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Sunday, 18 December 2022

Farewell to Language Universals Revised 2021


 Farewell to Language Universals

18/03/2020 19:40 ;

First uploaded date to Sekinan View I ever thought of language from the vie point of the core elements usually assumed as one of language universals. Every element has been important for language phenomena, but selecting these elements from the infinite language world, they are seemed to be arbitrary pointing-out act for me now. So the below quoted  facts at paper 1 and paper 2 are, at the end, considered to be one of the important aspects on vast and boundless language for me now.

18 March 2020 First uploaded
27 June 2021 Text revised

Paper 1

Mathematical description for three elements of language universals

Energy, dimension and distance can be described by mathematical writing.
At first, energy in language is in preparation for writing now.


  1. Energy of Language / Stochastic Meaning Theory
  2. Energy and Distance / Energy Distance Theory
  3. Energy and Functional / Energy Distance Theory
  4. Potential of Language / Floer Homology Language

For dimension, definite results are presented being aided by arithmetic geometry.


  1. Three Conjectures for Dimension, synthesis and Reversion with Root and Supplement

For distance, its vast and vagueness of the concept can not be grasped up. But related papers of mine are probably the most in number.


  1. Distance / Direct Succession of Distance Theory / Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented
  2. Distance of Word / Complex Manifold Deformation Theory

This paper is not finished.

27 February 2015

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The upper paper, titled as Mathematical description for three elements of language universals, is now one of the most fundamental studies of language at present outlook.

28 February 2020
SRFL Paper

28 February 2020

I ever wrote a essay titled Half Farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague

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Paper 2

Half Farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague with References


I have thought on language through the rich results of the linguistic Circle of Prague and its important member Sergej Karcevskij. But now my recent thinking has inclined towards algebraic or arithmetic geometrical method and description. Probably it is the time of half farewell to those milestones which led me to the standing place here with rather sufficient results in my ability.Great thanks to all that always encouraged me for hard and vague target on language especially meaning and its surroundings. And also to CHINO Eiichi with love and respect who taught me all the bases of language study. For recent results see the following papers group named AGL Arithmetic Geometry Language and related essays.

23 October 2013
Sekinan Research Field of Language



         Arithmetic Geometry Language (AGL)

  1. Dimension of Language (AGL 1)
  2. Synthesis of Meaning and Transition of Dimension (AGL 2)
  3. Birth of Word, Synthesis of Meaning and Dimension of New Word (AGL 3)
  4. Dimension Conjecture at Synthesis of Meaning (AGL 4)


  1. Parts and Whole
  2. Edward Sapir’s Language, 1921
  3. Macro Time and Micro Time
  4. Meaning Minimum
  5. Disposition of Language

24 September 2014 References added
Sekinan Research Field of Language

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