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Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Letter to Y, 2 June 2024


Letter to Y, 2 June 2024

Dear Y,

The other day on TV, there was a documentary about a female cooking expert and beauty expert in their 80s.
Both of them are still active in their work, and when the announcer asked them about their secret, they both
mentioned the joy of continuing to do the work they love.

Since ancient times, a lifelong job that suits a person has been called a calling and respected, but
in recent years, I have realized something about this.
There may be a calling that lasts for a short period of time, but it is usually called something that you continue for a long time.
Therefore, I have come to think that a calling is the easiest job for a person. That is why you can naturally
continue it for a long time.

In my case, I have come to think that the easiest thing is mathematics.
Classical Chinese is difficult, and languages ​​are difficult, and literature and history seem quite difficult.
Mathematics is difficult, but once you start, you will gradually learn it, and the results will naturally come along.
As you continue, the results will gradually accumulate, and even I am amazed at the amount and breadth of them.

This spring, I classified and organized my essays for the first time in a long time.
I thought I could classify them into about 30 categories, but I ended up classifying them into 80 categories for now, and
I am surprised at the number and diversity of them.

Currently, I have 19.2K posts on Twitter, and I will soon reach 20,000 posts.
Most of them are introductions to essays, so I am also surprised by this.

current fair health may be because I continue to do what I like. My current
central theme is to express language using mathematical quanta, which is one of the fundamental concepts of physics, and can now be completely expressed using
mathematical group theory, and
to develop this by constructing language as energy.
The meaning of language is also constructed as energy.
Energy can now be expressed mathematically. It is very difficult, but it is the result of Perelman, who solved the Poincaré conjecture.
I can only understand the basics of mathematics at this time.

In recent years, the concept of quantum information has emerged in physics, and I
have named universal linguistic information derived from natural language as quantum nerve, and have written What is signal? and Quantum-Nerve Theory
as a preparatory step.

It has already been 20 years since I presented "Quantum Theory for Language" at the international symposium "Silk Road" held in Nara in 2003, and we are now in
a situation where we are not sure whether the mathematical notation is ready.
Please take care of your health.

2 June 2024


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