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Friday, 29 October 2021

Letter to O. again


Letter to O. again

Dear O.

From TANAKA, again send a letter.
Thanks a lot for your kind letter although you are in every day busy work.

I had thought again sending a letter to you but I could not, for year-end thorough cleaning of my little house.

The fact is I uploaded the letter to you on my Blogger SRFL News, removing your private part.
This blog is still now ranked in the third position.
My blog is written by English so the readers are almost  foreigners. But this blog is written in Japanese  as same as the real letter to you. Your sincere thinking of old books may give the readers with agreement, who love the old books like you.

Blog's URL is the next.

In your letter, you wrote that you would read the books comfortably not selling the old books of your work. I have also felt the same feeling so I bought  Development of the modern poems written by ANDO Tsuguo who was the fine teacher of literature at the university and I once went to his home thinking to hear his intimate voice on poem and literature. He was one of the most typical poet and critic in the present age of Japan.

And now I would want to read KIYOOKA Takayuki's collected poems, that was ever read in my youth.

In autumn 1970 I was the senior of university, when the next spring I would graduate, I met with the thick French binding KIYOOKA's collected poems  at the well drop-in bookshop of Hachioji, Tokyo. At that time I could not yet find my whole life object of learning.

In his book, I read a long poem titled "at the campus of university" in which he wrote that he meets with the whole life object of learning as he meets with his beloved person in his life.

The next spring 1971 I graduated the university, when I could not find any object at the campus while I ruminated KIYOOKA's stanza.

What I really met with my whole life object was already entered in the 21 century at my age 56 in 2003 after much trial and error. It was language universals that was ever taught from CHINO Eiichi who was the real life time teacher of mine and the successor of the Linguistic Circle of Prague, who spent 7 year study at Prague.


Sergej Karcevskij gave me the great  hint of approach to language universals through the famous paper titled "Du Dualisme asymétrique du signe linguistique" 1929.

In 2003 I wrote a paper titled " Quantum Theory for Language" after some trial papers, " On Time Property Inherent in Characters", " Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language" .
In 2004 I wrote two attached papers, " Distance Theory" and "Reversion Theory".

The proper papers' URL is the next.


After the suggestion of CHINO, I have tried the very hard road of writing style using mathematical base assisted from many contemporary mathematician works,especially at the field of algebraic geometry.
The paper " Quantum Theory for Language" was selected one of the 4 oral presentations of the linguistic field of a international symposium focused on the Silk Road.
On Karcevskij and CHINO I wrote a tiny paper, " Prague in 1920" which was dedicated the two as a token of my cordially gratitude.

Dear O. I am very happy to meet with you so you gave me the true value of books and the precious relationship between books and human being. Your work and suggestion made me recollect the important people and events on my life.

With best regards,

2 January 2018

Sekinan Library

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The first paper on Inherent time in word at SRFL. 2014


The first paper on Inherent time in word at SRFL. 2014

26/07/2014 10:18

In 2003 I wrote a paper which shows the inherent time in word, titled On Time Property Inherent in Characters.

In those days I frequently looked upon the reading on linguistic history of Chinese characters. Qing dynasty is like a sitting sun being lighted with classical study of Chinese Classics.

In October 2002, I contracted pneumonia and entered a hospital two weeks. At the hospital pneumonia smoothly recovered to usual health. So I thought on my study life and my main target of language at the free time. From the hospital’s window the Okutama Mountains were always clearly seen. Seeing the mountains, I gradually determined that the research must be led by clear description, not by traditional style of historical language study.

But my study was mainly put on WANG Guowei’s style until then. His life work, Quangtangjilin is the only book in my life. Then at the hospital bed, I confirmed that my study was mixed to clear desorption and traditional WANG’s work.

In March 2003, I stayed at Hakuba, Nagano for tasting the passing wintry season’s landscape. At the place,  I suddenly floating up an idea of language study that word has time in it and that time and meaning are all shaped to be elements. At the result I finished the paper, On Time Property Inherent in Characters.

On Time Property Inherent in Characters / 28 March 2003

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28 Sptember 2021

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Thursday, 28 October 2021

What is Ideogram? Winding lanes to Quantum-Nerve Theory 2019


16/11/2019 13:59

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Quantum space through Poisson manifold’s deformation quantization by Kontsevich. Translated by Google translate


Quantum space through Poisson manifold’s deformation quantization by Kontsevich. Translated by Google translate

Quantum space through Poisson manifold’s deformation quantization by Kontsevich


From  Print  2012, Chapter 18

Symmetry. That’s what I used to talk to repeatedly. Prague in the 1920s. Kartsevsky’s article in the magazine TCLP, “Asymmetric duality of linguistic symbols”. The coexistence of absolutely contradictory soft and hard structures that the language continues to hold, and thus the language continues to be a language.

An eternal contradiction that will remain doubly implicit in the language. Karcevskij presented the duality, which is why the language can be so flexible and so rigid that it is almost absolutely contradictory. A white-eyed discussion left by Sergey Kartsevsky, a linguist who C was the only genius in its last book.

A consistent understanding of this duality, why this coexistence is possible, is probably still not submitted. In comparison, steady progress has been made in the world of quantization.

According to Fukaya, Konzevic presented his formal conjecture in his 1997 paper, and he proved it by himself in the 2003 paper. “Modified quantization of Poisson manifolds”. Fukaya in his book outlines the proof only for the n R case. The whole proof is immeasurable. Space by quantum, that may not be a dream anymore.

Source: Tale / Print by LI Koh / 27 January 2012


Quantization of Language / 24 June 2009


4 June 2015

Sekinan Library

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Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Writing Style of the Papers in 2013 Text revised and references added 2018


Writing Style of the Papers in 2013 Text revised and references added 2018

09/06/2019 19:08

 Writing Style of the Papers in 2013

From 2013 I changed a little on the writing style of papers. I have always thought on the several concepts for language universals and their surroundings. Synthesis of old meaning and new meaning is one of the most important themes. Dimension of language is also a big theme for long time from my beginning of the study.
Recently I frequently use the web site, webnode, in which the top page almost has "News" column that is very convenient to write tiny memo-like ideas I have always been thinking. Ending the memo and uploading the site, writing date and time are inevitably mentioned. It is very useful for me because I always need the date of thinking the theme.
So I made several sites by the webnode. But after using for the facing work they were almost deleted for cleaning the history of my task. I do not want remaining the footprints of my trifling works. At the result my remaining webnode site is only one at the present 2013, that is named SRFL Note in which there are some trivial notes on the present study.
Several papers written by the webnode "News" column  are shown at the site.
For this writing situation , "Dimension Decrease Conjecture",  "Conjecture for synthesis of meaning in word"and "Conjecture for reversion of language" have peculiar style from the ordinary papers.

From now on, what this style will be kept on is uncertain for me, but I think that adequate themes by this style will be remained, for example, on the field of the hierarchy of language related with dimension.

If the time exists some for me, I will write more several papers on the important themes using mathematical writing style to the unknown world of language hereinafter.

1. webnode
HILLSSOUTHROAD / 2013 (Archive)
2. Papers
"Dimension Decrease Conjecture" / 2013
"Conjecture for synthesis of meaning in word" / 2013
"Conjecture for reversion of language" / 2013
References 2
1. Webnode site between 2013-2018
SRFL Group
  1. SRFL Collectiom
  2. SRFL Lab
  3. SRFL Essay 
  4. SRFL Math
  5. SRFL Note
  6. SRFL Paper
  7. SRFL Theory
  8. Geometrization Language
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2. Writing style in 2018
Thinking memo for the study is now usually writing down at the Blogger sites, SRFL News and Sekinan Table. So the Webnode's News column are not frequently used now. At SRFL sites, SRFL Collection has become the main portal site.
Working sites are presented two, SRFL Lab and Geometrization Language for Quantum Group Language and Geometrization Language.

1 May 2014
4 June 2018 Text revised, references 2 added
Sekinan Research Field of Language

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Language and I

 Language and I

Sekinan Library has researched on language from 1986 and successively at SRFL from 2003.
Papers and essays that have been  written at Sekinan Library and SRFL Sekinan Research Field of Language 
are shown and searched at SRFL Essay and SRFL Paper.
Sekinan Library's main theme is now at language universals that has been a hard target and researched since 1920s at Linguistic Circle of Prague, but the theme had been always put aside from the centre of the study.
In Japan. on Prague School CHINO Eiichi probably first introduced systematically through his direct study experience at Prague between 1958 and 1964.

I first met with him in 1969 at Tokyo, from whom received Russian language lesson at the beginner's small class.
And after some 10 years I again met him in 1979 at his lecture on structural linguistics, to which I listen till till March 1986 when I get apart from the university.

In 1986 I also started to study my own object on language, in  which the main theme  was language universals by mathematical description, surging from Nicolas Bourbaki, that were already applied to wide and deep approach even at human studies at that time.

For me algebraic geometry was the great aid to deepen the theme, to which from 1920s many researchers have recognised one of the most important but hard to operate with clear description at the field of philology.

In 2003 I narrowly wrote up the trial paper on language's characters, at that time not for total language, but I got the steady way to approach the hard target of language's basis mainly on meaning, through which I faintly could see the final target, language universals.


26 June 2017

Sekinan Library

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Edward Sapir gave me a moment to study language universals together with Sergej Karcevskij

 Edward Sapir gave me a moment to study language universals together with Sergej Karcevskij


Edward Sapir's LANGUAGE AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF SPEECH 1921 gave me a moment for study in 1980s while I was roaming about the darkness of not- getting any aim to study on language. I ever wrote a short paper being influenced in 2005 and after also wrote a memo on his book in 2014.

Substantiality / 2005
Edward Sapir, Language, 1921 / 2014

A moment came from his famous concept drift. At the near-end Chapter 7 Sapir wrote "the three major drifts", that were the next.

"The drift toward the abolition of most case distinctions"
"the correlative drift toward position as an accompanied"
"the drift toward the invariable word"

This "the three major drifts" are all apparently seen in Chinese, especially in the classical written language. At my age 20s and 30s I continuously had read Qing dynasty's classical linguistic books and papers.  WANG Guowei, ZHANG Binglin, DUAN Yucai, WANGYyinzhi were the most reliable works for me.

Meaning minimum / 2013
The Time of WANG Guowei / 2011
The Days of Ideogram / 2017

This paper is unfinished

27 July - 28 July 2017
Sekinan Library

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The Time of Language Ode to The Early Bourbaki To Grothendieck Note and Note 2 added


26/07/2019 17:53

The Time of Language Ode to The Early Bourbaki To Grothendieck Note and Note 2 added

20/05/2019 17:44

The Time of Language
Ode to The Early Bourbaki To Grothendieck



In early 1970s, I had think of language from the side of mathematics, that level of mine is very low and primitive, moreover I never had any talent to mathematics.
But my eager to trying the approach was going to overcome hard barriers before me. So the route had really fascinated my mind for long time.

At that time I had read Chinese classics almost every day. WANG Guowei*, DUAN Yucai and WANG Yingzhi. They were giants on Chinese language historically and modernly.
On the other hand I had thought of language generally, not defined by Chinese.
But in front of the vast world of language, I had stood still lonely, not taking any method for approaching.
Mathematics was the only gleam of hope in the wasteland.

I never took the route of ordinary linguistics.
I really dreamt a dream that time.
There exists set theory before me.
Probably there was the influence of Bourbaki**, that several translations to Japanese, shared from Tokyo Tosho Publisher, were on the desk of mine.
My talent and endeavour were so low, so I had not any results at that time.
My desire was deep but my hand was so shallow.
The time passed by.

In 1979 the meeting again with CHINO Eiichi*** made me the chance to learn on language, the object was clear and direct.
Language universals by mathematics became the never-ending goal of the study hereafter.
Sergej Karcevskij**** gave me the courage to the research.
All the way to investigation were taught from CHINO, who was the genuine teacher on language.
In mathematics I took the route from geometry, especially by projection.
Now I stand at algebraic geometry.
Grothendieck is in the northernmost at the end of Bourbaki.

SAITO Takeshi said at the essay on Grothendieck***** that the object of mathematics for Bourbaki was the set of being attached by construction and the object of mathematics for Grothendieck was the object of category representing the presentable functor.
The time has come for describing****** on language by mathematics despite my poor ability.
Sincere thanks for the pioneers letting us make the fascinating route of modern mathematics.


1. *WANG Guowei
Encounter in life / A Letter /2005
Influenced paper / On Time Property Inherent in Characters / 2003 , Quantum Theory for Language / 2004
2. **Bourbaki
SAITO Takeshi. Bourbaki, Mathematics Seminar, vol.41 no.4 487. Nihonhyoronsha, Tokyo, 2002.
3.***CHINO Eiicji
First met in 1969, again in 1979. Fortuitous Meeting
4. ****Sergej Karcevskij
Note on Karcevskij's theme. Note for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej's "Dudualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique"
5. *****Grothendieck
SAITO Takeshi. Grothendieck, Mathematics Seminar, vol.49 no.5 584. Nihonhyoronsha, Tokyo, 2010.
6. ******describing
Note on Grothendieck's theorem. Vector Bundle Model


January 10, 2012
Sekinan Research Field of Language

[Note, 28 October 2014]
When I first learnt French in 1964, I was the second grade of high school. My aim to learning was to get the lowest readable situation for modern poems of French Symbolism represented by Arthur Rimbaud and Paul Verlaine. Afterwards in 1969 I knew the importance of Martinet's work at the linguistic class of university. Probably in the early 1970s, I bought Bourbaki's books at the old-book-shop at Kanda, Tokyo, when Bourbaki's fame reached to the poor-talented linguistic student like me. I was enchanted Bourbaki's works and I somehow would like to adopt their results to my linguistic study. But my mathematical level was too low to get near Bourbaki's world. From those days my wandering around mathematics and linguistics kept long long way like the Beatles song, The long and winding road. What I again met mathematics, especially algebraic algebra was already over the twentieth century. From 2003 I began to write papers being assisted with CHINO Eiichi's advice and Sergej Karcevskij's work. At that times Chinese Qing dynasty's vast linguistic works topically represented by WANG Guowei was also assisting my study. At the result my first satisfied paper, "On Time Property Inherent in Characters"1 was completed. The theme in my life, model making of  language universals was begun further later in 2008 at Zoho site 2 sekinanlogos 3. At Complex Manifold Deformation Theory 4 I started writing more clearer descriptive papers by mathematics especially according to algebraic geometry. And now I step up one more and entered in arithmetic geometry 5 for solving more difficult themes such as dimension, synthesis and fusion of meaning in word.
Refer to the next.
  1. On Time Property Inherent in Characters
  2. Zoho site
  3. sekinanlogos
  4. Complex Manifold Deformation Theory
  5. Arithmetic geometry 
[Note 2 2 May 2019]
5 years passed from I wrote Note at October 2014.
The situation for the research changed rather largely.
I and wife became older and I become 72 years old this summer while the both have illness.
We often go to the hospital for the treatment for what I often think that all the illness are probably on the nerves which make persistent flows in our body, which inevitably need energy for fluidity.
At these circumstances  I began to write a new paper titled What is signal? The existence that generates language,What is signal?, original title,   What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve. The text is the next.
So far I have thought of language at the point from language universals which are the most fantastic theme for me. But illness and its base nerve showed me the new site of language that is the real base of language. It was the signal which has energy and flows and hatch language in the human being.
Now I stand back at the manuscript written in 2003 at Hakba, Nagano, Japan titled Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language. The text is the next.
Quantum is the real kernel of my research, by which signal and language may be  unifiedly constructed for human being.

2 May 2019
Sekinan Library

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