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Monday, 17 March 2025

Actual Language and Imaginary Language To LÉVI-STRAUSS Claude

 Actual Language and Imaginary Language








Quantum of Language is located in the place having a certain distance from the real world. 

For more details see the paper “Distance Theory”, “Mirror Theory” and “Mirror Language”.


Quanta of Language are classified into two types.

One is actual quanta of language. These quanta have actual distance from the real world. These quanta consist of actual language.

Details see the paper “Distance Theory”.

The other is imaginary quanta of language. These quanta have imaginary distance from the real world.

Details see the paper “Mirror Theory” and “Mirror Language”.


Typical actual language is the language of cooking.

We see the cooking recipe for making delicious dishes.


Typical imaginary language is the language of religion.

We pray the absolute being for our happiness.


Actual language and imaginary language are made contrast with actual number and imaginary number on mathematics. 


Actual and imaginary quanta are separated from the real world and place to a certain point of language world. They will always leave for the real world. This tendency guarantees all the languages ultimate credibility.

Details see the paper “Guarantee of Language”.


Quantum of language sends messages to the next Quantum. In this situation the former Quantum moves toward the next quantum by the tendency of language. As the result, two quanta can posses the proper relation under the stable circumstance.

Two quanta are complied with the rules, especially < connection rule> and <separation rule>.

Then word and sentence are generated. At last the standstill of sentence emerges from the language world to the real world. Language separation from the real world ends in our world.

Details see the paper “Quantum Theory for Language Synopsis”.


The contact of two quanta occurs from the former quantum.

The first occurrence of movement starts by the tendency of reversion to the real world being immanent in language.

This tendency is called <reversion principle of language>.

This principle is the basis for the guarantee of language.


Imaginary language has not clearly correspondence to the real world.

For example the absolute being is not corresponded to the real world.

Generally we only confirm the course of gazing into the absoluteness.

This course has a distance from the real world as if the image in a mirror has a distance from the surface of the mirror.

It is called <imaginary distance>.

So we have two distances in the language world.

One is <actual distance>. The other is <imaginary distance>.

In this situation <principle of reversion> is regarded as being worked.


Now the religious language, for instance, various words of prayer has a clear step to the linguistic inspection.


This is a little try to bridge between linguistics and anthropology.    



Tokyo September 23, 2004

Sekinan Research Field of Language



Noted at February 28, 2009

<On mirror symmetry>

Symplectic Language Theory / Note 3 /Mirror Symmetry Conjecture on Rational Curve / February 27, 2009 / sekinanlogos

Symplectic Language Theory / Note 4 / Isomorphism of Map Sequence / March 9, 2009 / sekinanlogos

Noted at May 30, 2009

<On distance>

Floer Homology Language / Supersymmetric Harmonic Oscillator / May 6, 2009 / sekinanlogos

Floer Homology Language / Grothendieck Group / May 30, 2009 / sekinanlogos

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