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Wednesday, 23 August 2017

CHEN Donghai, Chinese language teacher

CHEN Donghai

CHEN Donghai taught me the Chinese conversation in 1967. Time flies so fast.
He was the important adviser for making The Iwanami Chinese Dictionary that was the first dictionary alphabetically arranged dictionary in Japan.
I have the dear memory for him.
He ever heard classical Chinese opera in Beijing, that was for hearing not for seeing, so hear-opera people sat sideways toward the opera's stage. He talked us such condition for hearing pleasantly.
CHEN Donghai, after all, taught us the Beijing's tradition on history and culture succeeding the glorious Qing's dynasty.
My language study's basis was constructed in those days being led by CHEN Donghai.

23 May 2012
23 January 2017 Revised
Sekinan Research Field of Language

Nagatoro Saitama
Famous by rock and the Arakawa River
Summer 2016

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