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Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Hurrying up to library with references

Hurrying up to library


When I was a high school student, my dream of near future was to go to library everyday for reading, learning and researching my themes at that time unknown. In the school I liked solving easy questions of mathematics and physics,  but those were all rudimentary questions for general students aiming university's entrance.
I thought that there would be clear themes of my own life somewhere in my learning world, which never came up to the surface. So above all things I wanted to go library to find my themes for my study life, in which I probably would satisfy in my youth time. I dreamed my figure hurrying up to library with carrying books under my arm being bothered nothing perfectly.
At university my dream surely came to true. But a new more difficult problem emerged up in my front. It was a talent or gift for keeping study deeply. I was a common person having nothing peculiar gift. From that time my true long winding road to language study started towards hard field or precipitous mountain. 

References added 17 February 2015

  1. Now I am Enough Old Remembering the Past / 27 September 2012
  2. 40 years passed from I read WANG Guowei / 16 November 2013
  3. Perhaps Return to Physics / 16 August 2014
  4. Pleasure of Mathematics / 13 December 2014
  5. Winding road to physics /16 January 2015

27 January 2015

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