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Friday, 25 August 2017

48 Letter from the story Papa Wonderful

48 Letter 

48 手紙





 河上徹太郎さんからは多くのことを教えてもらいました。それらが青春の私の心を防御してくれたのです。葛西善蔵の「子をつれて」で父親がこどもと一緒にガラス戸を開けて食堂へ入っていくところは、私に限りない安堵感を与えてくれました。その安堵感のどこかに「子なるキリスト」の投影があったのかもしれませんが、そうした自己分析はいわばその論理性そのものに邪魔されて心のより深いところへは遂に行き着かなかったようです。 論理はときには容易に体系の一部に組み込まれるものですが、感覚はそのどこにも属さず中途半端なままにその主張を止めないでくれることがあるものです。文学はしばしばそのような役割を心の中で演じましたから、理詰めで説教する親のことばとは違って、部屋に戻って聞く聞きなれたカントリー・アンド・ウエスタンのように心に染みてくるのでした。




25 August 2017
Sekinan Zoho

From the Summer Garden

Mathematics and sculpture. After seeing the exhibition ALBERTO GIACOMETTI. Reference added

Mathematics and sculpture


I have felt for a long time that sculpture resembled to mathematics.
On august 2017 I went to the National New Art Centre to see  the exhibition Alberto Giacometti.
At that time I felt sculpture and mathematics' resemblance for having a total image to the object.
Giacometti made Bust of Diego in 1954, that many people admit one of the master pieces of Giacometti.
It is true and furthermore it hints me mathematical approach to the agenda on language using fine theorems historically made by the pioneers of modern mathematics.
Why ?
A theorem has a vast history to resolve hard problems, which shows omnidirectional ways to the top named theorem.
Sculpture also shows the similar way to the top named real existence of human activity.
So I like  walk around a sculpture to recognize the unseen roads to the top named thought of a artist alike mathematician's approach.
 I love the chair in front of  a sculpture to see a rather long time to think of artist's long way to a piece of work. 
At this exhibition I was interested in small figures made about 1946.
Why he produced such works. More and more small to 1cm, all of which were entered to a match box.
They may be the starting points  to the big notions or work in  the future, being familiar for me to the afar resolve of question of mathematical agenda.
20 August 2017
Reference added
25 August 2017
Sekinan Fresh 

From the exhibition catalogue 2017
Collection Fondation Marguerite et Maeght

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

CHEN Donghai, Chinese language teacher

CHEN Donghai

CHEN Donghai taught me the Chinese conversation in 1967. Time flies so fast.
He was the important adviser for making The Iwanami Chinese Dictionary that was the first dictionary alphabetically arranged dictionary in Japan.
I have the dear memory for him.
He ever heard classical Chinese opera in Beijing, that was for hearing not for seeing, so hear-opera people sat sideways toward the opera's stage. He talked us such condition for hearing pleasantly.
CHEN Donghai, after all, taught us the Beijing's tradition on history and culture succeeding the glorious Qing's dynasty.
My language study's basis was constructed in those days being led by CHEN Donghai.

23 May 2012
23 January 2017 Revised
Sekinan Research Field of Language

Nagatoro Saitama
Famous by rock and the Arakawa River
Summer 2016

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Computer / from the Story, Papa Wonderful

27 / Computer 
27 コンピュータ






22 August 2017
Sekinan Library
Nakameguro, Tokyo
April 2017

Autumnal garden from the story, Papa Wonderful

33 Autumnal garden

33 秋の庭






Tokyo22 August 2017
Sekinan Zoho / 33 autumnal garden

Metropolitan Musashino Park, Fuchu, Tokyo
August 2017

Monday, 21 August 2017

From Distance to Pseudo-Kobayashi-Distance

From Distance to Pseudo-Kobayashi-Distance  

In 2004 I wrote the paper titled "Distance Theory"
The paper handled the structure of sentence, using the classical written Chinese for its formal simplicity that has not any transformation at word.
In Chinese, word namely character, does not change anymore. Nevertheless grammatical functions strictly exist by its sequence of characters.

I had been very interesting the style of language that never appears in the European languages. But the study for it was too hard to pursue at my age 20s and 30s by my talent.

In 1979, I met CHINO Eiichi again at the university to where I returned from the work of teaching at senior high school. He taught me the importance of the Linguistic Circle of Prague.

We talked with many problems of language study at the campus or coffee shop near the station we usually got on and off . The shop were old and steps were always sounded rattling. The light of the shop were dim and yellowed with age.

We were both young, he was late 40s and I was early 30s.
Before these days we already met at the Russian class. The time was 1969, he taught us the language in the tiny classroom. Then he was just after, coming back from the long study at Czechoslovakia.

From 1979, he had actively introduced the Linguistic Circle of Prague while studying his own subjects. It was a really happy time for me. He told us at the class of linguistics and told me more frankly at the coffee shop on the various themes related with language .Prague was always at the center in the conversation.

I gradually went on to the narrow theme concerned with language universals.  What decisively entered to my mind was Sergej Karcevskij. If there only be Saussure, I could not determined so smoothly.

In my age 30s, 1980s, I had been wandering to and fro at Kanda, the central part Tokyo, where I encountered many Chinese classics at the Chinese book shops. From my familiar language I wanted to research the study on the subject. But  there were no clear road to going ahead.  I had hoped concise and clear description on the theme, if I wish, using mathematics.

In 1960s, in my front, Bourbaki emerged the huge target that was built by the vast from-set-theory-to-topology. At the time's going my level was very low and primitive. I was never able to use such a difficult mathematics.

I spent the lag time in 1970s. reading Chinese classic books at random. The main was Qing dynasty's Xiaoxue (Small study) on Chinese characters classical research.

In 1990s, the target of language study decided to language universals, being led by Sergej Karcevskij for that almost all the information were given from CHINO.

At that time mathematics were going on and on to the wide and deep fields covering the humanities, e.g. category, sheaf and discreteness.

In March 2003 I stayed some days at Hakuba, Nagano, where I wrote the proto-paper on language model for the first time, titled " On Time Property Inherent in Characters". It treated the unchanging language, Chinese, as the typical one for its simplicity and familiarity in my life.

The paper's main theme was time that is hypothetically  inherent in each character in Chinese. The basis of the theory was in the study of WANG Guowei's ancient Chinese inscriptions on bone and tortoiseshell.

In order to possess grammar in unchanging language, there should be the another functions to express grammar or near -grammar. I selected inherent time in each character supposedly.

In August 2003, I also stayed at Hakuba, where I wrote "Quantum Theory for Language". It was the enlarged paper of the March's one. There intuitive long-short times were supposed. There was any description of mathematics. But important points were presented, I thought. The problem was how precisely go the theory using mathematics.

In 2004 I wrote " Distance Theory" from the viewpoint of clear concept using distance instead of time that was not able to mention enough descriptively.

But the theory was also intuitive and philosophical one. I never satisfied the expression.  The theory's essentials were distance and connection, that is to say, words connect according by the distance inherent in words.

Succeeding this theory, I tried to write many fields on language making the efficient models for natural language, namely language universals in my mind, being led by Karcevskij.

Hereafter the main target was the mathematical description for many varieties that were almost intuitively remained or noted.

Now I use algebraic or arithmetic one for their strict simplicity and beauty. Recently I wrote in distance from pseudo-Kobayashi-distance that was very fantastic and widely perspective views for me. The paper's title is 'Connection of Words", that is my long winding road from encountering CHINO and Linguistic Circle of Prague.

Grateful thanks to CHINO Eiichi. You wrote "Linguistics of the 21th Century" in  1998,  four years before your death, that there are studies undergoing to be able to understand meaning by combination of several elements. Still now I am your student and probably forever.

Distance of Language Historical Review

February 5, 2012

Musashino Park, Fuchu, Tokyo
17 August 2017

Sunday, 20 August 2017

Mathematics and sculpture. After seeing the exhibition ALBERTO GIACOMETTI

Mathematics and sculpture
I have felt for a long time that sculpture resembled to mathematics.
On august 2017 I went to the National New Art Centre to see  the exhibition Alberto Giacometti.
At that time I felt sculpture and mathematics' resemblance for having a total image to the object.
Giacometti made Bust of Diego in 1954, that many people admit one of master pieces of Giacometti.
It is true and furthermore it hints me mathematical approach to the agenda on language using fine theorems historically made by the pioneers of modern mathematics.
Why ?
A theorem has a vast history to resolve hard problems, which shows omnidirectional ways to the top named theorem.
Sculpture also shows the similar way to the top named real existence of human activity.
So I like  walk around a sculpture to recognize the unseen roads to the top named thought of a artist alike mathematician's approach.
 I love the chair in front of  a sculpture to see a rather long time to think of artist's long way to a piece of work. 
At this exhibition I was interested in small figures made about 1946.
Why he produced such works. More and more small to 1cm, all of which were entered to a match box.
They may be the starting points  to the big notions or work in  the future, being familiar for me to the afar resolve of question of mathematical agenda.
20 August 2017
Reference added
25 August 2017
Sekinan Fresh 

From the exhibition catalogue 2017
Collection Fondation Marguerite et Maeght

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Pleasure of Mathematics

Pleasure of Mathematics

Thinking about language by mathematics is one of the most fantastic time for me, ever and probably from now on. Now I remember that  the days of writing Stochastic Meaning Theory and Energy Distance Theory showed me the new visibility to language from ambiguous intuitive situation.

  • Stochastic Meaning Theory
  1. Period of Meaning
  2. Period of Meaning 2 
  3. Place of Meaning 
  4. Energy of Language 
  5. Language as Brown Motion 
  • Energy Distance Theory
  1. Energy and Distance 
  2. Heat and Diffusion
  3. Energy and Functional
  4. Finsler Manifold and Distance 
  5. Word and Meaning Minimum 
  6. Geometry of Word

Especially Stochastic Meaning Theory was  a fresh entrance to writing on my physical image of language. Energy and Brown motion are both purely the themes of physics. But in those days about 2007, I thought that if language have energy or language have free movement like Brown motion and in the space described by mathematics language generate words or sentences. Stochastic approach is enough strong to my uninhibited desire. In those days what I really wanted to get was the universality definitely described on language.
One day I was admonished from my teacher CHINO Eiichi,"You should not take those course that were not for our ordinary people's study, we were not Wittgenstein. " CHINO taught me almost all the linguistic information from the utterly beginning. I was surely not Wittgenstein, or did not want to become him. But what Wittgenstein pursued in his life time was also able to pursue in my life time, I have thought it over and over. At this situation, Roger Penrose wrote quite exactly as the following.

  • In 2005 Roger Penrose published THE ROAD TO REALITY A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe. At the preface he wrote, "We cannot get any deep understanding of the laws that govern the physical world without entering the world of mathematics."

I ever wrote on CHINO with deep gratitude after his death in 2002.

  • If C live, he also may ask me, "What  are you researching now?" And I also will answer him as same as ever. I have pursued universals, never done facts, without repenting.  Oh C, if you live, will we also talk on language at the table facing each other under the low ceiling of the shop, going up the steep stairs. The name of the shop is California. For the memory of our daily forgetful life, its never miserable though poor all over, I will write down our delight.

For me, mathematics is not a tool to think but pleasure to think. If there be not mathematics right before me, how I describe language's Brownian motion to the others in the complexed and gotten entangled situation by historical deepness and areal wideness.
I wrote at the paper, "Language as Brown Motion" as the following.

Abstractive space     Ω
σ additive family that consists of subset of Ω     F
Measure that is defined over F   P
satisfies Ω ) =1.
Probability space   ( Ω, )
Stochastic process defined over   ( Ω, )   ( Bt ≥ 0 =( Bt ω )) ≥ 0
B t ≥ 0 that satisfies the next, it is called Brownian motion .
(i) 0 = 0   ) = 1
(ii) For ∀ ω ∈ Ω B t ω ) is continuous on .
(iii) For0 = 0 < ∀ 1 <…< t n , ∀ ∈ N , { Bt i Bt i -1 }satisfies the next.
a) { Bt i Bt i -1 } are independent each other.
b) { Bt i Bt i -1 } are followed by mean 0 and variance t i t i- 1 of Gauss distribution.
Random variant of 1-dimensional Brownian motion starting from the origin   B
σ (0, ∞ ) : =inf { >0; B t ∈ (0, ∞ ) }
= { σ (0, ∞ ) = 0 }
∈ F 0 *
σ (0, ∞ ) = 0 )= 0 or 1
↓ 0
σ (0, ∞ ) = 0 )= 1
From symmetry of Brownian motion B t = - B t

From these premise, the next assumption is led for us.

Language that has Brownian motion   L B
B has actual language and imaginary language.

At this process mathematics is not definitely a tool for thinking. Meeting with mathematics, I could first get the clear notion of actual-imaginary relationship as the written style to the others. It is a great pleasure for me to be able to approach difficult theme like language after long time searching. And also pray all the people can think complex intuitive notions not giving up and describe more clearly for oneself and others.

13 December 2014

Weaving products for bed cover 
Ome, Tokyo
The exhibit of festival at Autumn 2016

Hurrying up to library. A youth in late 1960s

Hurrying up to library

When I was a high school student, my dream of near future was to go to library everyday for reading, learning and researching my themes at that time unknown. In the school I liked solving easy questions of mathematics and physics,  but those were all rudimentary questions for general students aiming university’s entrance.
I thought that there would be clear themes of my own life somewhere in my learning world, which never came up to the surface. So above all things I wanted to go library to find my themes for my study life, in which I probably would satisfy in my youth time. I dreamed my figure hurrying up to library with carrying books under my arm being bothered nothing perfectly.
At university my dream surely came to true. But a new more difficult problem emerged up in my front. It was a talent or gift for keeping study deeply. I was a common person having nothing peculiar gift. From that time my true long winding road to language study started towards hard field or precipitous mountain.

27 January 2015

References added 17 February 2015
  1. Now I am Enough Old Remembering the Past / 27 September 2012
  2. 40 years passed from I read WANG Guowei / 16 November 2013
  3. Perhaps Return to Physics / 16 August 2014
  4. Pleasure of Mathematics / 13 December 2014
  5. Winding road to physics /16 January 2015

Note added, 20 January 2016
In June 2016, I become 69 years old, that is the time to remember the life to this day. How has my youth time dream realised? What has I obtained the objects I ever hoped?. Some are realised, some are not. I obtained the real aim to keep studying on. It is in language I ever dreamt. But I have not made enough contribution to the people around me and social itself. I only walked my narrow road for my study, not paid attention to others. I met many splendid people leading me generally to my study way. I was too happy to my tiny research results ever made. I sincerely thank to all and I truly love this small road. It was a long and winding road as the Beatles sang in my youth time and I feel that I surely got fine strawberry from language field. It is For Ever.    

Old warehouse for weaving products
Autumn 2016
Ome, Tokyo

Sunday, 13 August 2017

The Complete Works of TANIYAMA Yutaka, Revised Edition, 1994

The Complete Works of TANIYAMA Yutaka, Revised Edition, 1994

The Complete Works of TANIYAMA Yutaka, Revised Edition, 1994 always shows me the youth of the post-war mathematics in Japan. At the same time It gave me the feeling of strong longing.

When A. Wiles and R. Taylor finally solved the Fermat's Last Theorem in 1994, TANIYAMA-SHIMURA Conjecture became famous overnight in Japan too. After the situation was settled a matter, I saw the feature articles on TANIYAMA in the journal, Mathematics Seminar at the bookstore nearby of my home.

My first impression was a longing desire to his high achievement to mathematics or studies in history. At those days I was at the midst of age 40s and did not accomplish anything on my field of language. Of course I did not desire any fame or special situation. I only hope from the bottom of my heart to propose the results that let assent to myself.

Nearly 20 years passed away since those days. Now there is any enviable thing to TANIYAMA or his colleague. Because I also discovered my aim and approach on my theme. It is absolutely same that I have not proposed anything to the learning. I only have the probably same aim that many surpassed people had or have. Merely I have not any genius to learning.

My true tiny happiness is what  I am still learning on my objects every day. It is only one that is language forever.
11 November 2012
Sekinan Research Field of Language

Monorail station, Tachikawa South
Tachikawa, Tokyo
28 May 2017

​Winter comes as if grace arrives

​Winter comes as if grace arrives


―むかしね。谷山豊TANIYAMA Yutakaって人がいたんだ。


―若くして亡くなった。婚約者もたしかまもなく亡くなった。彼とその友人が作った予想が、フェルマー予想Fermat Theoremを解くかぎになった。ワイルズWilesという人が解いてもう十年以上になる。それで谷山TANIYAMAの特集が雑誌に載ったことがあった。





ふたりに今、恩寵のように冬が来る。For the two, winter comes as if grace arrives.

Saturday, 12 August 2017

Geometry is the only one expression for me to describe the universal language containing the time which is one of the meanings

Geometry is the only one expression for me to describe the universal language containing the time which is one of the meanings

From Print 2012, Chapter 10


Cは事実と法則を追って、それを見出さなかった。そして或るとき突然の病いで逝った。言語学を愛した幾冊かの本を残して。最後の本の名は、言語学への開かれた扉、Janua Linguisticae Reserata。彼が言うように、扉は万人に開かれていた。ひたすら追うのであれば。

Cが生きていれば、今またAに問うかもしれない。おまえは今何をしているかと。If C live, he also may ask me, "What  are you researching now?" そしてAもまた同じように答えるだろう。And A also will answer him as same as ever.事実ではなく普遍を追っています、こりることなくと。I have pursued universals, never done facts, without repenting. 
生きていれば、あの急な階段をのぼって、天井の低いテーブルでまた話していただろうか、Cよ。Oh C, if you live, will we also talk on language at the table facing each other under the low ceiling of the shop, going up the steep stairs. 
 転注をめぐる研究の国境を超えたつながりの中で、再発見された転注論の貴重な原稿を損傷させないために、発見者みずからが飛行機に乗って届けてくれたことなどを。だから途方にくれるようにまずしかった私はどれほど勇気づけられたか、Cよ。駅前の路地を入ってすぐ左の、掘っ立て小屋のようだったあの店の名まえはカリフォルニア。The name of the shop is California. ぼくらの決して悲惨ではなかった忘却の紀念に、今はそれを書き記そう。For the memory of our daily forgetful life, its never miserable though poor all over, I will write down our delight.


Source: Tale / Print by RI Kohr / 27 January 2012  


25 July 2015 Reprint
Sekinan Study

Friday, 11 August 2017

Roman Jakobson References added

Roman Jakobson References added

TANAKA Akio     
THE SOUND SHAPE OF LANGUAGE by Roman Jakobson & Linda Waugh, 1979 is one of always-put-aside book for the study. The authors wrote the Preface to The Japanese Edition, 1980 that the primary concern was the basic opposition between form and meaning, furthermore there were definite difference and intimate bonding between these two essential phenomena.
For turning to myself, I had already determined the main target on meaning, and sound had been put aside, while Jakobson's book  was still referred time to time. It  was a great teacher for me, and   probably from now on.



16 July 2012
Sekinan Research Field of Language

3 December 2014 Revised

Reference added
5 March 2016
SRFL Paper

Summer plum festival 
20 July 2017
Okunitama jinja  Shrine, Fuchu, Tokyo

On Roman Jakobson, Sergej Karcevskij and CHINO Eiichi

On Roman Jakobson, Sergej Karcevskij and CHINO Eiichi

Probably Chinese character's agenda will be written by Europe oriented mathematics. WANG Guowei will meet with Karcevskij mediated through mathematics' description. The target confronted at that time was time inherent in characters, or time in word. In Chinese, particularly in classical written Chinese, all the characters show enough independent meaning in one character probably including even time. It was my first conjecture taught from Karcevskij and CHINO. Meaning minimum is on the boat going across to the opposite shore. This metaphor was derived from WANG Guowei's famous paper, "Yin- bu zhong suojian xiangong xianwang kao"

  Read more:

Summer plum festival
20 July 2017
Okunitama jinja Shrine, Fuchu, Tokyo