Objection from words of complex plane to the Poles of Riemann sphere makes aurora plane that consists of phrases and sentences.
Refer to the following paper.
Aurora Theory Aurora Plane Tokyo October 14, 2006 [AT8]
Situation of aurora’ phrase is expressed by longitude, latitude and direction to the next phrase.
Refer to the following paper on direction.
Aurora and Curvature Tokyo September 30, 2006 [AT3]
Now Riemann sphere has a unit radius.
Refer to the following paper.
Aurora Theory Limitation of Meaning Tokyo October 9, 2006 [AT7]
When word is written on complex plane, phrase is indicated on Riemann sphere to which dictoron radiates from the origin of the sphere.
Refer to the following paper.
Aurora Theory Dictoron and Aurora For SAEKI Shizuto Tokyo September 24-28, 2006 [AT2]
Word on complex plane corresponds to frame on Frame-Quantum Theory.
Phrase on Riemann sphere corresponds to quantum on Frame-Quantum Theory.
Refer to the following paper.
Aurora Theory Dictoron Quantum and Trace For FINKELSTEIN David Tokyo September 17, 2006 [AT1]
Also refer to the following papers.
Frame-Quantum Theory Dedicated to KARCEVSKIJ Selgej Tokyo March 13, 2005
Quantum Linguistics Solidity and Flexibility Tokyo January 14, 2006
Quantum Linguistics Quantum Language Machine For Forth Time to KARCEVSKIJ Tokyo January 23-29, 2006
Quantum Language Frame and Transmission For Quantum Language Machine 3 Tokyo February 26, 2006
Also refer to the following papers groups.
Frame-Quantum Theory Map 3 Hakuba March 28, 2005
Quantum Linguistics Physical Substantiality of Language
Dictoron has spin.
Refer to the following paper.
Aurora Theory Dictoron as Language Quantum Tokyo October 1, 2006 [AT4]
Dictoron has two units of information at the same time.
Refer to the following paper.
Quantum Language Substantiality of language Tokyo February 21, 2006
Dictoron has ability to work as quantum computing.
Refer to the following paper.
Quantum Semantics Topological Entangled Language For KITAEV Alexei Yu Tokyo June 5, 2006
When dictoron at the origin of the sphere reaches on Riemann sphere, phrase is generated.
When dictoron on Riemann sphere returns to the origin of the sphere, phrase is extinguished.
Refer to the following paper.
Frame-Quantum-Time Theory Tokyo July 31, 2005
When dictoron moves between the origin and surface of Riemann sphere, phrase is generated and extinguished.
Generation and extinction of phrase are called time progression and time regression.
Now place of dictoron is expressed by the combination of longitude, latitude, direction and time.
The combination is indicated by the coordinates (x, y, z, and t).
The coordinates has symmetry.
Refer to the following paper.
Aurora Theory Dictoron, Time and Symmetry Language Multi-Time Conjecture Tokyo October 6, 2006 [AT6]
From symmetry of coordinates, there exists reverse phrase point on Riemann sphere by symmetric transformation.
Dictoron’s movement to the point has reverse progression.
Time to the reverse progression has reverse progression time.
The time is called imaginary time.
Refer to the following paper.
Tube-Ring Theory Imaginary Language Minus Dimensional Cut-Tube-Ring Tokyo July 8, 2006
Place on Riemann sphere expresses time and imaginary time of dictoron.
Place of imaginary time makes imaginary word on complex plane.
Refer to the following paper.
Actual Language and Imaginary Language To LÉVI-STRAUSS Claude Tokyo September 23, 2004
Word and imaginary word indicate language universe.
Refer to the following paper.
Reversion Theory Tokyo September 27, 2006
The universe is measured by distance.
Refer to the following paper.
Distance Theory Tokyo May 5, 2004
Time concerning about dictoron is also measured by distance.
Refer to the following paper.
Cube Theory Cube Word Hakuba April 1, 2006
Distance makes matrix (x, y, z, t) (-x, -y, -z, -t).
There comes matrix (-x2, -y2, -z2, -t2).
Now becomes function – (x2+y2+z2+t2). The function is called function I.
Function I specifies a line segment.
The segment expresses dictoron’s movement containing progression and regression of time and imaginary time.
Tokyo October 21, 2006
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