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Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Fortuitous Meeting / What CHINO Eiichi Taught Me in the Class of Linguistics / 5 Decembrt 2004

Fortuitous Meeting

What CHINO Eiichi Taught Me in the Class of Linguistics 

CHINO taught me the core of linguistics in the class of structural linguistics.
The most remarkable thing is what he explained the paper of
The title is Du dualisme asymétrique du signe linguistique. It was a miracle of my life.
 I summarize the essence of the paper from one of CHINO’s most major book, Gengogaku eno hirakareta tobira, Janua linguarum reserata in Latin. Language has the dualism.
One is firm structure. The other is flexible variability.
This is a revelation.
I selected the firmness of language.
It overlapped with the research of Chinese characters.
Thought of
fructified the quantum of language.
The theory I reached is
Quantum Theory for Language.
The starting point of the theory was given from CHINO.
I deeply appreciate him for teaching me almost all the things on language.
CHINO Eiich died March 19, 2002.
At age 70.

December 5, 2004

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