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Monday, 7 May 2018

Aim Aim again 2004-2012

Dedicated to CHINO Eiichi, the dear old days of campus or coffee shop at the station front 
Quantum theory for language was at first aimed for the research of meaning structure in language. The theory has been influenced from the linguistic circle of Prague.
The person that taught me the history of the circle was CHINO Eiichiwho taught me the linguistics at the lectures of the university or in the daily talk crossing the campus in the late afternoon. He was young, and I was young too, in the 1970s.
Later quantum theory for language led for language universals. The theory has been also influenced from physics, especially from the book of SCHRÖDINGER Erwin.
More after  the life of DELBRÜCK Max was also gave me the courage of learning for his pioneer study of application to biology from physics.
Tokyo June 16, 2004
Tokyo September 28, 2004

Aim again 
<Quantum theory for language >now entered the second stage.
The theory has two wheels. One is Prague theory which is an updating theory of <quantum theory for language>. The other is a model of <quantum theory for language>. The model is now named <model simplified level>, which is abbreviated to MSL.
Prague theory and MSL is based on language universals which are in my mind facing to the automatic generation of language for all the people all the opportunity on our daily life. 
For the automaton to generate language, the definition of word, sentence, end of sentence and so on must be basically researched quoting many phases of science.

 October 10, 2004
Tokyo February 21, 2007 RevisedTokyo January 26, 2012 References added

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