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Sunday, 31 July 2016

Friday, 29 July 2016

The Days of Decipherment

The Days of Decipherment


On 20 July 2016 I went Tokyo National Museum, Ueno Park, Tokyo to see the exhibition A JOURNEY TO THE IMMORTALS: TREASURES OF ANCIENT GREECE, where I saw the linear A and B. It reminds me the youth days, so to say, the days of decipherment.

1960s -1970s is the age of decipherment in a sense. I was age 20 in 1967 and was learning language and literature at university. In 1958 John Chadwick's THE DECIPHERMENT OF LINEAR B was published from Cambridge University Press. At the preface of the book he wrote that the decipherment of linear B was told  at Documents in Mycenaean Greek (Cambridge University Press, 1956) and Michael Ventris that deciphered the Linear B.

In the same age in Japan, Xixia wenzi (Xixia characters) in China was deciphered by NISHIDA Tatsuo (1928-2012) who wrote the analysis and grammar of Xixia characters through the paper Seikamoji no bunseki narabini Seikago bunpou no kenkyuu in 1962.
In almost the same time, Inca characters were studying to decipher. I frequently heard that Russian team developed largely.

In early 1970s I frequently went to Kanda, Tokyo where old bookshops were selling vast Oriental books at the Hakusan street and Yasukuni Street. I bought Chinese classics, especially linguistic classics written in the Qing dynasty and I read them almost every day containing the comparison with the western linguistic results. The Qing dynasty's heritage were DUAN Yucai, WANG Niansun, WANG Yingzhi and WANG Guowei and so forth. DUAN Yucai's Showenjezi zhu and WANG Guowei's Guantang jilin  were the most important for me.

In France, 1960s was the days of Bourbaki that was one of the decipher of geometry by algebra, at least I thought so at that time. I sought and bought several Bourbaki's books at the old bookshops in Kanda, Tokyo,which is the largest old bookshop streets in Japan. But from my ability to mathematics Bourbaki was too much difficult to read on. From the days the long and winding road began to mathematics and its applicable study for language universals.

At the exhibition of ancient Greece I confirmed in particular that the stability of language was  kept by letters and characters from the Linear A and Linear B.

Exhibition Catalogue numbers are the next.
The numbers 39 and 40 are Linear A. 41 and 77 are Linear B.

39. Clay juglet c. 1800 B.C. ~ c. 1700 B.C.
40. Clay bar c. 1700 B.C. ~ c. 1650 B.C.
41. Clay tablet c. 1375 B.C. ~ c. 1350 B.C.
77. Linear B bar and tablet c. the 13th century B.C.

For my part the stability  has been one of the biggest themes on language phenomena since I was taught from CHINO Eiichi through the results of the Linguistic Circle of Prague, especially of Sergej Karcevskij.

The exhibition catalogue and Chadwick's book Japanese translated edition.

References 2
30 July 2016

Non-symmetry. It was the very theme that I repeatedly talked on with C. Prague in 1920s.

Non-symmetry. It was the very theme that I repeatedly talked on with C. Prague in 1920s. 

Prague in 1920s

​From Print 2012, Chapter 18

Non-symmetry. It was the very theme that I repeatedly talked on with C. Prague in 1920s. Karcevskij's paper "Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique" that appeared in the magazine TCLP.  Absolutely contradicted coexistence between flexibility and solidity, which language keeps on maintaining, by which language continues existing as language.  Still now there will exist the everlasting dual contradiction in language. Why can
language stay in such solid and such flexible condition like that. Karcevskij proposed the duality that is seemed to be almost absolute contradiction.
Sergej Karcevskij's best of papers, for whom C called as the only genius in his last years' book Janua Linguisticae reserata 1994. 

Coffee shop named California

Coffee shop named California


From Print 2012, Chapter 10

If C live, he also may ask me, "What  are you researching now?"
And I also will answer him as same as ever. 
I have pursued universals, never done facts, without repenting.  

Oh C, if you live, will we also talk on language at the table facing each other
under the low ceiling of the shop, going up the steep stairs. 
The name of the shop is California.

For the memory of our daily forgetful life, its never miserable though poor all over,
I will write down our delight.

Source: Tale / Print by LI Koh / 27 January 2012 

From C I heard on the Linguistic Circle of Prague.


23 february 2015

The Essence of Language Seeing the exhibition TREASURES OF ANCIENT GREECE, Tokyo National Museum. With catalogue image

The Essence of Language

Seeing the exhibition TREASURES OF ANCIENT GREECE, Tokyo National Museum


20 July 2016 I went to see the exhibition A JOURNEY TO THE IMMORTALS: TREASURES OF ANCIENT GREECE being opened at Tokyo National Museum, Ueno,Tokyo.

At the exhibition I first saw  Linear A and Linear B.
Exhibition Catalogue numbers are the next.
The numbers 39 and 40 are Linear A. 41 and 77 are Linear B.

39. Clay juglet
40. Clay bar
41. Clay tablet
77. Linear B bar and tablet
Exhibition catalogue

About the two Linear I knew the brief information from the book, THE DECIPHERMENT OF LINEAR B by John Chadwick, Cambridge University Press, 1960.
From the exhibition I also knew still now not to decipher the Linear A.
My simple impression  is the next.
If the stability of language exist in the structure, the essence of language is appeared at the letters and characters. So I think. The core of this view contains the view for structure of language, which I would be able to write clearly using mathematics. For more details, refer to the reference 2.

A JOURNEY TO THE IMMORTALS: TREASURES OF ANCIENT GREECE  [Exhibition Catalogue]. Tokyo National Museum et al. 2016.
THE DECIPHERMENT OF LINEAR B by John Chadwick, Cambridge University Press, 1960.

Reference 2
Perspective for Derived Category Language.Stability of Language

Reference 3
Derived Category Language, 26 July 2016 Edition

27 July 2016

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Derived Category Language, 26 July 2016 Edition. For Stability of language

ologue to the Stability
Prague in 1920s

​From Print 2012, Chapter 18

Non-symmetry. It was the very theme that I repeatedly talked on with C. Prague in 1920s. Karcevskij's paper "Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique" that appeared in the magazine TCLP.  Absolutely contradicted coexistence between flexibility and solidity, which language keeps on maintaining, by which language continues existing as language.  Still now there will exist the everlasting dual contradiction in language. Why can
language stay in such solid and such flexible condition like that. Karcevskij proposed the duality that is seemed to be almost absolute contradiction.
Sergej Karcevskij's best of papers, for whom C called as the only genius in his last years' book Janua Linguisticae reserata 1994. 

Source: Tale / Print by LI Kohr / 27 January 2012 

For Stability of language

Read more:

MURAVIJOVA Natary. Russian Language Class


Russian Language Class

I met with her in 1969 at her Russian language class.
On the day, received the lecture on general semantics at the her neighboring room. The teacher was difficulty in writing the letters on the blackboard for the chalks all too short or chipped. So I went to get the right ones to use to her class.
The room was tiny and a few students attended the lesson from her.  At that time I suddenly decided that the next year I absolutely will receive her Russian language because the scenery her image to teach the lesson was fantastically fine for me. 
Next year, 1970, I got her Russian lesson at the same little room.
At that room I also received Korean language from KAJIMURA Hideki and Russian grammar from CHINO Eiichi.
The lesson of her style was always natural and familiar for the students.
AT first few lessons were the pronunciation of Russian. The accent and diphthong was especially  important. She taught us many times using the blackboard writing the words and phrases.
Russian vowels have the two, Light and dark. The river Volga sound the Russian people always dark. She said so.
The Russian class had the the language festival in every Autumn. At where I was urged to enter the Russian poem’s recitation. Her choice for me was Lermontov. She gave me the note paper in that the poem was written in green color pen.
She was the daughter of Russian army’s high class official. She ad her family came to Japan to escape from the Revolution. In Japan she kept teaching the Russian at the Japan-Russo Institute. Also taught at several universities.
She gave me the Russian name, Mikhail.  She called me Misha in a sense of closeness.
I bought the Russian textbook of “Teach yourself” series. I used the phrases from  the book in her classroom. She astonished my colloquial speaking un likely in my real ability to the language. I apologized her that All was in the book I bought at the Kinokuniya, Shinjuku.” She understood the situation smiling.
Her pronunciation  was excellent fine. I now remember her voice with her small build. Her class was now shining entering the Autumn light though the windows of the university. 

The Essence of Language. Seeing the exhibition TREASURES OF ANCIENT GREECE, Tokyo National Museum

The Essence of Language
Seeing the exhibition TREASURES OF ANCIENT GREECE, Tokyo National Museum


20 July 2016 I went to see the exhibition A JOURNEY TO THE IMMORTALS: TREASURES OF ANCIENT GREECE being opened at Tokyo National Museum, Ueno,Tokyo.

At the exhibition I first saw  Linear A and Linear B.
Exhibition Catalogue numbers are the next.
The numbers 39 and 40 are Linear A. 41 and 77 are Linear B. 

39. Clay juglet
40. Clay bar
41. Clay tablet
77. Linear B bar and tablet

 About the two Linear I knew the brief information from the book, THE DECIPHERMENT OF LINEAR B by John Chadwick, Cambridge University Press, 1960.
From the exhibition I also knew still now not to decipher the Linear A.
My simple impression  is the next.
If the stability of language exist in the structure, the essence of language is appeared at the letters and characters. So I think. The core of this view contains the view for structure of language, which I would be able to write clearly using mathematics. For more details, refer to the reference 2.

A JOURNEY TO THE IMMORTALS: TREASURES OF ANCIENT GREECE  [Exhibition Catalogue]. Tokyo National Museum et al. 2016.
THE DECIPHERMENT OF LINEAR B by John Chadwick, Cambridge University Press, 1960.

Reference 2
Perspective for Derived Category Language.Stability of Language

Reference 3
Derived Category Language, 26 July 2016 Edition

27 July 2016

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Bridge across mathematics and physics. Revised 2

Bridge across mathematics and physics. Revised 2

Brief comment on TODA Yukinobu. Several problems on derived category of coherent sheaf.  Tokyo, 2016
TODA Yukinobu's  Several problems on derived category of coherent sheaf built across mathematics and physics. For my part, further more, physics and language are expected to build over by reading the book.
Chapter 5. Page 116. Conjecture 5.16 shows us the connection between symplectic geometry and algebraic geometry.
I ever wrote several notes on language related with string theory.  Now TODA's book newly lights up the relation between physics and language through mathematics. This relation is really fantastic for me.
26 July 2016
Sekinan Library

Monday, 25 July 2016

SIL Lab. New visual site of Sekinan Library

New visual site of Sekinan Library. SIL Lab.

Story.To Winter. RI Ko. Sekinan Library. 2015


To Winter. RI Ko. Sekinan Library. 2015.

Friday, 22 July 2016

Duality of Language. The latest paper of Derived Category Language

Duality of Language


1. Model
Calabi-Yau 3-folds.

2. Theorem
R. Pandharipande and R.P. Thomas.
Pandharipande-Thomas Theorem (1998).

K. Behrend.
Behrent contructable function (2009).

Y. Toda.
Generating functions of stable pair invariants via wall-crossing in derived categories in algebraic geometry. (2008)

Curve-counting theories via stable objects (2010).
T. Bridgeland.
Hall algebras and curve-counting invariants (2011).

D. Joyce and Y.Song
A theory of generalized Donaldson-Thomas invariants. (2012)

3. Definition
Generalized DT invariants. ( Joyce and Song. 2012)

4. Isomorphism
Isomorphism is induced in the defined moduli spaces.

5. Duality and mirror
If language is identified as Calabi-Yau 3 folds, language inevitably induce dual or mirror element.

Rensetsuso no Doraiken ni kakawaru shomondai. TODA Yukinobu. 2016. Sugaku shobo. Tokyo.

Reference 2
Derived Category Language, 25 May 2016 Edition.

Reference 3.
Actual Language and Imaginary Language. To LÉVI-STRAUSS Claude.

Reference 4.
Symplectic Language Theory ​ Note 3 Mirror Symmetry Conjecture on Rational Curve​.
Symplectic Language Theory ​ Note 6 Homological Mirror Symmetry Conjecture by KONTSEVICH​.

Reference 5.
Main papers of Sekinan Library.
SRFL Paper.

Paper ends. 


This paper is unfinished.

22 July 2016
Sekinan Library

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Perspective for Derived Category Language. Stability of Language.

Perspective for Derived Category Language. Stability of Language.


1. Model
Derived Category Language.

2. Base

3.Main method
Stability conditions.

4. Theorem
R. Pandharipande and R.P. Thomas.  Pandharipande-Thomas Theorem (1998).
K. Behrend. Behrent contructable function (2009).
Y. Toda. Curve-counting theories via stable objects (2010).
T. Bridgeland. Hall algebras and curve-counting invariants (2011).

5. Definition
Mu limit semi-stable object.

6. Space
Mu limit semi-stable object's moduli space.

7. Stability of Language
In the space(6.) language keeps stability as the set of derived duality.

8. Essence of Language
Duality is the essence of language.

Refer to the next.
Derived Category Language, 25 May 2016 Edition.
Actual Language and Imaginary Language. To LÉVI-STRAUSS Claude.

This paper is unfinished.

19 July 2016
Sekinan Library