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Wednesday, 29 January 2025

An end of language model sekinanmodel Lang Model 2012


An end of language model
Lang Model 2012

Lang Model

1. Lang conjecture (S.Lang 1974)
Algebraic field F ( finite dimensional overfield over Q ) is defined over projective algebraic variety V.
For a certain embedding F -> C, V is seen that V is seen as complex projective algebraic variety.
If V is Kobayashi hyperbolic, V ( F ) is finite set.

2. Shafarevich conjecture ( I.Shafarevich 1963)
F is algebraic field.
OF is integer ring of F
Finite subset  and integer  are fixed.
When the upper conditions are satisfied, g dimensional Abelian variety over F and genius g's algebraic curves that degenerate in only S at most only exist finite number.

3. Interpretation
3.1 Finiteness of words by Shafarevich conjecture
Language := F
Sentence := OF
Word := S
Word's dimension := g
Word's meaning := genius g's algebraic curves
3.2 Grammar (Connection of words) by Lang conjecture
Language := F
Grammar (Words' connection rule) := Kobayashi hyperbolicity

4. References
4.1 On dimension and meaning
Quantum Theory for Language 2004
4.2 On Kobayashi hyperbolicity
Distance Theory 2004
From Distance to Pseudo-Kobayashi-Distance 2012

This paper's description is unfinished.
17 June 2012

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    Roman Jakobson A short comment on THE SOUND SHAPE OF LANGUAGE by Roman Jakobson & Linda Waugh, 1979 / 2012-2017


    Roman Jakobson
    A short comment on  THE SOUND SHAPE OF LANGUAGE by Roman Jakobson & Linda Waugh, 1979

    TANAKA Akio
    THE SOUND SHAPE OF LANGUAGE by Roman Jakobson & Linda Waugh, 1979 is the indispensable book for the study.

    The authors wrote the Preface to The Japanese Edition, 1980 that a matter of primary concern for them was the basic opposition between form and meaning, furthermore there were definite difference and intimate bonding between this related two essential phenomena.
    For turning to myself, I already determined the main target on meaning, and sound was put aside, while Jakobson's book  was referred time to time. It  was great teacher for me.


    16 July 2012

    Sekinan Research Field of Language
    30 June 2017 
    References 2 Added
    Sekinan Library

    Arithmetic Geometry Language (AGL) 2013

     Arithmetic Geometry Language (AGL)

    TANAKA Akio
    29 January 2025

    Why I started Quantum-Nerve Theory? Note and Note 2 for The Time of Language 2019


     Why I started Quantum-Nerve Theory? Note and Note 2 for The Time of Language

    The Time of Language
    Ode to 
    The Early Bourbaki To Grothendieck

    TANAKA Akio 

    In early 1970s, I had think of language from the side of mathematics, that level of mine is very low and primitive, moreover I never had any talent to mathematics.

    But my eager to trying the approach was going to overcome hard barriers before me. So the route had really fascinated my mind for long time. At that time I had read Chinese classics almost every day. WANG Guowei, DUAN Yucai and WANG Yingzhi. They were giants on Chinese language historically and modern.

    On the other hand I had thought of language generally, not defined by Chinese. But in front of the vast world of language, I had stood still lonely, not taking any method for approaching.

    Mathematics was the only gleam of hope in the wasteland.


    The rest is omitted.
    For more details refer to the next.

    January 10, 2012
    Sekinan Research Field of Language

    [Note, 28 October 2014]

    When I first learnt French in 1964, I was the second grade of high school. My aim to learning was to get the lowest readable situation for modern poems of French Symbolism represented by Arthur Rimbaud and Paul Verlaine. Afterwards in 1969 I knew the importance of Martinet’s work at the linguistic class of university. Probably in the early 1970s, I bought Bourbaki’s books at the old-book-shop at Kanda, Tokyo, when Bourbaki’s fame reached to the poor-talented linguistic student like me.

    I was enchanted Bourbaki’s works and I somehow would like to adopt their results to my linguistic study. But my mathematical level was too low to get near Bourbaki’s world. From those days my wandering around mathematics and linguistics kept long long way like the Beatles song, The long and winding road.

    What I again met mathematics, especially algebraic algebra was already over the twentieth century.

    From 2003 I began to write papers being assisted with CHINO Eiichi’s advice and Sergej Karcevskij’s work. At that times Chinese Qing dynasty’s vast linguistic works topically represented by WANG Guowei was also assisting my study. At the result my first satisfied paper, “On Time Property Inherent in Characters”1 was completed. The theme in my life, model making of  language universals was begun further later in 2008 at Zoho site, sekinanlogos. At Complex Manifold Deformation Theory  I started writing more clearer descriptive papers by mathematics especially according to algebraic geometry. And now I step up one more and entered in arithmetic geometry  for solving more difficult themes such as dimension, synthesis and fusion of meaning in word.

    Refer to the next.

    1. On Time Property Inherent in Characters
    2. Zoho site
    3. sekinanlogos
    4. Complex Manifold Deformation Theory
    5. Arithmetic geometry

    [Note 2 2 May 2019]

    5 years passed from I wrote Note at October 2014.

    The situation for the research changed rather largely.

    I and wife became older and I become 72 years old this summer while the both have illness.

    We often go to the hospital for the treatment for what I often think that all the illness are probably on the nerves which make persistent flows in our body, which inevitably need energy for fluidity.

    At these circumstances  I began to write a new paper titled What is signal? The existence that generates language, What is signal?, original title,   What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve. The text is the next.

    So far I have thought of language at the point from language universals which are the most fantastic theme for me. But illness and its base nerve showed me the new site of language that is the real base of language. It was the signal which has energy and flows and hatch language in the human being.

    Now I stand back at the manuscript written in 2003 at Hakuba, Nagano, Japan titled Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language. The text is the next.

    Quantum is the real kernel of my research, by which signal and language may be unifiedly constructed for human being.

    2 May 2019
    Sekinan Library

    27 November 2019 Text revised
    SRFL Paper

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    At the park of Ome, Tokyo

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    Letter to Y, 2 June 2024


    Letter to Y, 2 June 2024

    Dear Y,

    The other day on TV, there was a documentary about a female cooking expert and beauty expert in their 80s.
    Both of them are still active in their work, and when the announcer asked them about their secret, they both
    mentioned the joy of continuing to do the work they love.

    Since ancient times, a lifelong job that suits a person has been called a calling and respected, but
    in recent years, I have realized something about this.
    There may be a calling that lasts for a short period of time, but it is usually called something that you continue for a long time.
    Therefore, I have come to think that a calling is the easiest job for a person. That is why you can naturally
    continue it for a long time.

    In my case, I have come to think that the easiest thing is mathematics.
    Classical Chinese is difficult, and languages ​​are difficult, and literature and history seem quite difficult.
    Mathematics is difficult, but once you start, you will gradually learn it, and the results will naturally come along.
    As you continue, the results will gradually accumulate, and even I am amazed at the amount and breadth of them.

    This spring, I classified and organized my essays for the first time in a long time.
    I thought I could classify them into about 30 categories, but I ended up classifying them into 80 categories for now, and
    I am surprised at the number and diversity of them.

    Currently, I have 19.2K posts on Twitter, and I will soon reach 20,000 posts.
    Most of them are introductions to essays, so I am also surprised by this.

    current fair health may be because I continue to do what I like. My current
    central theme is to express language using mathematical quanta, which is one of the fundamental concepts of physics, and can now be completely expressed using
    mathematical group theory, and
    to develop this by constructing language as energy.
    The meaning of language is also constructed as energy.
    Energy can now be expressed mathematically. It is very difficult, but it is the result of Perelman, who solved the Poincaré conjecture.
    I can only understand the basics of mathematics at this time.

    In recent years, the concept of quantum information has emerged in physics, and I
    have named universal linguistic information derived from natural language as quantum nerve, and have written What is signal? and Quantum-Nerve Theory
    as a preparatory step.

    It has already been 20 years since I presented "Quantum Theory for Language" at the international symposium "Silk Road" held in Nara in 2003, and we are now in
    a situation where we are not sure whether the mathematical notation is ready.
    Please take care of your health.

    2 June 2024


    Language Universal Models 2013


    Language Universal Models

    1. Repeated Integral Model
    1.1 Hyperbolic volume / Volume of Language
    1.2 Hyperbolic space / Hyperbolic Space Language

    2. Minimal Model
    2.1 Free group / Notes for KARVESKIJ Sergej,
    "Dusualisme asymétrique du signe linguistique"
    2.2 Fundamental group / Description of Language
    2.3 de Rham complex / Structure of Word
    2.4 de Rham complex on spherical surface / Condition of Meaning

    3. Knot Theory Model
    3.1 Hida deformation space / Loop Time f Character

    5. Moduli Model
    5.1 Projective algebraic manifold / Completion of Language
    5.2 Projective algebraic manifold / Meaning Minimum of Language

    7. Projective Space Model
    7.1 Grothendieck theorem / Vector Bundle Model

    8. Diophantine Approximation Model-Diophantine Language
    8.1 Faltings theorem / Finiteness of Words
    8.2 Noguchi, Winkelmann theorem / Dimension of Word


    TANAKA Akio
    29 January 2025

    SRFL Hills

    At the campus of university 2018

    At the campus of university

    Abstract from The letter to O. again

    TANAKA Akio

    In your letter, you wrote that you would read the books comfortably not selling the old books of your work. I have also felt the same feeling so I bought Development of the modern poems written by ANDO Tsuguo who was the fine teacher of literature at the university and I once went to his home thinking to hear his intimate voice on poem and literature. He was one of the most typical poet and critic in the present age of Japan.

    And now I would want to read KIYOOKA Takayuki's collected poems, that was ever read in my youth.

    In autumn 1970 I was the senior of university, when the next spring I would graduate, I met with the thick French binding KIYOOKA's collected poems at the well drop-in bookshop of Hachioji, Tokyo. At that time I could not yet find my whole life object of learning.

    In his book, I read a long poem titled "at the campus of university" in which he wrote that he meets with the whole life object of learning as he meets with his beloved person in his life.

    The next spring 1971 I graduated the university, when I could not find any object at the campus while I ruminated KIYOOKA's stanza.

    What I really met with my whole life object was already entered in the 21 century at my age 56 in 2003 after much trial and error. It was language universals that was ever taught from CHINO Eiichi who was the real life time teacher of mine and the successor of the Linguistic Circle of Prague, who spent 7 year study at Prague.

    Sergej Karcevskij gave me the great hint of approach to language universals through the famous paper titled "Du Dualisme asymétrique du signe linguistique" 1929.

    In 2003 I wrote a paper titled " Quantum Theory for Language" after some trial papers, " On Time Property Inherent in Characters", " Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language".
    In 2004 I wrote two attached papers, " Distance Theory" and "Reversion Theory".

    The proper papers' URL is the next.

    After the suggestion of CHINO, I have tried the very hard road of writing style using mathematical base assisted from many contemporary mathematician works,especially at the field of algebraic geometry.

    The paper " Quantum Theory for Language" was selected one of the 4 oral presentations of the linguistic field of a international symposium focused on the Silk Road.
    On Karcevskij and CHINO I wrote a tiny paper, " Prague in 1920" which was dedicated the two as a token of my cordially gratitude.

    2 January 2018
    Sekinan Ideogram

    Haiku for the winter solstice 22 December 2011 For the winter solstice


    Haiku for the winter solstice


    Kaze mado wo
    Yusuru Tohki hi
    Yuzu wo kiru
    Wind joggles the pane
    The days gone afar
    When I cutting the citrus fruit

    TANAKA Akio
    22 December 2011
    For the winter solstice

    Symbolism of Japan, Haiku 2012


    Symbolism of Japan, Haiku

    4 July 2012
    ​TANAKA Akio

    Haiku is the traditional Japanese literature since the Meiji Period some 140 years ago, the ancestor of which was called Haikai that was began in the Muromachi Period some 500 years ago.

    I have made Haiku since age 20s. My Haiku's teacher is 
    SAEKI Shoichi, one of the modern Haiku writers in Japan. SAEKI's teacher is probably ISHIDA Hakyo, famous Haiku writer in the Showa Period. 

    Thus the tradition of the literature has been inherited to me.
    One of my youth age's Haiku, at Tokyo, February 1970, is the following.

    Tsumetai sukima de

    At the coldest clink
    Radiates light for me

    Letter to Y. C. November 2023. Translated by Google Still continuing difficulty 2024


    Letter to Y. C. November 2023

    Translated by Google 2024
    Original text is Japanese


    In my case, I loved poetry, and my teacher at university taught me haiku.

    However, in the end, even though I was fully aware that I was untalented, I returned to the bottom of my studies.

    I'm still in the process of being uncertain.

    From my language teacher Eiichi Chino

     ``Don't do something so difficult.

     It's not what we do."

    Although he was strongly scolded, he continued on his way.

     love language, 

     love mathematics,

     I love expressions in English,

    For the past 20 years, that's pretty much all I've been doing.

    It has been published on the Internet.

    The essays posted on that relatively old site on the internet
    were being read little by little around the world.

    Over 200,000 pages in over 20 years


    My philosophy of expressing language through mathematics
    remains unchanged.

    It is said that language cannot be expressed in words.

    Because it's at my core.

    Twenty years ago, the physics concept of quantum

    I tried to express language using

    Fortunately, this essay was rare;

    International symposium held in Nara

    I was one of the four presenters in the language and literature department.

    However, at this stage, the quantum itself is notated mathematically.

    I wasn't able to do that.

    However, from around 2000 , the mathematical concept of quantum groups
    began to become popular, and now the physical concept of quantum has become popular.

    It is now possible to express it clearly in mathematics.

    This is my current stage.

    Still, I don't understand anything about the language itself.

    That is my current situation. 

    TANAKA Akio

    7 March 2024

    Stonesouth News

    Reversion Conjecture Conjecture for reversion of language 2014


    Reversion Conjecture

    Conjecture for reversion of language

    TANAKA Akio

    Conjecture for reversion of language
    14/10/2013 11:21
    Conjecture for reversion of language
    Language has a standstill point in itself.

    This conjecture’s intuition is prepared at the paper, Reversion Theory 2004 at Sekinan Research Field of Language.
    This conjecture’s mathematical basis is given by Kato conjecture 1986. The conjecture is said to be given cohomological Hasse principle at unramified number theory.

    News. hillssouthroad
    Reversion Theory 2004
    14/10/2013 11:10
    Kato conjecture 1986 
    13/10/2013 23:07
    K. KATO, 1986 
    12/10/2013 19:52
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                                                                        1 May 2014
                                                    Sekinan Research Field of Language

    Notes for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej Condition of Meaning 2011


    Notes for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej

    Condition of Meaning
    TANAKA Akio
    September 11, 2011


    Graded differential algebra 

    Minimal model of graded differential algebra 

    Degree of homogenious element x of graded differential algabra |x|

    Basis of linear space is given by homogenious and elements x1, ....., xn

    Λ (V) = Λ(V)k =Λ (x1, ....., xn )

    Operation of minimal model 


    Spherical surface Sn, n≥2

    de Rham complex *(Sn)

    When n iseaven number,

    Volume element of S

    Mn = Λ (x), |x| = ndx = 0,

    M2n-1 gives minimal model Sn to de Rham complex  .

    When n is odd number,

    Mn gives minimal model Sn to de Rham complex  .


    Word is given by spherical surface.

    Meaning of word is given by elements x1, ....., xn.

    Word has minimal model.

    Word becomes formal.

    Fundamental group of word contains free group of rank b1(M).

    Here KARCEVSKIJ's "stable part" is identified to fundamental group and " mobile part" is identified to free group.

    Refer to the paper Notes for KARVESKIJ Sergej, "Dusualisme asymétrique du signe linguistique" .


    This paper has been published by Sekinan Research Field of Language.
    © 2011 by 
    The Sekinan Research Field of Language