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Thursday, 31 January 2019

Letter to O. again. When I could not find any object at the campus while I ruminated KIYOOKA's stanza. 2018

Letter to O. again. When I could not find any object at the campus while I ruminated KIYOOKA's stanza.

Letter to O. again

Dear O.

From TANAKA, again send a letter.
Thanks a lot for your kind letter although you are in every day busy work.

I had thought again sending a letter to you but I could not, for year-end thorough cleaning of my little house.

The fact is I uploaded the letter to you on my Blogger SRFL News, removing your private part.
This blog is still now ranked in the third position.
My blog is written by English so the readers are almost  foreigners. But this blog is written in Japanese  as same as the real letter to you. Your sincere thinking of old books may give the readers with agreement, who love the old books like you.

Blog's URL is the next.

In your letter, you wrote that you would read the books comfortably not selling the old books of your work. I have also felt the same feeling so I bought  Development of the modern poems written by ANDO Tsuguo who was the fine teacher of literature at the university and I once went to his home thinking to hear his intimate voice on poem and literature. He was one of the most typical poet and critic in the present age of Japan.

And now I would want to read KIYOOKA Takayuki's collected poems, that was ever read in my youth.

In autumn 1970 I was the senior of university, when the next spring I would graduate, I met with the thick French binding KIYOOKA's collected poems  at the well drop-in bookshop of Hachioji, Tokyo. At that time I could not yet find my whole life object of learning.

In his book, I read a long poem titled "at the campus of university" in which he wrote that he meets with the whole life object of learning as he meets with his beloved person in his life.

The next spring 1971 I graduated the university, when I could not find any object at the campus while I ruminated KIYOOKA's stanza.

What I really met with my whole life object was already entered in the 21 century at my age 56 in 2003 after much trial and error. It was language universals that was ever taught from CHINO Eiichi who was the real life time teacher of mine and the successor of the Linguistic Circle of Prague, who spent 7 year study at Prague.

Sergej Karcevskij gave me the great  hint of approach to language universals through the famous paper titled "Du Dualisme asymétrique du signe linguistique" 1929.

In 2003 I wrote a paper titled " Quantum Theory for Language" after some trial papers, " On Time Property Inherent in Characters", " Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language" .
In 2004 I wrote two attached papers, " Distance Theory" and "Reversion Theory".

The proper papers' URL is the next.

After the suggestion of CHINO, I have tried the very hard road of writing style using mathematical base assisted from many contemporary mathematician works,especially at the field of algebraic geometry.
The paper " Quantum Theory for Language" was selected one of the 4 oral presentations of the linguistic field of a international symposium focused on the Silk Road.
On Karcevskij and CHINO I wrote a tiny paper, " Prague in 1920" which was dedicated the two as a token of my cordially gratitude.

Dear O. I am very happy to meet with you so you gave me the true value of books and the precious relationship between books and human being. Your work and suggestion made me recollect the important people and events on my life.

With best regards,

2 January 2018

Sekinan Library

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Winter comes as if grace arrives 2012

Winter comes as if grace arrives

From Print 2012, Chapter 19


―むかしね。谷山豊TANIYAMA Yutakaって人がいたんだ。


―若くして亡くなった。婚約者もたしかまもなく亡くなった。彼とその友人が作った予想が、フェルマー予想Fermat Theoremを解くかぎになった。ワイルズWilesという人が解いてもう十年以上になる。それで谷山TANIYAMAの特集が雑誌に載ったことがあった。





ふたりに今、恩寵のように冬が来る。For the two, winter comes as if grace arrives.

Source: To Winter PDF Edition 2015

Reference: The Complete Works of TANIYAMA Yutaka / 11 November 2012

                                        In late autumn, Tokyo

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Site History 2003 - 2014 :: SRFL Paper

Site History 2003 - 2014 :: SRFL Paper

Under the Dim Light 2012

Under the Dim Light


I frequently talked with CHINO Eiichi at the coffee shop near the station we used to get on. The shop was at the second floor and the steps upstairs always sounded squeaking. Under the dim light the topics of conversation was on language or linguistics after all. He was already the university professor but I was a poor research student. But he was always showed me the general tenderness.

The subject he gave me were impressive and useful for me, in which the most important is the history of The Linguistic Circle of Prague and the excellent pioneers of language study. He had of course the unique approach to the study but I had never any conspicuous one except boundless interest on the study.
In his wide and precious telling for me I gradually determined my course to proceed. It was the making of basic and radical foundation on natural language by searching the structure of language through simple and clear description. For keeping this difficult aim I had a decision that there was only way to use mathematics that I had abandoned at the past for its hardness.

In my age 20s, I had read Ludwig Wittgenstein and Nicolas Bourbaki in concentrating. I did not clearly understand  Wittgenstein’s approach. But I borrowed his writing style that was simple and clear. So my early work’s descriptions were nearly at him. But I decided that I never adopted strongly-intuitive thinking.

I always considered mathematical basis or analogy. My aim was the independence from the intuitive description. Keeping on this course, there was seen the mathematical basis that I must adopt the model in which language universals are clearly described. I entered to the mathematical description of study that was confirmed premises of my way.

Wednesday, 30 January 2019

ONO Shinobu and Bernhard Karlgren over the Chinese classical study 2015

ONO Shinobu and Bernhard Karlgren over the Chinese classical study

In December 1979, I submitted the post-graduate thesis on Japanese Buddhist priest Kukai (774-835)'s maiden work Sangoshiiki that comparatively considered the three regions, Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. Probably in January 1980, I met with Prof. ONO Shinobu at the corridor of university. He said to me that he read my thesis and my thinking method using at the thesis was resembled in the method of Bernhard Karlgren at his paper "The Authenticity and nature of the Tso Chuan" 1926. He successively talked to me, "TANAKA, did you read the paper?" I promptly answered " Professor, No."

My thesis was presented the other prof. who specialist of  the old Buddhism in Japan and probably he sent my thesis to his dear friend ONO. My approach was the study on the appearance frequency distribution of all the expletives appeared in the text.

I knew this famous Sweden sinologist's name earlier and already bought one of his important work Grammata Setica Recensa, 1957 in the early 1970s at Kaifu Shoten Bookshop in Kanda, Tokyo. But the paper shown by ONO was perfectly unknown at that time. ONO invite me to his study room and handed me the book Saden Shingi Ko" that was the translation of Karlgren's paper  by ONO and published in 1939 from Bunkyudo Shoten Bookshop at Hongo, Tokyo, which was one of the leading publisher in the field of Chinese classics in 1930s.

ONO was one of the scholar on Chinese literature from Yuan dynasty to the modern China and the member of Chugoku Bungaku Dokokai, Chinese Literature Societyin Japan that led the study of modern Chinese literature in Japan from 1940s with his colleagues TAKEUCHI Yoshimi, TAKEDA Taijun and the like. In 1980s he had engaged in the translation of long novel, The Journey to the West in the Ming dynasty all the time of his non-university's work.

Going back to the past, I received ONO's lecture " Chinese literature and Modern Japan" at his study room or dean room, who was the dean of the faculty for humanities department. In my memory he lectured precisely to Japanese novelist ODA Takeo, now not famous recently.

Karlgren's book was difficult for my talent at that time but somehow  read over and gave back to ONO deeply appreciating his kindness. And some years later in Kanda, Tokyo, I found this Karlgren's book and bought. The book shop's name is Yamamoto Shoten, one of the long established Chinese classic book shop in Kanda.  The date is 2 November 1982 by the receipt put in the book.

One day probably in spring 1980, on the train on the way home, I met ONO and told him on his new lecture on Yuanqu, Yuan dynasty's poems that was frequently said very difficult for modern readers.
I said to him, "Wonderful lecture for excellent undergraduates." He returned definitely," Very important to study such a hard work for me still now."

ONO Shinobu died suddenly by disease in 18 December 1980, age 74. The conversation at the train was the last hearing of this profound scholarship.

3 March 2015

Edward Sapir gave me a moment to study language universals together with Sergej Karcevskij 2017

Edward Sapir gave me a moment to study language universals
together with Sergej Karcevskij


gave me a moment for study in 1980s while I was roaming about
the darkness of not- getting any aim to study on language.
I ever wrote a short paper being influenced in 2005
and after also wrote a memo on his book in 2014.

Substantiality / 2005
Edward Sapir, Language, 1921 / 2014

A moment came from his famous concept drift.
At the near-end Chapter 7 Sapir wrote "the three major drifts", that were the next.

"The drift toward the abolition of most case distinctions"
"the correlative drift toward position as an accompanied"
"the drift toward the invariable word"

This "the three major drifts" are all apparently seen in Chinese,
especially in the classical written language.
At my age 20s and 30s I continuously had read
Qing dynasty's classical linguistic books and papers.  WANG Guowei, ZHANG Binglin,
DUAN Yucai, WANG Yinzhi were the most reliable works for me.

Meaning minimum / 2013
The Time of WANG Guowei / 2011
The Days of Ideogram / 2017

This paper is unfinished

27 July - 28 July 2017
Sekinan Library



The founder and author of Sekinan Library is the following.

Founder and Author:
      TANAKA Akio

      1947 in Tokyo

      1986 at Tachikawa, Tokyo
           as Sekinan Library
        vide: Tachikawa, Youth Days
                 The Days of Sekinan Library
      2003 at Hakuba, Nagano
            as SRFL Sekinan Research Field of Language
        vide: Road to Language Universals              
Source of Sekinan:

      Sekinan means shrub, rhododendron in Japanese.

      CHINO Eiichi
          vide: Coffee shop named California
                    Under the Dim Light
                    CHINO Eiichi and Golden Prague

Inherited thinking:      The Linguistic Circle of Prague in 1920s
          vide: Linguistic Circle of Prague
                   Prague in 1920s, The Linguistic Circle of Prague
and Sergej Karcevskij's paper "Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique"

Simone Weil's LA PESANTEUR ET LA GRACE again 2017

Simone Weil's  LA PESANTEUR ET LA GRACE  again

Simone Weil's  LA PESANTEUR ET LA GRACE, Japanese translated edition has been published in March 2017.
What I first knew her name  was probably  in the high school days. The book was the simple biography.
After entering the university, I first totally read this book that gave me the deep impact on life and belief.
In the same time I read Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus which also  affected me great influence thinking of language.
Simone Weil taught me the importance of verticality, gravity downwards and grace upwards.
And now I have been newly taught algebra's holizontality.
She keeps on asking me " To where do you go ?  With what do you take?"
For the present I will go to universality and take with algebra.
But the road is far ahead or very high above, probably in eternal gravity.  
Juryoku to Oncho. Translated by FUKUHARA Mayumi. 2017. Iwanami Shoten Publishers.
Simone Weil's  LA PESANTEUR ET LA GRACE, 1947 Japanese translated edition.

  • Enchanted with language and mathematics
  1. Andre Martinet
  2. Charles Bally 
  3. Read Andre Weil 
  4. Bourbaki' ELEMENTS DE MATHEMATIUE Troisieme edition, 1964 
  5. The Time of Language Ode to The Early Bourbaki To Grothendieck  Note added 
  • Wandering between language and philosophy    
  1. For WITTGENSTEIN Revised / Position of Language / 10 December 2005 - 3 August 2012
  2. The Time of Wittgenstein /20 January 2012
  3. Citation from Ludwig Wittgenstein / 7 February 2012
  4. THE ROAD TO REALITY A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe, 2005 by Roger Penrose / 25 October 2012       
  • Winding road to physics
  1.     Now I am Enough Old for Remembering the Past / 27 September 2012
  2.     To my dear friend, KANEKO Yutaka / 22 May 2013
  3.     Half farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague / 23 October 2013 
  4.     Perhaps Return to Physics /16 August 2014

28 June 2017
Sekinan Library

Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Ars longa Seeing Masterpieces of French Landscape Paintings from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow / 2018

Ars longa Seeing Masterpieces of French Landscape Paintings from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow


On 25 May 2018 I went to Tokyo Metropolitan Museum, Ueno, Tokyo to see the exhibition titled French Landscape Paintings from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow.

I have frequently see the modern French paintings represented by the Post-impressionists at National Western Art Museum,Ueno. But the impression after seeing was pretty different.
The paintings are ranged widely from the 17th to 20th century. 
I felt that the The Russian eyes were effected to collect the paintings. For example, Arcadia and the relevant concepts of it were not so popular in Japan but at Russian collectors payed enough attention to them like the Europeans.

One of the most fantastic works for me was Luigi Loir's Smoke on the Paris Circuit Line ( Paris Suburb).  Floating smoke, Cloudy sky, Two horses and people chatting or coming and going. 
At the  moment to see the painting I recalled the famous quotation, Vita brevis, ars longa.
The painting was drew in 1885, over 130 years ago. But all the landscapes were vivid like the present and probably in future.

27 May 2018
Sekinan Zoho      
The catalogue of the exhibition
French Landscape Paintings from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow

6 June 2018
Time and Eternity
When I saw Luigi Loir's Smoke on the Paris Circuit Line ( Paris Suburb), I felt a fresh awareness of time, which was probably came from the vivid smoke floating in the air or the road partly glistered by the rain immediately before. This landscape was filled with time feeling which was coming on and stopped and was going to the future till now. All paintings may contain such a feeling on time. Now I faced a large canvas of Luir, I freshly got the greatness of painting which has a moment and eternity from the 2 dimensional space.
Does this greatness is only in my mind and not out in the outer world? Do I only feel the eternity in my mind? Almost maybe so, but partly maybe not. Time is real and time feeling floating in the panting is also real. Where is the difference between the two ? Time is direct and time in the painting is indirect, which floats via my eyes and mind. The painting gives me the start of time floating.  In that case, what is the painting's giving moment? The moment is made from form and colour on the canvas. Thus direct time has no tool for going on and indirect time has tools, now canvas, paints and brushes. Direct time and indirect time both enters in my body especially in my mind. The two times both floats in my body. I cannot analyse direct time. But indirect time can be analysed using several methods, form analysis, colour analysis and so forth. Language's letter, character and voice also maybe contain moments for making indirect time. Luigi Loir's Smoke on the Paris Circuit Line ( Paris Suburb) gave reconfirmation of a fresh awareness of indirect time's existence.   

[Note 2]
6 June 2018
Research of indirect time

For the research of indirect time now the several tools are prepared for at mine.
Mains are the next.
Overview of the importance and application in the new future is given at the letter to Y., 2018.
This letter is written in Japanese, now not has English version.

For details of research two sites are presented now at SRFL site.
One is from geometrization conjecture started from W.P. Thurston and succeeded by G. Perelman.
The other is from quantum group started from V. G. Drinfel'd.

The two sites are connected through ideogram.
Sekinan Zoho has the invitation to it.
SRFL collection has general relevant information for the present research.

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Monday, 28 January 2019

Road to Universals 2012-2015

Road to Universals

Sekinan Research Field of Language was established in 2003 for the study on language universals, that was the core theme since my youth time some 40 years ago in the 1970s. But real start was much later in the late 1980s.

In 1986 I established the Sekinan Library for the base of study at Tachikawa, Tokyo. At that time my main theme was declined to the study of old Chinese character's classical semantics using the traditional study of the form of characters reading Qing Dynasty's WANG Guowei. The study from the direction had not given me so rich results. I at the same time read some mathematical books influenced from Bourbaki that was the big stream in 1970s in Japan. Set theory represented by Gödel was also the favourite at the time.

In 1990s I determined the direction of study only to language universals taught from CHINO Eiichi, one of the modern typical philologists of Japan. He taught me almost all the aspects of European philology that were unknown for me. In the various themes he gave me, the most impressive was the existence of the Linguistic Circle of Prague. Above all Sergej Karcevskij was overwhelmingly deep and moving. But Karcevskij's  approach was seemed to be intuitive and far from clear descriptiveness.

I began to learn the theme hinted by Karcevskij while learning Gödel, Bourbaki and Wittgenstein that was also gave me the big influence form the age 20s. I had frequently read Wittgenstein's TRACTATUS. But my base of math was so poor and never became the descriptive use for language's delicate phases. So I again restarted math from geometry that gave the most familiar and clear image for me. My intuitive image and basic math description were seemed to be able offer in nearly millennium days.

In spring 2003 I knew the application paper for the international symposium held  by a certain institute. I arranged the short paper for it till early summer and sent it. The paper was happily adopted  as one of the language and literature section of the symposium. The paper's title was Quantum Theory for Language. It was again arranged next year 2004 as the title Quantum Theory for Language synopsis.

The establish date of Sekinan Research Field of Language  was 23 August 2003, that was the date of completion of proto-conceptive paper of Quantum Theory for Language at the hutte in Hakuba, Nagano. Now the time passed rapidly 10 years. The home site, sekinan, has become full by the papers accumulation. So the new site has become indispensable.

31 December 2012
Sekinan Research Field of Language

New Site for Sekinan Research Field of Language
Sekinan Study

14 July 2015 Added

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