tokyo

時間もまたひとつの意味である普遍的な言語 / 29 June 2014



True and False Hierarchy of Language / For CHINO Eiichi and Prague / 25 July 2006

True and False
Hierarchy of Language

For CHINO Eiichi and Prague

1 Language has meaning. At first, meaning was verified by ideogram.
Refer to the following papers.
2 For verification of ideogram, several concepts were presented.
Refer to the following papers.
3 From verification of ideogram, several regulations of language were led.
Refer to the following papers.
4 From regulations, automaton of language were presented.
Refer to the following papers.
 5 Automaton of language led me to algebraic phase of language.
Refer to the following papers.
6 From algebraic verification, Quantum Linguistics was presented.
Refer to the following papers.
7 From Quantum Linguistics, new perspective is opened.
Refer to the following paper groups.
Especially the next papers are kernels.
8 As the result of verification, symmetrical and unsymmetrical structures emerged from topological consideration.
Refer to the following papers.
9 Now space is expressed by string and i-string
Refer to the following paper’s items.
10 Here dimensional space that contains language is called world and minus dimensional world that contains language is called anti-world, also called i-world.
Refer to the following paper’s items.
Also refer to the following paper’s items.
Also refer to the following paper’s concept.
11 World’s dimensions are confirmed by string figure’s freedom but i-world’s confirmation is difficult by figure.
Refer to the following paper’s items.
12 In 4-dimensional space, separated two knotted strings are freely connected each other.
Refer to the following paper’s items.
13 In 4-dimensional world, problem that is difficult to solve in 3-dimensional world is solved by having free perspective and operation for solution.  In other word, 4-dimensional world verifies and solves 3-dimensional world’s all occurrences. This operation in 4-dimensional world is now called true.
Refer to the following early works.
Also refer to the following papers.
14 In Minus 4-dimensional world, problem that is difficult to solve in minus 3-dimensional world is solved by inductive analogy. This operation in minus 4-dimensional world is now called false.
15 By minus 4-dimensional world’s false operation, i-world in which from minus 1-dimensional to minus 3-dimensional operations are exist, is classified.  
16 Minus 3-dimensional world belongs to false phenomena that are not able to solve. For example, “His saying is not true.”
17 In minus 4-dimensional world, “his saying” is verified. When “his saying” is “not true”, “his saying” belongs to false.
18 What belongs to true and false is clearly classified by world’s dimension.
19 World and i-world that contain true and false are on cut-tube-ring that is generated from torus. Torus and plane are topologically same but not same at the point of continuity.
Refer to the following paper’s items.
20 Language that is expressed by torus and cut-tube-ring becomes discreteness for making dimension as space.
21 Real world’s continuity and language’s world’s discreteness is related to substantiality of language.
Refer to the following papers.
22 Torustube-ringstring and group is the kernel for substantiality of language.
23 From Brouwer’s fixed point theorem, closed unitary sphere has fixed point. But torus has not fixed point.
24 Tube-ring also has not fixed point. When solid tube-ring is cut at the maximum diameter, there emerges a new ring that has inner and outer rings and a hollow ring at the center of cross section. Inner ring and outer ring are separated by hollow. Now flow fluidities at inner and outer rings. If inner and outer flows have opposite directionsnew ring has fixed point somewhere at two fluidities come into contact.
25 If two directions of fluidities in the new ring are models of language’s essential elements, fixed point is seemed to be a kernel of language. Now I suppose that inner fluidity is frame and outer is transmission.  At the fixed point, there generateslanguage that contains frame and transmission at the same time.  
Refer to the following paper.
26 True- false, symmetry and continuity on language will be verified from fixed point theorem that should lead me to the new frontier of linguistic universals.

Tokyo July 25, 2006
Tokyo July 28, 2006 Added
Relevant to the theme <Freedom and String> at Oze July 17, 2006

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Sekinan Research Field of Language / From 2003

Sekinan Research Field of Language

Place: Hakuba Nagano Japan
Date: August 23, 2003

Hakuba shows solemn beauty to visitors all seasons, especially in winter. Hakuba 3 mountains area is an Arcadia for mountain climbers in Japan. The mountains are what I love more than any others.

Quantum Theory for Language
I stayed here in summer 2003 and found the framework of the theory <Quantum Theory for Language>.

I have learnt linguistics from an Oriental point of view. I have ever been interested in hieroglyphics in ancient China. It is called <Chinese inscriptions on bone and tortoiseshell>. These inscriptions were already being completed for writing contemporary Chinese language approximately 2400 years ago. I have learnt WANGNiansunWANG YingzhiDUAN Yucai and WANG GuoweiEspecially from WANG Guoei I was influenced beyond measure. His treatises "Guantang Jilin" almost overlaps in my youth.

I often wandered Kanda area which was located in central Tokyo and famous of antiquarian books on Japan China and the Occident.

WANG Guowei
What I first read WANG’s works is probably at 1973. Every his work is extremely difficult for me at that time. But after all times he encouraged me toward the far long research of Chinese ancient characters and language universals. He was truly my youth. 

CHINO Eiichi
While reading the works of above mentioned Qing dynasty scholars, I have also received influence of occidental linguistics, which was taught by CHINO Eiichi. I at first met him in the Russian language class. He taught us Russian. He was in thirties at 1969. I was just in twenty. The classroom was small and he was always the very front of me. We met again at 1979. He and I were slightly older than ever.

CHINO taught me structural linguistics, the linguistic circle of Prague and Karcevskij.He then wrote splendid papers for understanding linguistics in readable and careful style. We talked about many things under the dim light at coffee shop near the station. Name was "California". When up and down stairs creaked in our weights. He died in 2002. My theory emerges from his talk. Further thanks to CHINO. With our younger days in Tokyo.  

CHINO Eiichi and Golden Prague / 28 June 2014

CHINO Eiichi and Golden Prague 

C also died early, who had taught me Russian and linguistics. He loved
the old city that has beautiful towers and bridges.

In C's work there was the essay 'The Moon of Carpathians". He wrote

that the conference was over, departed at Kiev, saw the moon and
churches over the Carpathian Mountains, impetuously went to the west,
passed Slovakia, Moravia, Bohemia, and at last reached "Golden Prague". Prague, it was his youth itself.

Now I cannot hear his voice telling the various anecdotes on languages,

of which he freely had commanded. By the short heading, a newspaper
reported his death, naming as  "the genius of linguistics".



                                                            28 June 2014

                                        Sekinan Research Field of Language