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Monday, 25 February 2019

What is signal? References 25 February 2019

What is signal? 
The existence that generates language




9 February 2019 -  25 February 2019

Original Title
What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve
Preparation 1-15
For father and mother 




Reference is cited from the papers written at SekinanLibrary and SRFL by TANAKA Akio at Tokyo from 2003.



  1. Preparation for the energy of language
  2. Pioneer of Language Front
  3. Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language with Preface, Note and Note 2 
  4. Linguistic Circle of  Prague
  5. Language Definition for the Child who Lost the World
  6. Language and Spacetime



Elected Texts

Egyptian Hieroglyph Exhibition
Journey through the Afterlife Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead by The British Museum 2012



The British Museum has exhibited The ancient Egypt at Tokyo, titled Journey through the Afterlife Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead.
The exhibition is excellent, especially total length 37 meters' Greenfield Papyrus is the highlight of the exhibit.

I feel over again that the letters on the papyrus is almost everlasting and my usual thought that the letters are superior than the spoken language which is thought important by Ferdinand Saussure.
Of course I have respected Saussure so much and have read COURS DE LINGUISTIQUE GENERALE time to time.
But the Occidental linguistics has not enough tradition on the ideogram as usual at Chinese characters.

Japan has also succeeded the Chinese tradition and culture. So we have much felt the importance on characters and letters.
Each ideogram has its unique molding technique and coinage ability.
I have very satisfied with hieroglyph's figures comparison to Chinese characters.

Also refer to the next.

  1. On Time Property Inherent in Characters / 2003
  2. Prague Theory / 2004

                                            12 September 2012
                               Sekinan Research Field of Language


Essence of Language
Seeing the exhibition TREASURES OF ANCIENT GREECE, Tokyo National Museum


20 July 2016 I went to see the exhibition A JOURNEY TO THE IMMORTALS: TREASURES OF ANCIENT GREECE being opened at Tokyo National Museum, Ueno,Tokyo.

At the exhibition I first saw  Linear A and Linear B.
Exhibition Catalogue numbers are the next.
The numbers 39 and 40 are Linear A. 41 and 77 are Linear B. 

39. Clay juglet
40. Clay bar
41. Clay tablet
77. Linear B bar and tablet

 About the two Linear I knew the brief information from the book, THE DECIPHERMENT OF LINEAR B by John Chadwick, Cambridge University Press, 1960.
From the exhibition I also knew still now not to decipher the Linear A.
My simple impression  is the next.
If the stability of language exist in the structure, the essence of language is appeared at the letters and characters. So I think. The core of this view contains the view for structure of language, which I would be able to write clearly using mathematics.
For more details, refer to the reference 2.

A JOURNEY TO THE IMMORTALS: TREASURES OF ANCIENT GREECE  [Exhibition Catalogue]. Tokyo National Museum et al. 2016.
THE DECIPHERMENT OF LINEAR B by John Chadwick, Cambridge University Press, 1960.

Reference 2
Perspective for Derived Category Language.Stability of Language

Reference 3
Derived Category Language, 23 July 2016 Edition

27 July 2016

Read more:


Ars longa Seeing Masterpieces of French Landscape Paintings from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow

On 25 May 2018 I went to Tokyo Metropolitan Museum, Ueno, Tokyo to see the exhibition titled French Landscape Paintings from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow.

I have frequently see the modern French paintings represented by the Post-impressionists at National Western Art Museum,Ueno. But the impression after seeing was pretty different.
The paintings are ranged widely from the 17th to 20th century.  
I felt that the The Russian eyes were effected to collect the paintings. For example, Arcadia and the relevant concepts of it were not so popular in Japan but at Russian collectors payed enough attention to them like the Europeans.

One of the most fantastic works for me was Luigi Loir's Smoke on the Paris Circuit Line ( Paris Suburb).  Floating smoke, Cloudy sky, Two horses and people chatting or coming and going.  
At the  moment to see the painting I recalled the famous quotation, Vita brevis, ars longa.
The painting was drew in 1885, over 130 years ago. But all the landscapes were vivid like the present and probably in future.

27 May 2018
Sekinan Zoho      
The catalogue of the exhibition
French Landscape Paintings from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow

6 June 2018
Time and Eternity
When I saw Luigi Loir's Smoke on the Paris Circuit Line ( Paris Suburb), I felt a fresh awareness of time, which was probably came from the vivid smoke floating in the air or the road partly glistered by the rain immediately before. This landscape was filled with time feeling which was coming on and stopped and was going to the future till now. All paintings may contain such a feeling on time. Now I faced a large canvas of Luir, I freshly got the greatness of painting which has a moment and eternity from the 2 dimensional space.
Does this greatness is only in my mind and not out in the outer world? Do I only feel the eternity in my mind? Almost maybe so, but partly maybe not. Time is real and time feeling floating in the panting is also real. Where is the difference between the two ? Time is direct and time in the painting is in direct, which floats via my eyes and mind. The painting gives me the start of time floating.  In that case, what is the painting's giving moment? The moment is made from form and colour on the canvas. Thus direct time has no tool for going on and indirect time has tools, now canvas, paints and brushes. Direct time and indirect time both enters in my body especially in my mind. The two times both floats in my body. I cannot analyse direct time. But indirect time can be analysed using several methods, form analysis, colour analysis and so forth. Language's letter, character and voice also maybe contain moments for making indirect time. Luigi Loir's Smoke on the Paris Circuit Line ( Paris Suburb) gave reconfirmation of a fresh awareness of indirect time's existence.   

[Note 2]
6 June 2018
Research of indirect time

For the research of indirect time now the several tools are prepared for at mine.
Mains are the next.
Overview of the importance and application in the new future is given at the letter to Y., 2018.
This letter is written in Japanese, now not has English version.

For details of research two sites are presented now at SRFL site.
One is from geometrization conjecture started from W.P. Thurston and succeeded by G. Perelman.
The other is from quantum group started from V. G. Drinfel'd.

The two sites are connected through ideogram.
Sekinan Zoho has the invitation to it.
SRFL collection has general relevant information for the present research.


Ideogram Paper Enlarged Edition
2. Ideogram 2005

Read more:


1. Letter to O. again.  2 January 2018
At the campus of university  Abstract from The letter to O. again
2. Letter to Y. Toward geometrization of language    8 January 2018
3. Letter to Y. Of Broad Language 4th Edition . 5 February 2018
4. Letter to the library  Short autobiography between 1969 and 1986. 19 May 2018
​    vide:  At the lawn terrace before library

14 June 2018
Sekinan Zoho


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