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Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Quantum Theory for Language

Quantum Theory for Language


Revised and Noted from Prototheory Paper   On Time Property Inherent in Characters


The object of this theory is isolating languages. #1
The Chinese language is adopted for the model of isolating languages. #2
In this theory the Chinese character is regarded as the Chinese language.
Therefore this theory is the theory for written language. #3  
The Chinese character is the basis of this theory.
The Chinese character is the quantum of language. #4
Quantum is defined.
The quantum of language is the smallest unit of language.
The quantum of language has the force.
This force propels oneself to the next quantum.
Force is defined.
The quantum consists of indicators. #5
The indicator is the shape abstracted from the real world.
Indicator is defined.
The indicator has the signification and the period inherently.
The inherent signification of the indicator is produced from the work of the real world.
Inherent signification is defined.
The inherent period of the indicator is produced from the time of the real world.
Inherent period is defined.
The quantum consists of one or more than one indicators.
The quantum has the inherent meaning and the inherent time that is produced from one or more than one indicators. #6
The inherent meaning of the quantum is produced from the indicator or the combination of the indicators.
Inherent meaning is defined.
The inherent time of the quantum is produced from the indicator or the combination of the indicators.
Inherent time is defined.
The period of indicator has the start point and the end point.
The length of two points is called the period zone.
Period zone is defined.
The time of quantum have the start point and the end point.
The length of two points is called the time zone.
Time zone is defined.
The time zone of the quantum decides the state of the connection of the two quanta.
This state of the connection is called 

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