What is signal?
The existence that generates language
SRFL Paper
21 November - 6 January 2019
SRFL Paper
21 November - 6 January 2019
Original Title
What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve
Preparation 1-15
For father and mother
Preparation 2
Energy 2
Signal and language send message, for which they need energy directly or indirectly.
What exists between message and energy?
I ever wrote several trial papers on this theme.
Here I show the two of them
Here I show the two of them
Conjecture A
4 Amplitude of Meaning Minimum
Meaning minimum has finite amplitude.
*Mathematics is a view in which I freely appreciate objects as if I see flowers, mountains
and vigorous port towns at dawn.
Bounded domain of Rm Ω
C∞ function defined in Ω u, F
u, F satisfy the next equation.
F(D2u) = Ψ
D2u is hessian matrix of u.
F is C∞ function over Rm×m .
Open set that includes range of D2u U
U satisfies the next.
(i) Constant λ, Λ
(ii) F is concave.
Sphere that has radius 2R in Ω B2R
Sphere that has same center with B2R and has radius σR in Ω BσR
Amplitude of D2u ampD2u
ampBσRD2u = supBσRD2u – infBσRD2u
C and e are constant that is determined by dimension m and
Cσe(ampBRD2u +
| +
supB2R |D2
| )
1 Meaning minimum is the smallest meaning unit of word. Refer to the reference
#2 and ![]()
2 If meaning minimum of word is expressed by BσR, it has finite amplitude in adequate
[References 1 On meaning minimum]
Holomorphic Meaning Theory / 10th for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej
Word and Meaning Minimum
From Cell to Manifold
Geometry of Word
[References 2 On generation of word]
Growth of Word
Generation Theorem
Deep Fissure between Word and Sentence
Tomita’s Fundamental Theorem
Borchers’ Theorem
Finiteness in Infinity on Language
Properly Infinite
Purely Infinite
[References 3 on distance and mirror on word]
Distance Theory / Tokyo May 5, 2004 / Sekian Linguistic Field
Quantification of Quantum / Tokyo May 29, 2004 / Sekinan Linguistic Field
Mirror Theory / Tokyo June 5, 2004 / Sekinan Linguistic Field
Mirror Language / Tokyo June 10, 2004 / Sekinan Linguistic Field
Reversion Theory / Tokyo September 27, 2004 / Sekinan Linguistic Field
Mirror Theory Group / Tokyo December 9, 2008 / Sekinan Linguistic Field
To be continued
Tokyo December 17, 2008
[References 4 / December 23, 2008 / on time of word]
Time of Word / Tokyo December 23, 2008 / sekinan.wiki.zoho.com
Conjecture A
5 Time of Word
Word has time.
¶Mathematics is a view in which I freely appreciate objects as if I see flowers, mountains
and vigorous port towns at dawn.
Kähler manifold X
Kähler form w
A certain constant c
Cohomology class of w 2πc1(X)
Kähler metric g
Real C∞ function f
∫X (ef- 1)wn = 0
Ric(w) -w = 
Monge-Ampère equation
(Equation 1)
Use continuity method
(Equation 1-2)
Kähler form w' = w +
Ric(w') = tw' + (1-t)w'
I = {

is differential over t.
Ding's functional Fw
There exists constant that is unrelated with t.
When utis the solution of equation 1-2, the next is satisfied.
Proper of Ding's functional is defined by the next.
Arbitrary constant K
Point sequence of arbitrary P(X, w)K {ui}
When Fw is proper, there exists Kähler-Einstein metric.
¶ Impression is developed from the view.
If word is expressed by u , language is expressed by Fw and comprehension of human
being is expressed by C, what language is totally comprehended by human being is
Refere to the next paper.
Guarantee of Language
If language is expressed by being properly generated, distance of language is expressed by
Kähler-Einstein metric and time of language is expressed by t, all the situation of language
is basically expressed by (Equation1-2).
Refer to the next paper.
Distance Theory
If inherent time of word is expressed by t's [δ, 1], dynamism of meaning minimum is
mathematically formulated by Monge-Ampère equation.
Refer to the next papers.
#1<For inherent time>
#2<For meaningminimum>
#3<For meaning minimum's finiteness>
Tokyo January 1, 2009
Read more: https://srfl-paper.webnode.com/news/complex-manifold-deformation-theory-conjecture-a-5-time-of-word/
From upper two papers, Amplitude of Meaning Minimum and Time of Word, I think that energy, distance, meaning and time are closely related.
Meaning is understood in the finite time by human or machine assisted by human.
Understandability of meaning is closely related with time.
At this situation I ever wrote a following trial paper titled understandability of language in 2008.
Complex Manifold Deformation Theory
Conjecture B
2 Understandability of Language
Language is understandable.[View]
(Eells-Sampson Theorem)
Compact Riemannian manifolds (M, g), (N, h)
Section curvature of (N, h) everywhere non-positive
Arbitrary C∞ map f : M → N
Solution of the equation exists at
When there exists
(Harmonic map)
Arbitrary variation of
(Section of
(Levi-Civita connection)
Levi-Civita connection of (M, g) and (N, h)
From Eells-Sampson Theorem, if language is supposed to be expressed by the equation and word is supposed to be expressed by
In infinite time, Language still can be understood by word's generation system
For impression, refer to the next.
<Understandability of language>
#1 Finiteness in Infinity of Language / Kac-Moody Lie Algebra / Conjecture 1 / Tokyo February 10, 2008
#2 Properly Infinite / von Neumann Algebra 3 / Note 1 / Tokyo May 1, 2008
#3 Purely Infinite / von Neumann Algebra 3 / Note 2 / Tokyo May 1, 2008
<Guarantee of language>
#4 Guarantee of Language / Tokyo June 12, 2004
<Generation system>
#5 Generation Theorem /von Neumann Algebra 2 / Note / Tokyo April 20, 2008
Tokyo January 9, 2009
Sekinan Research Field of language
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