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Tuesday, 30 November 2021

Sekinan Table: Quantum Language between Quantum Theory for Langua...

Sekinan Table: Quantum Language between Quantum Theory for Langua...:   Quantum Language between Quantum Theory for Language 2004 and Generation of Word 2008 adding their days and after A conclusion for the pre...

Sekinan Table: Letter to WPM From Quantum Theory for Language to ...

Sekinan Table: Letter to WPM From Quantum Theory for Language to ...:   Letter to WPM From Quantum Theory for Language to David Marr and Grisha Perelman. 7 June 2020 Dear WPM, Today I have settled an inclusive ...

Sekinan Table: Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language Newly re...

Sekinan Table: Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language Newly re...:   Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language Newly revised edition with Note, Note 2 and Note 3. 2003-2019. Translated by Auto Google     Man...

Sekinan Table: Aurora Time Theory Imaginary Time and Imaginary Sp...

Sekinan Table: Aurora Time Theory Imaginary Time and Imaginary Sp...:   Aurora Time Theory Imaginary Time and Imaginary Space From HAWKING Stephen TANAKA Akio 1 Language is expressed by word, phrase and sentenc...

Sekinan Table: Letter to Y, Of S.W. Hawking's THE CHRONOLOGY PROT...

Sekinan Table: Letter to Y, Of S.W. Hawking's THE CHRONOLOGY PROT...:     Letter to Y, Of S.W. Hawking's THE CHRONOLOGY PROTECTION CONJECTURE 2018 06/08/2018 23:42 Dear Y,   Thank you for your email while y...

Monday, 29 November 2021

ENT News: The Days of Decipherment

ENT News: The Days of Decipherment:   The Days of Decipherment TANAKA Akio On 20 July 2016 I went Tokyo National Museum, Ueno Park, Tokyo to see the exhibition  A  JOURNEY TO T...

Quantum Theory for Language Theoretical Summarization and Problem in Future 2004

 Quantum Theory for Language   

Theoretical Summarization and Problem in Future
]1 Human being calls the real world by name.
2 Continuous calling by name generates a fixed essential object which is abstracted from the real world.
3 This object is called meaning.
4 Meaning forms representation of the real world for the daily use of repeatability.
5 Time is bestowed on meaning by the real world.
6 Time represents the real time of the real world.
7 Time has longitude.
Details see Prague Theory.8 Existence has eternal time. Example of existence is <sun>.
Act has long time. Example of act is<walk>.
Judgment has short time. Example of judgment is <at>.
9 Representation is simplified for the memory of human being as far as possible.
10 The simplification is formed to marking.
11 One case of marking is inscriptions on bines and tortoise carapaces in ancient China.
On Basis see Quantum Theory for Language Summary.
Details see Property of quantum.
12 This marking is called quantum.
13 A set of quanta forms language.
14 The generative and practical explain of this set of quanta is called <Quantum Theory for Language>. 
15 Quantum has meaning and time by representation from the real world.
16 Meaning is newly generated from the compositeness of two or over two quanta.
Example is shown below.
Character /Ri/ means sun in English.
Character /yue/ means moon in English.
Character /ming/ is compounded from two character /ri/ and /yue/.
Character /ming/ means light in English.
17 Compositeness of quanta becomes new quantum.
18 New quantum has new meaning and new time.
19 New meaning is compounded from the meaning of pre-compounding quanta.
20 New meaning is more complicated from the meaning of pre-compounding quanta.
21 New time is compounded from the time of pre-compounding quanta.
22 New time is shorter than the time of pre-compounding quanta.
23 Quantum has direction toward the real world.
On Basis see Distance Theory.
Details see Direction.
This direction guarantees the reliance of language.
Details see Guarantee of Language
24 Time of quanta gives influence to relationship between quanta.
25 Relation of two quanta is connection or separation.
26 Contiguity of two quanta has rules.
27 Main rules are connection rule and separation rule.
Details see Quantum Theory for Language Synopsis
28 According to the rules word or sentence is generated.
Connection rule works while word is generated.
Separation rule works while sentence is generated.
29 Quantum goes toward the real world.
On Basis see Quantification of Quantum.
Details see, Place where Quantum of Language ExistsCore Quanta and Convergence of Quanta.
The root of going, see Reversion TheoryWarp Theory.
30 Quantum stops at the place near the real word.
This situation is called end of sentence.
31 Time of quanta is related with end of sentence.
This situation is expressed by the digitization of quanta.
End of sentence is expressed by the combination of digitization of sequence zero level.
Details see Direction.
31 Quantum sends information to the next quantum.
The situation of sending, see Sending and Receiving Information of Quantum.
The root of sending, see Warp Theory.32 For the verification of quantum’s movement, language model is adopted in the Quantum Theory for Language.
This model is called model simplified level, abbreviated to MSL.
Basis, see Model of Quantum Theory for Language.
33 For the application of the model simplified level, abbreviated to MSL, language machine is thinkable.
Basis, see Quantum Theory for Language Synopsis.
Method of machine, see Reconstruction of Information between Two Quanta.
Root of method, see Prague Theory 2.  
34 For the space where quanta exist, floor and orbit are supposed.
For rough sketch, see Place where Quantum of Language Exists.
35 The medium of two quanta which send and receive information is supposed to semi-electrical signals in the model.
For rough sketch, see Prague Theory Summary and Prospect.    
Tokyo November 28, 2004

Read more:

ENT News: Sekinan Table: Preparation for the energy of language

ENT News: Sekinan Table: Preparation for the energy of language: Sekinan Table: Preparation for the energy of language :   Preparation for the energy of language 21 August 2015 The energy of language s...

Sekinan Table: Preparation for the energy of language

Sekinan Table: Preparation for the energy of language:   Preparation for the energy of language 21 August 2015 The energy of language seems to be one of the most fundamental theme for the further...

Sunday, 21 November 2021

ENT News: How does the language models connect with natural ...

ENT News: How does the language models connect with natural ...:   How does the language models connect with natural language? TANAKA Akio Natural language contains many important factors theoretically abs...

ENT News: Letter to C. 3 May 2019. Nerve-photo-image analysi...

ENT News: Letter to C. 3 May 2019. Nerve-photo-image analysi...:   Letter to C. 3 May 2019 Dear C., I have studied on language using mathematical description. But I have not any interest usual linguistics ...

Friday, 19 November 2021

Time and Eternity. 6 June 2018


Time and Eternity. 6 June 2018

6 June 2018
Time and Eternity
When I saw Luigi Loir's Smoke on the Paris Circuit Line ( Paris Suburb), I felt a fresh awareness of time, which was probably came from the vivid smoke floating in the air or the road partly glistered by the rain immediately before. This landscape was filled with time feeling which was coming on and stopped and was going to the future till now. All paintings may contain such a feeling on time. Now I faced a large canvas of Luir, I freshly got the greatness of painting which has a moment and eternity from the 2 dimensional space.

Does this greatness is only in my mind and not out in the outer world? Do I only feel the eternity in my mind? Almost maybe so, but partly maybe not. Time is real and time feeling floating in the panting is also real. Where is the difference between the two ? Time is direct and time in the painting is in direct, which floats via my eyes and mind. The painting gives me the start of time floating.  In that case, what is the painting's giving moment?

The moment is made from form and colour on the canvas. Thus direct time has no tool for going on and indirect time has tools, now canvas, paints and brushes. Direct time and indirect time both enters in my body especially in my mind. The two times both floats in my body. I cannot analyse direct time. But indirect time can be analysed using several methods, form analysis, colour analysis and so forth. Language's letter, character and voice also maybe contain moments for making indirect time. 
Luigi Loir's Smoke on the Paris Circuit Line ( Paris Suburb) gave reconfirmation of a fresh awareness of indirect time's existence.   

Verse Recalled. Window by RI Kohr

 Verse Recalled

by RI Kohr



湖は林の彼方に見えないが そこに

Thursday, 18 November 2021

Sixties For Susan Sontag

 Sixties For Susan Sontag


On Sixties, Susan Sontag wrote in her book, WHERE THE STRESS FALLS, 2001 as the following.

Perhaps the most interesting characteristic of the time now labeled the Sixties was that there was no little nostalgia. In that sense, it was indeed a utopian moment.
From "Thirty Years Later..." 

Surely I also think that it was a utopian moment, not utopia everlasting.
Someone ever said at a book, " We were loose change." Surely we were all loose change for a utopian moment. This is the great dedication to Sontag from me. We have lived in a same time though I was extremely coward far away than her to the time and myself.

27 September 2012
Sekinan Research Field of Language

Sixties are precious times for me though full of exactly heart-breaking events.
At first, using all the university's summer holidays in 1969, I read three times, one of the Japanese classics, Ochikubo Monogatari , in English Dark Hole Story written in Heian Times some 1,000 years ago, faithfully following the teach of  Japanese classic literature's Scholar YAMAGISHI Tokuhei by the precise annotated text. The scholar lent me his valuable collation text of NAKAMURA Shuko in his library. Before beginning the holidays he said to me like admonishment that  selection of one classic in the vast literary heritage was alike a meeting with a  fiancée, walking to the station from the university in the clear summer evening.
And I sometimes read the modern Chinese novels, Luxun or Maodun, thinking on the Beijing's old days, of which CHEN Donghai taught us how to hear the Beijing Opera sitting the chair facing sideways to the stage.
In university I met CHINO Eiichi at the small room for Russian language in 1969.
I met KAJIMURA Hideki at his Korean class and Natary Muravijowa at her Russian class in the next year.
I learnt alone the composition of French by the text of MAEDA Yoichi at the university's library, who indicated me the splendid world of French language and philosophy while reading Pascal's Pensees little by little, almost all the days outside afar a demonstrations, in and outside the campus or streets of Tokyo.
It is the reason for I was Coward in those days.

30 November 2014 Note added
Sekinan Library 



  Early summer of Kirigamine Highlands, Nagano, Japan

Wednesday, 17 November 2021

Tuesday, 16 November 2021

Winter comes as if grace arrives. Image added


Winter comes as if grace arrives

Winter comes as if grace arrives



Winter comes as if grace arrives

From Print 2012, Chapter 19


―むかしね。谷山豊TANIYAMA Yutakaって人がいたんだ。


―若くして亡くなった。婚約者もたしかまもなく亡くなった。彼とその友人が作った予想が、フェルマー予想Fermat Theoremを解くかぎになった。ワイルズWilesという人が解いてもう十年以上になる。それで谷山TANIYAMAの特集が雑誌に載ったことがあった。





ふたりに今、恩寵のように冬が来る。For the two, winter comes as if grace arrives.


Reference: The Complete Works of TANIYAMA Yutaka / 11 November 2012

                                        In late autumn, Tokyo

Sekinan Table: Winter comes as if grace arrives

Sekinan Table: Winter comes as if grace arrives:   Winter comes as if grace arrives     恩寵のように冬が来る Winter comes as if grace arrives   From  Print  2012, Chapter 19 信号が変わる。 ―むかしね。谷山豊TANIYAMA...

Sekinan Table: Nerve theory Preparation 2021

Sekinan Table: Nerve theory Preparation 2021:   Nerve theory Preparation 2021   Preparation Preparation for the energy of language 21/08/2015 12:27 The energy of language seems to be o...

Monday, 15 November 2021

To Winter RI Ko. 14 John Peabody Harrington, Roman Jakobson, FUKAYA Kenji, Maxim Kontsevich, ZHANG BInglin and Roger Penrose 14 Description of Language. 2015. Translated by Google translate 2020

 05/05/2020 18:29

To Winter RI Ko. 14 John Peabody Harrington, Roman Jakobson, FUKAYA Kenji, Maxim Kontsevich, ZHANG BInglin and Roger Penrose 14 Description of Language. 2015. Translated by Google translate 2020

To Winter RI Ko 2015
14  John Peabody Harrington, Roman Jakobson, FUKAYA Kenji, Maxim Kontsevich, ZHANG BInglin and Roger Penrose
From author:This text’s translation by Google translate is a little hard to be accurate at the present, especially on mathematical explanation by usual writing.
You can see the whole city from the library on the hill. The east side of the third floor is a computer room. The internet was always connected there, and I could use any table freely. I often spend my holidays near the window. A group of tall blue-green buildings rises to the northeast of the left side of the window. Seen from here on the hill, it is much higher. Only there is towering above the sky. Immediately south, there should be A’s home. Did the bulbul hit a tall building like that? The glass walls were distant and dull, reflecting the light of the autumn afternoon. 
When I was cleaning the room where the birds were gone for the first time in a while, I found some furrowed flock in the corner. The soft wings floated in the air for a while when released. Have you lived in the city because of your childhood? I wished that I was now resting slowly in the grove of the hills. A created Web pages and Dreamweaver, but since the amount has gradually increased, I switched to Expression Web from the middle. I used Office for documents at first, but soon I switched to Zoho.
In this way, I was able to quickly write small mathematical expressions using LaTex. When Backup was run automatically using SugarSync, all traces of A were on Cloud. The document was written in English. Regular sentences other than mathematical expressions are relatively easy to write with a limited vocabulary. This could lead to someone seeing somewhere. I had little hope, but there was little response. 
Of course, I thought it would be nice if there could be one or two people in this wide world who could sympathize with me, but that didn’t bother me that much. I just keep writing. There is no guarantee that there will be someone like John Pepody Harrington, who continued to record the American Indian languages. 1920 The photographs in the Smithsonian Institution’s collection, which are doing field research around the year, look somewhat like the pioneers of the West. It’s okay to wait quietly for the future of Harrington in the corner of the city. 
It was a fun task to think of a language containing time as a possibility using a model. However, in reality, it is rarely something that can be created, such as an original one. I couldn’t exceed the conventional idea. He arranged the work procedure little by little. First create a simple model. Select the shape suitable for the model. How much is the figure written? 
According to Kenji Fukaya, the geometry was “a group of groups and the space in which it acts”. It was Fukaya’s charm that he was able to briefly confirm and look at the fundamental things. By referring to Jacobson’s “semantic minimum”, a new geometric “minimum of meaning” is set, and the time t is included as a meaning by moving the time t in the closed interval. Defined the geometric word.
I repeated this direction many times with different levels of geometry. The universality of language was thought to be closely related to the invariant of mathematics. In Fukaya’s book, I learned that the quantum cohomology ring can be obtained from the Gromov-Witten invariant and the Gromov-Witten potential can be obtained. Language approached mathematics and physics. It has become possible to logically check the symmetry that has long been a concern. Under certain assumptions, the character of various languages ​​can be inspected as a model from, for example, one figure or manifold. One of the centers was homological mirror symmetry, which was proposed by Kontsevich.
When I got tired of working in the library, I went out to the rooftop. The city, which spreads under the dark maroon autumn sky, conveyed the grandeur of human activities. The sounds of distant cities echo like a chord. Are people flying in this city as birds are flying in the sky? Just as birds sometimes crash into the ground by colliding with the turquoise glass of tall buildings, will people crash into the ground and crash somewhere?
 I once read a story about birds in the book Shorin no Fubun. “According to the poem of the 3rd year of the Emperor Hansho, a bird of five colors, it passes over the prefectures in which it belongs.” It seems that 10,000 birds of five colors flew in the sky. As for the beginning, I continue to cite Chinese books. According to the poem’s third year of honor, he gathered New Year’s lords, Otori, Emperor and Kanro to the Kyoto teacher, and according to the flock of birds, the findings of the Han book were true.
The contents of this Chinese book, in which 10,000 birds gathered in search of it, are true. It is unknown whether Shorin believed in these statements. However, according to Shorin’s habit, he might have believed it as a natural thing. 
Autumn flowers were dancing in the strolling garden on the roof of the library. White autumn Ming chrysanthemum, yellow Maru chrysanthemum, Nozoku chrysanthemum Soothing Hottogigisu and the white and white Arissum flowers crawling on the ground. Sky blue salvia, red cherry sage, purple rosemary and light blue basil. Dark blue Saintpaulia, white sapphinia, crimson geranium bowls and hanging. Huquera, Drachina consenna, Sansevieria houseplant. Spatti is also rich in green, and the red sea urchin is already red. Various sasanqua that began to inflate the buds, the last cosmos flowers that sway in the wind Winter clematis that has been quite tall, large leaves on the grape rack with few remaining, and a large red or white large ball swaying occasionally in the strong wind . 
If you look closely, you can also see the pink bokeh flowers that change the season. Shala beautifully turns red, and dogwood turns the leaves brown. On the other hand, rhododendrons had already inflated the buds considerably. Autumn was getting deeper. 
You can hear the sound of the city line riding on the wind. How is K doing? Well, let’s make a dedication to the document. For familiar days with K. I continued to write documents when I got home. The linguistic space including time gradually expanded from a straight line to a plane and from there to a sphere. Attracted by the work of Roger Penrose, I made a projective model. 
As I was thinking about it at midnight, I thought it would be beautiful if the language danced in the sky like an aurora. A complex plane is created by mapping all complex numbers to planes, as if all real numbers were mapped to straight lines. A complex number defined by two real numbers is placed on the plane as a language unit, and it is called a language point. Establish a vertical third coordinate axis from the origin of the plane and make a sphere with a unit radius centered on the origin. The spheres intersect at a radius of 1 on the new coordinate axes. If that point and a linguistic point on the complex plane are connected by a straight line, when the linguistic point has a distance of 1 or more, it intersects with the sphere at one point. When the distance is less than 1, the linguistic point is inside the sphere and does not intersect the sphere. 
This shows the limits of the language. Ordinary language points are projected on the spherical sky when the distance exceeds 1. The projection is called aurora. Language points at infinity converge on a sphere on the Z axis. You can capture an infinite number of languages ​​in a finite way. A straight line connecting two points on the complex plane draws an arc in the spherical sky. The two straight lines form two arcs in the sky, and connecting four points creates a distorted quadrilateral in the sky. 
If we model the points in the sky as words, arcs as sentences, and quadrilaterals as sentences, the language will emerge there. The language becomes Aurora and dances in the sky. Language is aurora dancing above us.


Read more:

Letter to Y. Toward geometrization of language 8 January 2018. Translated by Google translate 2020

Sekinan Table: Letter to Y. Toward geometrization of language 8 J...:   05/05/2020 22:47 Letter to Y. Toward geometrization of language 8 January 2018. Translated by Google translate 2020 Letter to Y.  Toward g...

Sekinan Table: Letter to WPM From Quantum Theory for Language to ...

Sekinan Table: Letter to WPM From Quantum Theory for Language to ...:   08/06/2020 19:00 Letter to WPM From Quantum Theory for Language to David Marr and Grisha Perelman. 7 June 2020 Dear WPM, Today I have sett...

Sekinan Table: Interpretation on Perelman’s work, Ricci flow and ...

Sekinan Table: Interpretation on Perelman’s work, Ricci flow and ...:   10/06/2020 16:53 Interpretation on Perelman’s work,  Ricci flow and Geometrization conjecture  by KOBAYASHI Ryoichi. Tokyo. 2011. Enlarged...

Sunday, 14 November 2021

Sekinan Table: Preparation for Energy Language

Sekinan Table: Preparation for Energy Language:   Preparation Preparation for the energy of language 21/08/2015 12:27 The energy of language seems to be one of the most fundamental theme f...

Sekinan Table: Quantum Language between Quantum Theory for Langua...

Sekinan Table: Quantum Language between Quantum Theory for Langua...:   Quantum Language between Quantum Theory for Language 2004 and Generation of Word 2008. Adding their days and after  TANAKA Akio   23 Janua...

Sekinan Table: Language structure from energy

Sekinan Table: Language structure from energy: Language structure from energy   I think that language structure basis exists in energy that generates various signals towards meanings of l...

Saturday, 13 November 2021

Coffee shop named California

 Coffee shop named California


From Print 2012, Chapter 10

If C live, he also may ask me, "What are you researching now?"
And I also will answer him as same as ever.
I have pursued universals, never done facts, without repenting.

Oh C, if you live, will we also talk on language at the table facing each other
under the low ceiling of the shop, going up the steep stairs.
The name of the shop is California.

For the memory of our daily forgetful life, its never miserable though poor all over,
I will write down our delight.

Source: Tale / Print by LI Kohr / 27 January 2012  

Under the Dim Light / 1 August 2012
Road to Language Universals / 31 December 2012
Half Farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague with References / 23 October 2013

23 February 2015

Sunday, 7 November 2021

Letter to Sebastian On Arnulf Rainer 21 August 2021. Added From author 7 November 2021

 Letter to Sebastian On Arnulf Rainer 21 August 2021

From author;
This letter is highly important for me still now.
Arnulf Rainer, Austria, gave me a real freedom to my language study by his mountain drawing.
He taught me that study must be written as a genuine drawing of his sublime mountain

7 November 2021
SRFL Essay

Dear Sebastian,

Always thanks for your likes to my uploads.
Yesterday You liked Letter to WPM 2019-2021 that is my little records of study at time.
Language is vast and deep, at where I roam around day in, day out.
The learning almost inspires me , but I also frequently worry to going ahead.

At those occasions, I separate from thinking or writing and see several books of paintings.
One of my favourite authors is Arnulf Rainer, Austria, whose mountain drawings are really inspire my heart.
They send various massages to me, You are free, You may go to everywhere you want, You can abandon your all past papers remaining only you keep to think and write from now on.

I met with Rainer’s work at Kiyosato Museum of Contemporary Art, Nagano, Japan in early 1990s.
The museum also collect Beuys and Fluxus that are all send me free winds probably from future we will go.

The world of language is vast and infinite, never able to hold by one person, one time or one tiny world.
I never want to solve the questions on language, never write a real phase of language.
But I will keep on writing hereafter, why, I stay here, and I feel every new thing from language every day.
I stand here with it and I see and listen to some tiny massages from it, if I am free like Rainer’s drawing.

Yours sincerely,

21 August 2021

Read more:

Letter to Sebastian On Arnulf Rainer 21 August 2021

 Letter to Sebastian On Arnulf Rainer 21 August 2021

Dear Sebastian,

Always thanks for your likes to my uploads.
Yesterday You liked Letter to WPM 2019-2021 that is my little records of study at time.
Language is vast and deep, at where I roam around day in, day out.
The learning almost inspires me , but I also frequently worry to going ahead.

At those occasions, I separate from thinking or writing and see several books of paintings.
One of my favourite authors is Arnulf Rainer, Austria, whose mountain drawings are really inspire my heart.
They send various massages to me, You are free, You may go to everywhere you want, You can abandon your all past papers remaining only you keep to think and write from now on.

I met with Rainer’s work at Kiyosato Museum of Contemporary Art, Nagano, Japan in early 1990s.
The museum also collect Beuys and Fluxus that are all send me free winds probably from future we will go.

The world of language is vast and infinite, never able to hold by one person, one time or one tiny world.
I never want to solve the questions on language, never write a real phase of language.
But I will keep on writing hereafter, why, I stay here, and I feel every new thing from language every day.
I stand here with it and I see and listen to some tiny massages from it, if I am free like Rainer’s drawing.

Yours sincerely,

21 August 2021

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Saturday, 6 November 2021

12 Amedeo Modigliani. From TO WINTER 2015

 12 Amedeo Modigliani

The question of language, which originated in prints, resulted in a sudden dissemination of his interest in universality, which had once forced him to stop making decisions. Time was at the centre of it, accompanied by prayer issues, and at the end of them were language issues that embraced everything as meaning. Once upon a time, a friend of mine told me that it was a philosophy, and the story ended there. In other words, delusions could be free. However, even if I was told that again, I might not encounter such a scene again, but A was no longer bothered. There was a word that encouraged A. Junzo Kawada, who continues to pursue the creation and disappearance of transmission functions that exist in a non-literal society or in a modern isolated area, said in a public examination at a young age in Paris. “The road is far, but the sun hasn’t set yet.” It was after the Modigliani exhibition. A spring stormy wind sometimes shook the branches of the still-planted thin trees in the front yard of the museum, which had come out early and was waiting for I. I also sat down on an expensive chair in the hall. It was easy to sit in, but when I thought that a normal chair would be enough, I suddenly wanted to feel the outside breeze. -I’m sorry, it’s late. I’s short hair also sways in the wind. -Okay, I’m always early. -I’m glad. So did you sit in the chair? Ask happily. -Sit down, I didn’t feel that expensive. After all, the chair is a chair. -I also sat down. It’s definitely like that. It was a fun expectation before coming to the new museum. The wind sometimes gets stronger. -Did you buy the catalogue? -I was wondering what to do, but it came out as it was. Modigliani gives us the courage to live. You just have to stay there. All you have to do is see what you want to see. -Do you buy it? I feel like I want to see it a little. -I’m happy about that. I once again returned towards the glass entrance. The garden-like planting that can be seen over there is also swaying in the wind. Lovers are walking there. After a while, I picked up a white bag and returned to the front yard again in the wind. -I bought a postcard as well. -What kind of picture? ix-What kind of picture do you think it is? -I don’t know. -Jeanne Eputerne’s drawing, you’re putting your hand on your chin. -It’s more amazing than an oil painting. Modigliani’s drawings are wonderful. It’s as if the world is cut out there. -Which was better, Monet you saw before? -Monet was good, but I’m Modigliani. -Hmm, why? -I wonder what you saw, because I saw something, I drew portraits forever. -What did you see? -do not know. -I’m glad both. Monet is Monet. -I like the garden in my later years. The road that goes through the arch of those flowers. -There were various flowers in the dark green grove. Why don’t you walk a little? Because the wind feels good. I’s spring clothes are receiving the wind. It’s like a lover. -There were various flowers in the dark green grove. Why don’t you walk a little? Because the wind feels good. I’s spring clothes are receiving the wind. It’s like a lover. -There were various flowers in the dark green grove. Why don’t you walk a little? Because the wind feels good. I’s spring clothes are receiving the wind. It’s like a lover.

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Thursday, 4 November 2021

Glitter of youth through philosophy and mathematics in 1970s

 Glitter of youth through philosophy and mathematics in 1970s


In 1970s at Tokyo or in my age 20s, there surely exists glitter of youth in my life, now I remember.
In those days, in Japan many fabulous magazines were successively published. Episteme,Toshi(City)、Chugoku(China) and the likes. Especially I loved reading Epistemewhich had printed many philosophical or philological articles as the form of special issues concentrated important philosopher, thinker and writer. The chief editor of Epistemewas NAKANO Mikitaka(1943-2007), probably one of the best editors in the latter half of the 20th century in Japan.  The most impressive number was Ludwig Wittgenstein(1889-1951), probably in 1977. Also influenced from the issue of Kurt Gödel(1906-1978)who gave me the possibility of set theory.

In my life, Wittgenstein gave the big influence for thinking and writing style, never entering or approaching his essential philosophical themes.Aftermillennium year when I started the regular writing on language universals, my writing style was resembling in his Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. My paper written in 2003, Quantum Theory for Language shows a very imitative style to him. This tendency kept on for some time till I changed to adopt algebraic method for more clear description to the themes.

1970s was a relatively calm times after those university’s revolution in the late 1960s in which I also compellingly rolled in. In those days I almost had been wandering between library and old book shops aiming my life-time true themes cowardly avoiding the turmoils of university and towns. Blaise Pascal(1623-1662)’s Pansees was my favourite one. One day at Kanda’s Taiwan chinese book shop Kaifu Shoten, I bought WANG Guowei(1877-1927)’s Guantangjilin that opened the new frontier for classical Chinese philology mainly streamed by “Small Study”, traditional exegetics in China. Influenced WANG Guowei I wrote a paper titled On Time Property Inherent in Characters, 2003 by which I began the latter start of language study.

In 1970s, I had cherished a dream in which I wanted to use mathematical description and get the essential of language. But I had not any ability to proceed the study for it while I read at random several mathematical books. One day I found and bought the amount Nicolas Bourbaki(1935-)’s text books at old book shop in Kanda, Tokyo. They were hard to keep reading for my talent in those days. After all, the books were put aside the desk. The remaining in my mind was adoration to Bourbaki and their brilliant achievement. My return to Bourbaki was long after in 1990s when I again tried the pursuit of language having a clear vision to study language universals according to the Linguistic Circle of Prague, especially aiming to resolve the supposition presented by Sergej Karcevskij(1884-1955).

Turning round the past days, my way was always narrow and winding road. But it keeps till now not breaking off in any situations. The way was finely glittering in my youth days despite under the cloudy sky. Probably I have kept happily walking till now being assisted by many people especially at the field of language, mathematics and relevant studies.

At random now I remember the dear names from whom I  never cannot hear their voices. HASEGAWA Hiroshi, CHEN Donghai Chinese languageKAJIMURA Hideki,CHO Shokichi Korean languageNatary Muravijowa Russian languageONO Shinobu Chinese literatureMIIYAZAKI Kenzo, FURUTA Hiromu, KONDO Tadayoshi Japanese literatureANDO Tsuguo French poemSAEKI Shoichi HaikuIKEDA Hiroshi Japanese classical dramaSAITO Kohei sculptureYAMAGISHI Tokuhei bibliographyNISHI Junzo Chinese philosophyKAWASAKI Tsuneyuki BuddhismCHINO Eiichi Russian language, the Linguistic Circle of Prague. At last dear friend of high school days KANEKO Yutakmathematics and our youth.

6 March 2015
Sekinan Library

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