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Thursday, 18 July 2019

Quantification of Quantum

Quantification of Quantum


1         /Hanyu/ Chinese in English what is classified in isolating language by linguistic typology has characters in each which there are one syllable and one meaning in principle.
2         Here I assume that one Chinese character is a quantum of language which has a unit of one meaning.
3         In Chinese language /shici/ notional word in English is assumed a positive quantum which has a positive unit in general.
4         In Chinese language /xuci/ functional word in English is assumed a negative quantum which has a negative unit in general.
5         A positive quantum has a propelling energy, by which a quantum can go forward to a next quantum.
6         A negative quantum has an absorbing energy, by which a quantum can absorb, stop or change a next quantum.
7         When a positive quantum stands close by a negative quantum, it is forced to stop or to change own propelling course.
8         Summing up above mentioned, a quantum is the smallest unit of language.
9         A quantum appears to the language world for being requested to send a new meaning.
10     A quantum has an energy which maintains the position in the language world. If a quantum has not energy, a new meaning can never appears to the language world.
11     An energy is united to a meaning inseparably.
12     A quantum disappears from the language world being in the no used situation.
13     /Bunot in English is originally meant a part of a flower. But this meaning disappears early days in the Chinese language. Later /bu/ is used as a functional word. 
14     In Chinese language a notional word and a functional word is not clearly classified.
There are mutual extension and conversion in the Chinese language.
15     When a positive quantum ends a role of investing a notional meaning to the language world, an energy what a quantum has originally disappears.
16     Non-energy quantum is pressurized from other energetic positive quantum. As a consequence non-energy quantum accepts a negative energy internally. A negative quantum comes into existence.
17     A negative quantum has a negative energy, therefore a positive quantum is forced to stop or change the own propelling course.
18     Two or over two quantum form a new construction.
19     A positive quantum transfers a meaning to the next quantum.
20     A negative quantum stops or changes the propelling course of the front quantum.
In other words, a negative quantum accepts the energy of a front positive quantum.
21     A positive quantum propels on an orbit.
When a negative quantum changes an orbit of a positive quantum, new construction come into the language world.
22     An orbit exists on a floor of multilayer construction.
23     A negative quantum changes the flour of a positive quantum to another floor.
24     A positive quantum propels on an orbit of a floor of a multilayer construction.
25     Therefore when a negative quantum stands at first on an orbit, a positive quantum is originally standing front of the first-standing negative quantum.
26     A negative quantum is assumed that it does not invent a meaning to the language world, but it leads a positive quantum to the own area that is vacant in non-energy situation.
27     A negative quantum newly has energy of absorption, which was born by the vacant and continually being pressured situation among the positive quanta.

Tokyo May 29, 2004
For the Memory of Hakuba August 23, 2003
Sekinan Research Field of Language

[References / January 29, 2008]
<Related papers>
Property of Quantum /Tokyo May 21, 2004
Prague Theory / Tokyo October 2, 2004
<More details>
Quantum Theory for Language Map
[Note for basis]
In this paper, on binary relations of <shici-xuci>, <notional word - functional word> and <positive quantum –negative quantum>, refer to the next.
Clifford Algebra / Note 7 / Creation Operator and Annihilation Operator / January 29, 2008

[Reference / December 22, 2008]
<On symmetry in language>
Reflection of Word /

[Reference / January 1, 2009]
<On meaning and grammar>
Orbit of Word /

[Reference / January 5, 2009]
<On notional and functional word>
Map between Words /

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