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Monday, 7 March 2016

Sekinan Comment, including a youth's story, To Winter

Sekinan Comment

Sekinan Comment shows the linguistic comments to the people taking interest in language and its surrounding events.
Base site is Sekinan Library which was founded in 1986 at Tachikawa, Tokyo, becoming the 30th anniversary this year.
Library's Working sites are now categorised as several fields and listed as the following.
Story through a Form of Youth in 1980s
SRFL Group
  1. SRFL Essay
  2. SRFL Note
  3. SRFL Paper - Paper Compile
  4. SRFL Theory - Theory 
  5. SRFL Lab - Portal 1
  6. Geometrization Language - Theory 

Sekinan Group
  1. Sekinan Library - The 30th Anniversary from Foundation 1986
  2. Sekinan Research Field of Language - Basic Work from 2003
  3. Sekinan Study - Portal 2
  4. Sekinan Essay
  5. Sekinan Paper
  6. Sekinan Archive - Invitation
  7. Sekinan Comment 
  8. Sekinan Search 
  9. Sekinan Zoho - Paper Compile 2

SIL Group
  1. SIL - Portal 3
  2. SIL News

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