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Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Cube Theory Dimension

 Cube Theory









1 Quantum language sends information that is derived from natural language.

2 Information contains figure, meaning and grammar.

3 Meaning is treated at first for significant role in quantum language.

4 The notation of meaning is /   /.

5 Meaning has hierarchy in quantum language.

6 Hierarchy is made of signal, inclusion and connection. Outline is referred by the paper Quantum Language   Substantiality of Language   February 21, 2006.

7 Signal is shown by number o and 1.

8 Inclusion is shown using set that is expressed by {    }.

9 Connection is shown for derivation of meaning. Connection is expressed by +.


10 Hierarchy of meaning is shown by structure.

11 Hierarchy is expressed by 3 situations of quantum’s folding.

12 The most simplified meaning is expressed by one quantum that folds 3 situations, for instance, 0, {   } and mark less.

13 Now / 0, {  }, mark less / means number 1.

14 Number 2 is expressed by one quantum, for instance, {0}, {  } and mark less.

15 The next simplified meaning is expressed by two quanta that folds double 3 situations, for instance, 0, {  }, + and {0}, { }, mark less. Expression is number 12.

16 The next simplified meaning is expressed by double two quanta that folds double double 3 situations, for instance, expressed number 12 and more 12. Expression is number 1212.

17 The next meaning is expressed by double two quanta and double two quanta that folds 4 times double 3 situations, for instance, expression 12121212.

18 The double double-two-quanta is constructed from 8 quanta. The form is similar to dice. So the expression of quantum language is called cube theory.

19 Cube theory uses quantum as an element.

20 Now photon is used for quantum.

21 Cube theory is generally worked in Hilbert Space.

22 Cube theory is worked at from 1 dimension to infinite high dimensions.

23 Cube is formed from 3 dimensions.

24 1dimension makes dot. The upper case expresses number 1.

25 2 dimensions makes segment. The upper case expresses number 12.

26 Double 2 dimensions makes double segments. The upper case expresses number 1212.

27 Double double-2-dimensions makes cube. The upper case number 12121212.

28 Cube is measured by 3 dimensions, for instance, x, y and z axis.

29 Cube develops by time. The case has 4 dimensions, axes are x, y, z and t.

30 Developing cube shows a universe.


31 Distance between two quanta is defined by other papers.

32 Space where quanta are specially put is defined by other papers.


Tokyo March 22, 2006

Sekinan Research Field of Language

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