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Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Grassmann Language 2 Elements of Word

Grassmann Language 2
Elements of Word
1. Preparation
 is projective space.
 is homogenious coordinate.
 is the pair of arbitrary 2r numbers.
 is Grassmann variety.
2. Theorem
The necessary and sufficient condition of what the point which has homogenious coordinate in projective space is contained in Grassmann variety is what the number pair of 2r
satisfies the following.
3. Interpretation
Language : projective space
Word : Grassmann variety
Meaning minimum : point which has homogenious coordinate in projective space
4. References
Grassmann variety 
Grassmann Language / March 6, 2012
Meaning minimumFrom Cell to Manifold/ Cell Theory / June 2, 2007
Cell Theory / Continuation of Quantum Theory for Language / For LEIBNIZ and JAKOBSON ]

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