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Sunday, 30 November 2014

Sixties, For Susan Sontag / 27 September 2012, Note added 30 November 2014

Sixties, For Susan Sontag  

On Sixties, Susan Sontag wrote in her book, WHERE THE STRESS FALLS, 2001 as the following.

Perhaps the most interesting characteristic of the time now labeled the Sixties was that there was no little nostalgia. In that sense, it was indeed a utopian moment.
-From "Thirty Years Later..." 

Surely I also think that it was a utopian moment, not utopia everlasting.
Someone ever said at a book, " We were loose change." Surely we were all loose change for a utopian moment. This is the great dedication to Sontag from me. We have lived in a same time though I was extremely coward far away than her to the time and myself.

27 September 2012
Sekinan Research Field of Language

30 November 2014 Note added 

Sixties are precious times for me though full of exactly heartbreaking events.
At first, using all the university's summer holidays in 1969, I read three times, one of the Japanese classics, Ochikubo Monogatari, in English Dark Hole Story written in Heian Times some 1,000 years ago, faithfully following the teach of  Japanese classic litrature's Scholar YAMAGISHI Tokuhei by the precise annotated text. The scholar lent me his valuable collation text of NAKAMURA Shuko in his library. Before beginning the holidays he said to me like admonishment that selection of one classic in the vast literary heritage was alike a meeting with a fiancée, walking to the station from the university in the clear summer evening. 
And I sometimes read the modern Chinese novels, Luxun or Maodun, thinking on the Beijing's old days, of which CHEN Donghai taught us how to hear the Beijing Opera sitting the chair facing sideways to the stage.
In university I met CHINO Eiichi at the small room for Russian language in 1969.
I met KAJIMURA Hideki at his Korean class and Natary Muravijowa at her Russian class in the next year.
I learnt alone the composition of French by the text of MAEDA Yoichi at the university's library, who indicated me the splendid world of French language and philosophy while reading Pascal's Pensees little by little, almost all the days outside afar a demonstrations, in and outside the campus or streets of Tokyo. 
It is the reason for I was Coward in those days.

Farsight of Andre Martinet / 16 July 2012, Title changed 30 November 2014

Farsight of Andre Martinet 

Reread Andre Martinet’s ELEMENTS DE LINGUISTIQUE GENERALE, 1970. When I was a student in 1970s, the book was already determined the established reputation. Now at rereading, I confirmed that one of his most concerned thing was the amalgamation of moneme, which is still radically never solved . But by his approach or any other similar approached researchers, Martinet-like style of studying is very difficult to progress. I have taken the another way to think on the themes influenced from KARCEVSKIJ Sergej by using the mathematical methods, especially algebraic geometry.
Recent result on the relation between characters and time in language is shown below.
16 July 2012
On WANG Guowei, refer to the next.

21 January 2013 added

30 November 2014
Title changed from Read Andre Martinet to Farsight of Andre Martinet.
For Andre Martinet's farsight of the concept, "
the amalgamation of moneme".
My recent result is the following.


Saturday, 29 November 2014

Present themes with historical overview by SIL / 29 November 2014


Present themes 

  1. Disposition of Language 
  2. Distance of Word 
  3. Flow of Language 

Historical overview

CHINO, Karcevskij and Prague 
  1. Half Farewell to the Linguistic Circle of Prague and Sergej Karcevskij
  2. I need not more wander the bookshop streets
  3. Prague in 1920s 
  4. CHINO Eiichi and Golden Prague 
  5. Coffee shop named California
Enchanted with language and mathematics 
  1. Andre Martinet
  2. Charles Bally 
  3. Read Andre Weil 
  4. Bourbaki' ELEMENTS DE MATHEMATIUE Troisieme edition, 1964
  5. The Time of Language Ode to The Early Bourbaki To Grothendieck Note added
Wandering between language and philosophy 
  1. For WITTGENSTEIN Revised / Position of Language / 10 December 2005 - 3 August 2012
  2. The Time of Wittgenstein /20 January 2012
  3. Citation from Ludwig Wittgenstein / 7 February 2012
  4. THE ROAD TO REALITY A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe, 2005 by Roger Penrose / 25 October 2012
  1. The First Paper on Inherent Time in Word / 26 July 2014
  2. 40 years passed from I read WANG Guowei / 16 November 2013
  3. Half farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague / 23 October 2013 / With References
  1. S ubstantiality  edicated to SAPIR Edward / 27 February 2005
  2. Edward Sapir's Language, 1921 / 5 September 2014
  3. Macro Time and Micro Time / 24 July 2013
  1. Roman Jakobson / 16 July 2012
Winding road to physics 
When I was a student of high school, I hoped to learn physics at university. But from various reasons in fact I learnt language at university on the other still longing for physics.
After graduation I once worked as a high school teacher and eight years passing over I returned to university for investigating language study. On the way I again met CHINO Eiichi in 1979, from whom I ever learnt Russian in 1969. By his teaching I had distinct aim for my study on language, making clear description to others using mathematics being assisted with physical thinking or approach. Mathematics was always set in my mind but my talent was not overtaken to its hardness. But aiming clear description to every situation I decided to learn again or thrice to make a new stage where I decided to come back to my starting point of youth being attracted to physics.
  1. Now I am Enough Old for Remembering the Past / 27 September 2012
  1. To my dear friend, KANEKO Yutaka / 22 May 2013
  2. Half farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague / 23 October 2013  
  3. Perhaps Return to Physics /16 August 2014
    1. Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented / Brane Simplified Model / Bend /17 October 2007
    2. Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented / Brane Simplified Model / Distance / 26 October 2007  
    1. Substantiality Dedicated to SAPIR Edward / 27 February 2005
    2. Language, Amalgamation of Mathematics and Physics / 15 April 2014 
    1. The Complete Works of TANIYAMA Yutaka,1994 / 11 November 2012 
    2. Description / 15 August 2013

    29 November 2014

    Friday, 28 November 2014

    SIL Sekinan Institute of Language / 28 November 2014

    It aims researching language universals
    by mathematics .

    Wiki.Zoho 2008 - 2014 hillseverzoho and Zoho List

    A trace of student who has been enchanted with language and mathematics.

    How is the time alive in language?

    Wednesday, 26 November 2014

    Prague Theory / 2 October 2004

    Prague Theory


    TANAKA Akio

    Language consists of quanta of language.
    Quantum of language is the minimum unit of language.
    The quantum has the inherent time and meaning.
    The quantum has the distance from the real world.
    The distance adds relative meaning to the inherent meaning.
    The inherent time and meaning are generated from the complex of the simple images abstracted from the real world.
    The simple images are left in characters of Chinese language /hanyu/.
    But many languages using the phonetic sign do not remain the traces of images.
    The simple images have their own passage of time.
    Chinese character /kun/, difficult in English, has two simple images inside.
    One is an enclosure.
    The other is a tree in the enclosure.
    The enclosure has the time of no passage.
    The tree has the time of own growth.
    The complex of the two images leads two consequences.
    One is <time element> that is abbreviated to TE.
    The other is <meaning element> that is abbreviated to ME.
    TE is a sort of artificial time. In this situation, the tree grows in the passage of time.
    But this tree does not destroy the enclosure.
    The time of the tree stops immediately before the destruction of the enclosure.
    TE has a separated time from start and end of the tree.
    This is the <inherent time> of the character /kun/.
    ME is also artificial. The tree grows eternally, but does not destroy the enclosure similarly in eternity.
    This is the situation of character /kun/.
    So inherent meaning emerges, having difficult condition never changed in eternity.
    ME is changed in the arranging set of quanta of language. This set is called <sentence>.
    Chinese /xue shuxue/, learn mathematics in English, has two /xue/.
    The two are quanta of language.
    The first quantum has longer distance than the second quantum. So according to the situation, two quanta have an additional meaning to the inherent.
    The second quantum has a shorter distance that is closer to the real world. So Close meaning to the real thing is added.
    The first quantum has a longer distance that is more separate to the real world. Additional meaning is also more separate from the real thing.
    In the arrangement of the quanta set, complex meaning is emerged.
    This meaning is called <additional meaning element>, abbreviated to AME.
    In the set of quanta of language, three elements <time element> <meaning element> <additional meaning element> are working.
    Now I call the view on language <Prague Theory> for having a high regard to KARCEVSKIJPRAGUE and CHINO Eiichi.

    Tokyo October 2, 2004
    Sekinan Research Field of Language

    [Postscript January 31, 2008]
    On a basis of /kun/’s periodic <inherent time>, refer to the next.
    Clifford Algebra / Note 6 / Periodicity / Tokyo January 26, 2008
    [Postscript February 2, 2008]
    †On respective differences of <inherent time>, refer to the next.
    Clifford Algebra / TOMONAGA’s Super Multi-time Theory / Tokyo January 25, 2008
    <<Past work on multi-time themes>>
    Aurora Theory / Dictoron, Time and Symmetry <Language Multi-Time Conjecture> / Tokyo October 6, 2006
    Aurora Theory / Word, Phrase and Sentence <Language Multi-Time Conjecture 2> / Tokyo October 25, 2006
    Language and Spacetime / Time Flow in Word For KOBARI Akihiro and His Time / Tokyo May 3, 2007
    <<For more details>>
    Invitation by Theme-Time / Data Arranged at Tokyo January 6, 2008
    Aurora Theory
    Language and Spacetime

    Tuesday, 25 November 2014

    How is the time alive in language? / 26 November 2014

    How is the time alive in language?

    TANAKA Akio

    When one first hear the existence of time in language, he may doubt its certainty. But I have intuitively believe it since I learned the ancient Chinese inscription on bone ad tortoise shell (in Chinese called Jiaguwen). In my early 20s, I met with the book of Chinese modern linguists, WANG Guowei, this belief changed the conviction. His lifework book Guantangjilin is hard to read till now.  But some papers in it are always inspires me by his deep and vast insight to character, language and history of ancient China. He also wrote fine criticism on Chinese pre-modern poem Ci. The title is RenjianCihua. The book is one of my favourite books of Chinese literature. People sometimes say that he was the highest genius after Song Dynasty, 1,000 years.
    In 2003 I wrote a tiny paper hinted by WANG's paper. It was the first paper for me that I directly faced the time inherent in inscription using Jiaguwen's update linguistic results. The title is " On Time Property Inherent in Characters".
    In summer 2003, I stayed at Hakuba, Nagano for a while for writing over the paper that was intended to present a symposium  at Nara in winter. The paper was taking up the structure of written language that was dealt with the relation between time and grammar. But I did not solve the question on with what shape language exists in the language world. What shape has language and at where space does language exist or float? The theme on space was hard to deal at that time. I only concentrated to the shape in space. At 28 August I was fatigued to think and went  for a stroll outside  the inn putting up. The place was at the mountain side of the Hakuba Range and there was only one convenience store, where I walked in the shop and saw one advertisement of electric pocket dictionary. I returned having this advert to the inn and read its sentences. At the very time I found the shape of language I sought was sphere that was inherited time in it, also having grammatical functions. The paper's title was named to " Quantum Theory for Language" by the shape of language. This was a really product of clear and fine atmosphere of Hakuba with a distant view of the North Alps of Japan.
        From 2004 to 2008 I wrote some papers on inscription and language. But I was not satisfied inwardly for the style of intuitive approach to language. I wanted to write more simple and clear expression. For being realised of my wish, I definitely needed to use mathematical tools. I returned to my 20s days' reading of Bourbaki that was desperately difficult for may ability. I again gradually read mathematical books and journals for seeking useful source of my hope to converting to language study. A certain results that came to my papers with satisfaction was appeared in 2008 by the papers titled Complex Manifold Deformation Theory

       Above all, the first paper in this group, I first defined the concept, distance by complex manifold.
       The concept of distance was one of the most important themes on language, so I at early times wrote the intuitive paper, "Distance Theory".
       At the fifth paper of Complex Manifold Deformation Theory, I again challenged the hard theme of the time in language, titled to " Time of Word".
       The definition of space in which language exists is one hard target for me to write satisfactory. A fixed results came to me at the papers group titles Symplectic Language Theory in 2009.
        In the group, a paper focused on mirror phase on language became one peak for my writing.
         Related with the shape of language, quantization and discreteness on language was the urgent    themes for the further step of studying the total image of language I was pursuing. Floer Homology  Language was the one milestone for me to overcome to the next stage.
         In this group, the eighth paper was dealt with the quantization and discreteness of language.
          What situation does the time in language have? This question exists in my mind at the early days when I wrote the paper "On Time Property Inherent in Characters". The first step to solution was described at the paper " Prague Theory". The group of Prague Theory was written due to dedicate to Prague, The Linguistic Circle of Prague and Sergej Karcevskij with the memory of my teacher CHINO Eiichi.
        In this paper, Chinese Character /kun/, that meaning is difficult in English, was used for the eternity of loop time. This loop time was also appeared in the paper " On Time Property Inherent in Characters". But Prague Theory shows more direct and compact by growing tree and its obstructive enclosing fence. This intuitive image was more clearly described at the paper " Word as Infinite Loop Time " at Infinite Loop Space Language in 2012.
        In this paper, time in language is clearly connected with dimension of algebraic group saying as the next. Word has dimension that belongs to algebraic K group.
    The relation between time and dimension was entered on a new phase at the learning of algebraic geometry, especially of arithmetic geometry. Arithmetic Geometry Language, abbreviated to AGL, was the starting papers for me to arithmetic method.

        From these four papers, I concisely extracted the next three conjectures.

       At these conjectures, time inherent in language is in the basis of describing dimension, synthesis and reversion. The process of leading to the conjectures is over viewing the next.    

    Time inherent in language is a fantastic but as hard to pursue for me still now. I would examine this theme further more and more, probably till the end of my research life. Now all the thanks are going to The Linguistic Circle of Prague and especially its member Sergej Karcevskij, with my teacher CHINO Eiichi who taught me their precise information from his long study at Prague in 1960s.

    For CHINO Eiichi

                                              Golden Prague                                    

    C also died early, who had taught me Russian and linguistics. He loved
    the old city that had the beautiful towers and bridges.

    In C's many works there was the essay "The Moon of Carpathians". He wrote 
    that the conference was over, departed at Kiev, saw the moon and 
    churches over the Carpathian Mountains, impetuously went to the west, 
    passed Slovakia, Moravia, Bohemia, and at last reached "Golden Prague".
    Prague, it was his youth itself.

    Now I cannot hear his voice telling the various anecdotes on languages, 
    of which he freely had commanded. By the short heading, a newspaper 
    reported his death, naming as  "the genius of linguistics".
                                                                                                                                     - 9 October 2014 -

                                             Coffee shop named California

    If C live, he also may ask me, "What  are you researching now?"
    And I also will answer him as same as ever.
    "I have pursued universals, never done facts, without repenting."

    Oh C, if you live, will we also talk on language?
    At the table facing each other under the low ceiling of the shop going up the steep stairs.
    The name of the shop is California.

    For the memory of our daily forgetful life,
    its never miserable though poor all over,
    I will write down our delight.
                                                                                                               - 27 October 2014 -

    Ode to Kanda

    "I need not more wander the book shop streets." From Tale, Print, 2012

    This tale was written by TANAKA Akio, pen-named LI Koh in autumn 2012 for remembering the poor but brilliant youth time of myself. This is one of my favourite phrases in this tale.
    The book shop streets described in the tale is Kanda, Tokyo, which is located in the central Tokyo, where I frequently walked seeking the old Chinese classic books for the study from Oriental way of linguistics. In late 1960s, the streetcars were surely running in the old fashioned streets of Kanda, now perfectly changed to the subway streets. 
    From Print 2012, Chapter 10
    もはや本屋街をさまようことはない。I need not more wander the book shop streets. 対象は私のうちにある。The object exists in my mind. 私はただこの運河をながめていればいい。I would better watch the canal遍歴は終わった。Wandering is over now.  たぶん永遠にマイスターにはなれないだろうが、みずからの小さな仕事場で、日が落ちるまで作業をすればいい。Perhaps I would not become meister  forever. In my narrow working place, I 'd better do my work till sunset. すると仕事場の窓辺を聖者が通って行く。 So out of the window by the working place,  the saint passes by. かつてそんなロシアの民話を読んだ。I ever read the Russian folk tale like that. 
    秋の日ぐれは早い。The Autumn evening is fast. 路面電車のヘッドランプがまぶしいくらいだ。The headlight of streetcar  is dazzling. 黄褐色の窓に少ない乗客が照らし出され、古本屋街の方へ消えて行った。In the yellow-lighten window the passengers are picked out by the light. The car disappeared  to the book streets. 駅の売店がにぎやかな橙の光に包まれている。The station shop is also lighted up by the yard's busy orange light. 

    Tokyo / 26 November 2014 / SIL

    Sunday, 23 November 2014

    Time of Word / 1 January 2009


    Complex Manifold Deformation Theory
     Conjecture A 
    Time of Word 
    TANAKA Akio 
    Word has time.
    ¶Mathematics is a view in which I freely appreciate objects as if I see flowers, mountains and 
    vigorous port towns at dawn.  
    Kähler manifold     X
    Kähler form     w
    A certain constant     c
    Cohomology class of w     2πc1(X)
    Kähler metric     g
    Real C function     f
    X (ef- 1)wn = 0
    Ric(w) -w = f
    Monge-Ampère equation 
    (Equation 1)
    Use continuity method
    (Equation 1-2)
    Kähler form     w' = w +  f
    Ric(w') = tw' + (1-t)w'
    I = {  }
    3 is differential over t.
    Ding's functional     Fw
    There exists constant that is unrelated with t.
    When utis the solution of equation 1-2, the next is satisfied.
    Proper of Ding's functional is defined by the next.
    Arbitrary constant     K  
    Point sequence of arbitrary P(Xw)K     {ui}
    When Fw is proper, there exists Kähler-Einstein metric.
    ¶ Impression is developed from the view.
     If word is expressed by u , language is expressed by Fw and comprehension of human being 
    is expressed by C, what language is totally comprehended by human being is guaranteed.
    Refere to the next paper.
    #Guarantee of Language
    If language is expressed by being properly generated, distance of language is expressed by 
    Kähler-Einstein metric and time of language is expressed by tall the situation of language is 
    basically expressed by (Equation1-2).
    Refer to the next paper.
    #Distance Theory
    If inherent time of word is expressed by t's [δ, 1], dynamism of meaning minimum is 
    mathematically formulated by Monge-Ampère equation.
    Refer to the next papers.
    #1<For inherent time>
    On Time Property Inherent in Characters
    #2<For meaningminimum>
    From Cell to Manifold
    #3<For meaning minimum's finiteness>
    Amplitude of Meaning Minimum
    Tokyo January 1, 2009
    Sekinan Research Field of language