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Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Owakudani, active volcano at Hakone, Kanagawa, Japan

Owakudani, active volcano 

Owakudani (Great Crater Valley), Hakone is the notable active volcano in East Japan. The place is the famous sight -seeing spot in Hakone area. We went the place several times by the cable-car that has obtained the most passengers in the world, some 8 million people getting on a year. The cable-car crossed high over the centre of the crater that is always smoking. A friend of foreign country said to me that the car is safe above the volcano? Oh, we have become familiar to the fact but surely if the blast happen, the car will be quite dangerous. In the photo, using the enlargement system on the computer, at least two workers are working for the stabilization of the volcano. Sincerely thanks for them!

Owakudani, active volcano at Hakone, kanagawa, Japan

Owakudani, active volcano 

Owakudani (Great Crater Valley), Hakone is the notable active volcano in East Japan. The place is the famous sight -seeing spot in Hakone area. We went the place several times by the cable-car that has obtained the most passengers in the world, some 8 million people getting on a year. The cable-car crossed high over the centre of the crater that is always smoking. A friend of foreign country said to me that the car is safe above the volcano? Oh, we have become familiar to the fact but surely if the blast happen, the car will be quite dangerous. In the photo, using the enlargement system on the computer, at least two workers are working for the stabilization of the volcano. Sincerely thanks for them!

Short History of SRFL

Short History of SRFL 

SRFL Sekinan Research Field of Language was established in 2003 for the study on language universals, that was the core theme since my youth time some 40 years ago in the 1970s. But real start was much later in the late 1980s.

In 1986 I established the Sekinan Library for the base of study at Tachikawa, Tokyo. At that time my main theme was declined to the study of old Chinese character’s classical semantics using the traditional study of the form of characters reading Qing Dynasty’s WANG Guowei. The study from the direction had not given me so rich results. I at the same time read some mathematical books influenced from Bourbaki that was the big stream in 1970s in Japan. Set theory represented by Godel was also the favourite at the time.

In 1990s I determined the direction of study only to language universals taught from CHINO Eiichi, one of the modern typical philologists of Japan. He taught me almost all the aspects of European philology that were unknown for me. In the various themes he gave me, the most impressive was the existence of the Linguistic Circle of Prague. Above all Sergej Karcevskij was overwhelmingly deep and moving. But Karcevskij’s  approach was seemed to be intuitive and far from clear descriptiveness.

I began to learn the theme hinted by Karcevskij while learning Godel, Bourbaki and Wittgenstein that was also gave me the big influence form the age 20s. I had frequently read Wittgenstein’s TRACTATUS. But my base of math was so poor and never became the descriptive use for language’s delicate phases. So I again restarted math from geometry that gave the most familiar and clear image for me. My intuitive image and basic math description were seemed to be able offer in nearly millennium days.

In spring 2003 I knew the application paper for the international symposium held  by a certain institute. I arranged the short paper for it till early summer and sent it. The paper was happily adopted  as one of the language and literature section of the symposium. The paper’s title was Quantum Theory for Language. It was again arranged next year 2004 as the title Quantum Theory for Language synopsis.

The establish date of Sekinan Research Field of Language  was 23 August 2003, that was the date of completion of proto-conceptive paper of Quantum Theory for Language at the hutte in Hakuba, Nagano. Now the time passed rapidly 10 years. All things are now  very dear for me with fine landscape of Japan Alps.

A Group of Mathematicians

A Group of Mathematicians 

Tokyo. 1970 
By  NOGUCHI Hiroshi

Yesterday read over NOGUCHI Hiroshi’s A Group of Mathematicians, Tokyo, 1970. The book begins the first chapter from the seminar of Karl Menger (1902-1985)  at Wien in 1930s. The presentators were Heinrich Tietze and Herbert Seifert (1907-1996). There TERASAKA (pseudonym) from Japan heard them, that became friendly with Seifert after his presentation. Seifert spoke with an accent of Dresden.

Tietze spoke with the title ” On the embedding of n-dimensional distance space”. Seifelt’s theme at the seminar was the connection between geometry and algebra. Thus the book opens the curtain of topology’s development in the twentieth century. The second chapter describes the meeting at Asakusa, Tokyo in 1935, where young mathematicians in Japan conversed the new mathematics trend in Europe mainly by NAKAMURA ( pseudonym) who went to Swiss to study algebraic topology from Heinz Hoph (1894-1971). The author NOGUCHI writes, ” Thus, the history of algebraic topology in Japan started at this night.”

The book has eight chapters and the last chapter describes “the third generation” young topologists emerged in 1960s. KOMATSU (pseudonym) remember the past good days that opened the tiny  flower of homology, and the next all was destroyed by the second world war and now Japanese young mathematicians are studying under Sariban, Robion Kirby, Laurent Siebemann and John Milnor at Princeton in 1969.

11 January 2013

Perhaps return to physics by Twitter SekinanLibrary


Perhaps return to physics

⚡️ “Perhaps return to physics” by

It is always the time of my youth. Perhaps forever.

28 February 2018

Hurrying up to library

Hurrying up to library


When I was a high school student, my dream of near future was to go to library everyday for reading, learning and researching my themes at that time unknown. In the school I liked solving easy questions of mathematics and physics,  but those were all rudimentary questions for general students aiming university's entrance.

I thought that there would be clear themes of my own life somewhere in my learning world, which never came up to the surface. So above all things I wanted to go library to find my themes for my study life, in which I probably would satisfy in my youth time. I dreamed my figure hurrying up to library with carrying books under my arm being bothered nothing perfectly.

At university my dream surely came to true. But a new more difficult problem emerged up in my front. It was a talent or gift for keeping study deeply. I was a common person having nothing peculiar gift. From that time my true long winding road to language study started towards hard field or precipitous mountain.

27 January 2015

Coffee shop named California

Coffee shop named California


From Print 2012, Chapter 10

If C live, he also may ask me, "What  are you researching now?"
And I also will answer him as same as ever. 
I have pursued universals, never done facts, without repenting.  

Oh C, if you live, will we also talk on language at the table facing each other
under the low ceiling of the shop, going up the steep stairs. 
The name of the shop is California.

For the memory of our daily forgetful life, its never miserable though poor all over,
I will write down our delight.

Source: Tale / Print by LI Koh / 27 January 2012  


23 february 2015



For language study, its theoretical  description is a very important role for understandability and clarity of the paper. Till my age 30s , I had never satisfied my way to study and write. Philosophical and philological methods have been felt somewhere ambiguous and unreliable to proceed sensintive research of language.
My great turn occurred at the relearning of mathematics, especially geometrical algebra. In the past 1970s, I was also one of the many influenced students from Bourbaki, that was the brightest star in the universe of minute and rigorous road to the destination. But my poor way was always unevenness and wide deep fog was surrounded in the vast field in front of mine. What at last I  arrived at the gate of confirmed style was the beginning of the 21st century. At that time I wrote several trial papers related with language universals but still never had been satisfied for their ambiguity and intensive styles. My next crux came at my study of new wave of algebraic geometry, complex manifold deformation at 2008. Its result became some papers named Complex Manifold Deformation Theory. This was the very fresh and clear way to study language for me.
Conjecture A
1. Distance of Word
2. Reflection of Word
3. Uniqueness of Word
4. Amplitude of Meaning Minimum
5. Time of Word
6. Orbit of Word
Conjecture B
1.  Map between Words
2.  Understandability of Language

The First Paper on Inherent Time in Word

The First Paper on Inherent Time in Word 

26/07/2014 10:18

In 2003 I wrote a paper which shows the inherent time in word, titled On Time Property Inherent in Characters.
In those days I frequently looked upon the reading on linguistic history of Chinese characters. Qing dynasty is like a sitting sun delight with classical study of Chinese Classics.

In October 2002, I contracted pneumonia and entered a hospital two weeks. At the hospital pneumonia smoothly recovered to usual health. So I thought on my study life and my main target of language at the free time. From the hospital's window the Okutama Mountains were always clearly seen. Seeing the mountains, I gradually determined that the research must be led by clear description, not by traditional style of historical language study.

But my study was mainly put on WANG Guowei's style until then. His life work, Quangtangjilin is the only book in my life. Then at the hospital bed, I confirmed that my study was mixed to clear description and traditional WANG's work.

In March 2003, I stayed at Hakuba, Nagano for tasting the passing wintry season’s landscape. At the place,  I suddenly floating up an idea of language study that word has time in it and that time and meaning are all shaped to be elements. At the result I finished the paper, On Time Property Inherent in Characters. 


24 July 2014                             

Parts and Whole

Parts and Whole


I was ever simply thinking that the parts gathers and the whole is completed. But the situation seemed not to be so simple, I recently realised. Its beginning started with a theorem of arithmetic geometry.
When i : X–>Y,  j : Y–>Z is regular closed immersion of their codimension c, d, the next is set up.
(jOi)* = j*Oi*: CHr(Z) –>CHr-c-d(X).

1 September 2013

References added
9 September 2014

Glitter of youth through philosophy and mathematics in1970s

Glitter of youth through philosophy and mathematics in1970s


In 1970s or in my age 20s there surely exists glitter of youth in my life, now I remember.
In those days, in Japan many fabulous magazines were successively published. Episteme,Toshi(City)、Chugoku(China) and the likes. Especially I loved reading Episteme which had printed many philosophical or philological articles as the form of special issues concentrated important philosopher, thinker and writer. The chief editor of Episteme was NAKANO Mikitaka(1943-2007), probably one of the best editors in the latter half of the 20th century in Japan.  The most impressive number was Ludwig Wittgenstein(1889-1951), probably in 1977. Also influenced from the issue of Kurt Godel(1906-1978)who gave me the possibility of set theory.

In my life, Wittgenstein gave the big influence for thinking and writing style, never entering or approaching his essential philosophical themes.After millennium year when I started the regular writing on language universals, my writing style was resembling in his Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. My paper written in 2003, Quantum Theory for Language shows a very imitative style to him. This tendency kept on for some time till I changed to adopt algebraic method for more clear description to the themes.

1970s was a relatively calm times after those university's revolution in the late 1960s in which I also compellingly rolled in. In those days I almost had been wandering between library and old book shops aiming my life-time true themes cowardly avoiding the turmoils of university and towns. Blaise Pascal(1623-1662)'s Pansees was my favourite one. One day at Kanda's Taiwan chinese book shop Kaifu Shoten, I bought WANG Guowei(1877-1927)'s Guantangjilin that opened the new frontier for classical Chinese philology mainly streamed by "Small Study", traditional exegetics in China. Influenced WANG Guowei I wrote a paper titled On Time Property Inherent in Characters, 2003 by which I began the latter start of language study.

In 1970s, I had cherished a dream in which I wanted to use mathematical description and get the essential of language. But I had not any ability to proceed the study for it while I read at random several mathematical books. One day I found and bought the amount Nicolas Bourbaki(1935-)'s text books at old book shop in Kanda, Tokyo. They were hard to keep reading for my talent in those days. After all, the books were put aside the desk. The remaining in my mind was adoration to Bourbaki and their brilliant achievement. My return to Bourbaki was long after in 1990s when I again tried the pursuit of language having a clear vision to study language universals according to the Linguistic Circle of Prague, especially aiming to resolve the supposition presented by Sergej Karcevskij(1884-1955).

Turning round the past days, my way was always narrow and winding road. But it keeps till now not breaking off in any situations. The way was finely glittering in my youth days despite under the cloudy sky. Probably I have kept happily walking till now being assisted by many people especially at the field of language, mathematics and relevant studies.

At random now I remember the dear names from whom I  never cannot hear their voices. HASEGAWA Hiroshi, CHEN Donghai Chinese languageKAJIMURA Hideki, CHO Shokichi Korean languageNatary Muravijowa Russian languageONO Shinobu Chinese literatureMIIYAZAKI Kenzo, FURUTA Hiromu, KONDO Tadayoshi Japanese literatureANDO Tsuguo French poemSAEKI Shoichi HaikuIKEDA Hiroshi Japanese classical dramaSAITO Kohei sculptureYAMAGISHI Tokuhei bibliographyNISHI Junzo Chinese philosophyKAWASAKI Tsuneyuki BuddhismCHINO Eiichi Russian language, the Linguistic Circle of Prague. At last dear friend of high school days KANEKO Yutaka mathematics and our youth.

6 March 2015
Sekinan Library