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Thursday, 21 May 2015

Hanno, Saitama Revisited

Hanno, Saitama Revisited  


Today I and wife went to Hanno, Saitama that is located at the next to my home town, north-west of Tokyo . The city was the very intimate place for some dear fiends of high school days.

We were always play in home town in the long vacations of summer, winter and spring, but sometimes using bicycles we went to Hanno to play the baseball at the city ground and see the Iruma River that flows the centre part of the city and rarely learnt the vacation work at the old city library alike a tiny elementary school building.

Along the bicycle road used to go and back, fantastic silver grasses were calmly swaying in the Autumn wind. We run fast the slope road seeing the rail road at right side. Occasionally  we met the diesel train.

Today I went there with wife, with whom I went camping or barbecue at the river side far old days together with two children. Now they are already growing up and working in the central Tokyo. I and wife are enough old and feel tranquil seeing the river and the hills behind.

When the children were very young, we let them buy some confectioneries at the river side tiny shops that are still remain in the same old style. The time flew fast and all afar went. The river is only sparkling with same beauty.

5 October 2012


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