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Wednesday, 31 January 2018

You say that generation and extinction of quantum has mathematical foundation / From Print 2012, Chapter 17

Generation and extinction of quantum in the field space

From Print 2012, Chapter 17













―つまり粒子の生成と消滅が数学的な根拠を持つ Generation and extinction  of quantum has mathematical foundation というのだね。



Finiteness of 3 dimensional standard flop and shutting up to finite 3 dimensional world of language from infinite 4 dimensional world

Finiteness of 3 dimensional standard flop and shutting up to finite 3 dimensional world of language from infinite 4 dimensional world

From Print 2012, Chapter 18


Source: Tale / Print by LI Koh / 27 January 2012  

Quantum space through Poisson manifold's deformation quantization by Kontsevich

Quantum space through Poisson manifold's deformation quantization by Kontsevich

From Print 2012, Chapter 18




Source: Tale / Print by LI Koh / 27 January 2012

Quantization of Language / 24 June 2009

From Gromov-Witten invariant to quantum cohomology ring and Gromov-Witten potential, in the centre considered homological mirror symmetry

From Gromov-Witten invariant to quantum cohomology ring and Gromov-Witten potential, in the centre considered homological mirror symmetry

From Print 2012, Chapter 15


ヤーコブソンの「意味最小体」semantic minimumを参考にして、幾何的な「意味の最小単位」meaning minimumを設定し、閉区間closed intervalで時間tを動かすことによって、時間を意味として包括する幾何的な語wordを定義した。この方向を異なる幾何のレベルで、幾度も繰り返した。

言語の普遍性は数学の不変量invariantに接近した。深谷の本で、グロモフ‐ウィッテン不変量Gromov-Witten invariantから量子コホモロジー環quantum cohomology ringが得られ、さらにグロモフ‐ウィッテンポテンシャルGromov-Witten potentialが得られることを知った。言語は数学と物理に接近した。むかしから気になっていた対称性も精密に点検できるようになった。その中心にコンツェヴィッチによるホモロジー的ミラー対称性homological mirror symmetryがあった。

Source: Tale / Print by LI Koh / 27 January 2012 

Mirror Language / 10 June 2004

Reference 2:
Gromov-Witten Invariantational Curve /27 February 2009 

Homology Structure of Word / 16 June 2009
Potential of Language / 29 April 2009-16 June 2009

References 3:
Mirror Symmetry Conjecture on Rational Curve / 27 February 2009

From Hodge diamond of mirror symmetry by KONTSEVICH to mirror language

From Hodge diamond of mirror symmetry by KONTSEVICH to mirror language

From Print 2012, Chapter 18
実数に対して虚数があるように、実言語に対して虚言語がある。祈りは虚言語で書かれているとする。実言語の中に内在する時間を想定したように、虚言語にも内在する時間を想定する。天国に行くことは、虚言語の中で内在する時間を移動することになる。その言語をミラー言語mirror languageと呼ぶことにする。それならば、そのmirror はどこに置かれるのだろうか。
図書館でもっともよく読んだのは、深谷賢治だった。円はやはりx2 + y2 = 1で認識するより、丸い図形のイメージで認識するのが自然におもわれると書いてあった。幾何学の直感性はたしかにすばらしく普遍的だ。
深谷の本を読んでいくと、ミラー対称性mirror symmetryが出てくる。ホッジ・ダイアモンドと呼ぶものを或る値のところに設定し、そこで折り返すときれいなミラー対称性を得ると記されていた。Aが考えるmirror languageもそこで可能かもしれない。
References 2:

Geometry is the only one expression to describe the universal language containing the time which is one of the meanings

Geometry is the only one expression to describe the universal language containing the time which is one of the meanings
From Print 2012, Chapter 10
Cは事実と法則を追って、それを見出さなかった。そして或るとき突然の病いで逝った。言語学を愛した幾冊かの本を残して。最後の本の名は、言語学への開かれた扉、Janua Linguisticae Reserata。彼が言うように、扉は万人に開かれていた。ひたすら追うのであれば。
Cが生きていれば、今またAに問うかもしれない。おまえは今何をしているかと。If C live, he also may ask me, “What  are you researching now?” そしてAもまた同じように答えるだろう。And A also will answer him as same as ever.事実ではなく普遍を追っています、こりることなくと。I have pursued universals, never done facts, without repenting.
生きていれば、あの急な階段をのぼって、天井の低いテーブルでまた話していただろうか、Cよ。Oh C, if you live, will we also talk on language at the table facing each other under the low ceiling of the shop, going up the steep stairs.  転注をめぐる研究の国境を超えたつながりの中で、再発見された転注論の貴重な原稿を損傷させないために、発見者みずからが飛行機に乗って届けてくれたことなどを。だから途方にくれるようにまずしかった私はどれほど勇気づけられたか、Cよ。駅前の路地を入ってすぐ左の、掘っ立て小屋のようだったあの店の名まえはカリフォルニア。The name of the shop is California. ぼくらの決して悲惨ではなかった忘却の紀念に、今はそれを書き記そう。For the memory of our daily forgetful life, its never miserable though poor all over, I will write down our delight.
Source: Tale / Print by RI Kohr / 27 January 2012

Saturday, 27 January 2018

Quantum Language between Quantum Theory for Language 2004 and Generation of Word 2008 adding their days and after

Quantum Language 
between Quantum Theory for Language 2004 and Generation of Word 2008
adding their days and after
 A conclusion for the present on early papers of Sekinan Library

23 January - 26 January 2018


I wrote a paper titled Quantum  Theory  for Language in 2004.
This paper was read at the international symposium on Silk Road at Nara, Japan in December 2003.
The encounter with this time's persons and thoughts are written at The Time of Quantum  in September 2008.

This paper's concept was prepared at Hakuba, Nagano, Japan in March 2003.
This concept was jotted down at the hotel of Hakuba so the publication became late till 2015. The title was named Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language.

In Autumn 2002 I was hospitalized by pneumonia for two weeks, when I thought to put the linguistic research on old Chinese characters so far in order. The result was arranged as a paper titled On Time Property Inherent in Characters also at Hakuba in March 2003.

Quantum Theory for Language was added proviso, Synopsis, because the paper was thought at that time as a role of a rather long mathematical paper's preface on quantum theory on language.

In 2005 Distance Theory was written as a successive paper of Quantum  Theory  for Language. In those days Reversion Theory in September 2004, Prague Theory in October 2004 were successively written.

Time passed by rapidly.
After some preparations of mathematics, I wrote successive papers related with Quantum Theory for Language. von Neumann Algebra was put at the centre of preparation. The days at that time was simply wrote titled as The Days of von Neumann Algebra and The Days between von Neumann Algebra and Complex Manifold Deformation Theory in 2015.

von Neumann Algebra succeeds from 1 to 4. 2's Generation Theorem was written in April 2008. After von Neumann AlgebraFunctional Analysis was written. 2's Generation of Word 's result is directly connected to Quantum Theory for Language's mathematical background.

From 2008 I frequently used Zoho site because of easily writing by mathematical equation system. Complex Manifold Deformation Theory was the first result of Zoho. At Floer Homology Language some complementary fruits were gotten for Quantum Theory, Homology Generation of Language in June 2009 and Homology Structure of Word also in June 2009.

Algebraic geometry had been consistently flowing in Quantum Theory.
Recently written Connection between early paper's quantum and recent paper's geometry, November 2017 summarizes the situation at that time concisely.

Quantum Theory's time series representative is the following.

Basis of On Time Property Inherent in Characters 2003, Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language 2003 and Quantum  Theory  for Language 2004 are all led by Qing Dynasty's linguistic (Xiaoxue) tradition, especially from WANG Guowei, whose influence is written at The Time of WANG Guowei in December 2011.

In 1970s at my age 20s, while I had read WANG Guowei, also read Ludwig Wittgenstein, from whom I narrowly learnt writing style that was maintained through early papers. On Wittgenstein I wrote The Time of Wittgenstein in January 2012. Especially written essay For WITTGENSTEIN Ludwig Position of Language intermittently wrote from December 2005 to August 2012.    

WANG Guowei taught me the micro phase of language and Edward Sapir taught me the macro phase of language. His book,  Language 1921 shows us the conception of language's change system, Drift. I ever wrote 
some essays on him and his book titled Flow of Language in September 2014.
On Edward Sapir I recently wrote a essay titled Edward Sapir gave me a moment to study language universals together with Sergej Karcevskij  in July 2017

I met again with CHINO Eiichi in 1979, from whom I learnt almost all the contemporary linguistics' basis, because of my bias to Chinese historical linguistics ( Xioxue) and Japanese classical phonology in characters. Reunion with CHINO was written at a essay titled Fortuitous Meeting What CHINO Eiichi Taught Me in the Class of Linguistics in December 2004. Also wrote Under the Dim Light in August 2012, CHINO Eiichi and Golden Prague in June 2014, Coffee shop named California in February 2015 and Prague in 1920s in April 2016.

CHINO Taught me the existence of Linguistic Circle of Prague and Sergej Karcevskij  at Prague in 1920s. I wrote Linguistic Circle of Prague in July 2012 and also wrote on Karcevskij, Gift from Sergej Karcevskij in October 2005, Sergej Karcevskij, Soul of Language in November 2012Follower of Sergej Karcevskij in November 2012  Meaning Minimum On Roman Jakobson, Sergej Karcevskij and CHINO Eiichi in April 2013 and For KARCEVSKIJ Sergej from time to time.

In 1970s, I also learnt mathematics for applying to describe language's minute situation. I had thought that language had to be written clear understanding form for free and precise verification going over philosophical insight. When set theory led by Kurt Godel was raised its head to logical basis, I was also deeply charmed by it. But even if  fully using it, language's minute situation seemed to be not enough to write over clearly by my poor talent. The circumstance was written titled Glitter of youth through philosophy and mathematics in 1970s in March 2015. .

One day when I found and bought Bourbaki's series Japanese-translated editions, which were seemed to be possibility to apply my aim to describe language's situation. But keeping to read them were not acquired  at that time. So I was engrossed  in Chinese classical linguistics achieved in Qing dynasty, typically DUAN Yucai, WANG Niansun, WANG Yinzhi and so forth. The days were written as  The Time of Language Ode to The Early Bourbaki To Grothendieck.

Algebraic geometry began from von Neumann Algebra. After these days, Zoho time came to me. Its first result is shown as the title Complex manifold Deformation Theory in 2008. Distance of Word in November 2008 is a mathematical conclusion of Distance Theory in May 2005. Zoho's main papers were seen at the site Sekinan Zoho.

Distance Theory has some derivations towards physical phases in my thought. Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented Brane Simplified Model was written in October-November 2007. Each paper is the following.

Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented
Brane Simplified Model
Distance <Direct Succession of Distance Theory>
S3 and Hoph Map 

Physics was one of the most fantastic fields in high school days. I ever wrote the days of yearning for physics and after that. Perhaps Return to Physics in April 2014, Winding road to physics in January 2015, Thanks to physics about which I ever dreamt in my future in April 2015, 

After 2008 at Zoho sites, mathematics based language papers were successively written aiming clearer definition. Zoho's annual papers are shown at Sekinan Zoho's Zoho by year from 2008 to 2013. While I continued writing papers, my aim was gradually changed to confirm language's basis through mathematical, especially algebraic geometrical description by language models a little parting from natural language. The circumstances behind confirmation was written at Half farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague in October 2013 and 40 years passed from I read WANG Guowei in November 2013.


Quantum Language between Quantum Theory for Language 2004 and Generation of Word 2008

Quantum Language 
between Quantum Theory for Language 2004 and Generation of Word 2008
 A conclusion for the present on early papers of Sekinan Library

23 January - 28 January 2018


I wrote a paper titled Quantum  Theory  for Language in 2004.
This paper was read at the international symposium on Silk Road at Nara, Japan in December 2003.
The encounter with this time's persons and thoughts are written at The Time of Quantum  in September 2008.

This paper's concept was prepared at Hakuba, Nagano, Japan in March 2003.
This concept was jotted down at the hotel of Hakuba so the publication became late till 2015.

In Autumn 2002 I was hospitalized by pneumonia for two weeks, when I thought to put the linguistic research on old Chinese characters so far in order. The result was arranged as a paper titled On Time Property Inherent in Characters also at Hakuba in March 2003.

Quantum Theory for Language was added proviso, Synopsis, because the paper was thought at that time as a role of a rather long mathematical paper's preface on quantum theory on language.

Time passed by rapidly.
After some preparations of mathematics, I wrote successive papers related with Quantum Theory for Language. von Neumann Algebra was put at the centre of preparation. The days at that time was simply wrote titled as The Days of von Neumann Algebra and The Days between von Neumann Algebra and Complex Manifold Deformation Theory in 2015.

von Neumann Algebra succeeds from 1 to 4. 2's Generation Theorem was written in April 2008. After von Neumann AlgebraFunctional Analysis was written. 2's Generation of Word 's result is directly connected to Quantum Theory for Language's mathematical background.

From 2008 I frequently used Zoho site because of easily writing by mathematical equation system. Complex Manifold Deformation Theory was the first result of Zoho. At Floer Homology Language some complementary fruits were gotten for Quantum Theory, Homology Generation of Language in June 2009 and Homology Structure of Word also in June 2009.

Algebraic geometry had been consistently flowing in Quantum Theory.
Recently written Connection between early paper's quantum and recent paper's geometry, November 2017 summarizes the situation at that time concisely.

Quantum Theory's time series representative is the following.

Basis of On Time Property Inherent in Characters 2003, Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language 2003 and Quantum  Theory  for Language 2004 are all led by Qing Dynasty's linguistic (Xiaoxue) tradition, especially from WANG Guowei, whose influence is written at The Time of WANG Guowei in December 2011.

In 1970s at my age 20s, while I had read WANG Guowei, also read Ludwig Wittgenstein, from whom I narrowly learnt writing style that was maintained through early papers. On Wittgenstein I wrote The Time of Wittgenstein in January 2012.    

WANG Guowei taught me the micro phase of language and Edward Sapir taught me the macro phase of language. His book,  Language 1921 shows us the conception of language's change system, Drift. I ever wrote 
some essays on him and his book.