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Friday, 5 December 2014

Time in Word with Note and Note 2 / 24 October 2013, 17 November 2014 and 3 December 2014

Time in word

Time inherent in word has been one of the most fantastic theme for me for a long period. WANG Guowei’s paper was strongly hinted to the theme towards first writing a trial paper on it. Roman Jakobson was also gave me the basic notion related with the theme. Still now the problem has not solved as the starting point. But being aided by mathematical method and description,  learning on it has become more attractive in these days.
24 October 2013



When I wrote this essay, "Time in Word" in the autumn of 2013, the relation between time and dimension cannot be thought clearly but now in 2014 I distinctly think that the relation exists at the situation of synthesis of the new meaning on the old meaning. The four papers of Arithmetic Geometry Language written between 4 September 2013 and 9 September 2013 are indicating the affinity with time and dimension. Now I show the compact paper in the four, titled " Synthesis Meaning and Transition of Dimension".
Four papers of Arithmetic Geometry Language are the following.

Arithmetic Geometry Language (Abbreviated AGL)
17 November 2014

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