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Monday, 7 May 2018

Quantum Theory for Language Theoretical Summarization and Problem in Future 2004

Quantum Theory for Language   
Theoretical Summarization and Problem in Future 
1 Human being calls the real world by name.
2 Continuous calling by name generates a fixed essential object which is abstracted from the real world.
3 This object is called meaning.
4 Meaning forms representation of the real world for the daily use of repeatability.
5 Time is bestowed on meaning by the real world.
6 Time represents the real time of the real world.
7 Time has longitude.
Details see Prague Theory.8 Existence has eternal time. Example of existence is <sun>.
Act has long time. Example of act is<walk>.
Judgment has short time. Example of judgment is <at>.
9 Representation is simplified for the memory of human being as far as possible.
10 The simplification is formed to marking.
11 One case of marking is inscriptions on bines and tortoise carapaces in ancient China.
On Basis see Quantum Theory for Language Summary.
Details see Property of quantum.
12 This marking is called quantum.
13 A set of quanta forms language.
14 The generative and practical explain of this set of quanta is called <Quantum Theory for Language>. 
15 Quantum has meaning and time by representation from the real world
16 Meaning is newly generated from the compositeness of two or over two quanta.
Example is shown below.
Character /Ri/ means sun in English.
Character /yue/ means moon in English.
Character /ming/ is compounded from two character /ri/ and /yue/.
Character /ming/ means light in English.
17 Compositeness of quanta becomes new quantum.
18 New quantum has new meaning and new time.
19 New meaning is compounded from the meaning of pre-compounding quanta.
20 New meaning is more complicated from the meaning of pre-compounding quanta.
21 New time is compounded from the time of pre-compounding quanta.
22 New time is shorter than the time of pre-compounding quanta.
23 Quantum has direction toward the real world.
On Basis see Distance Theory.
Details see Direction.
This direction guarantees the reliance of language.
Details see Guarantee of Language
24 Time of quanta gives influence to relationship between quanta.
25 Relation of two quanta is connection or separation.
26 Contiguity of two quanta has rules.
27 Main rules are connection rule and separation rule.
Details see Quantum Theory for Language Synopsis
28 According to the rules word or sentence is generated.
Connection rule works while word is generated.
Separation rule works while sentence is generated.
29 Quantum goes toward the real world.
On Basis see Quantification of Quantum.
Details see, Place where Quantum of Language ExistsCore Quanta and Convergence of Quanta.
The root of going, see Reversion Theory, Warp Theory.
30 Quantum stops at the place near the real word.
This situation is called end of sentence.
31 Time of quanta is related with end of sentence.
This situation is expressed by the digitization of quanta.
End of sentence is expressed by the combination of digitization of sequence zero level.
Details see Direction.
31 Quantum sends information to the next quantum.
The situation of sending, see Sending and Receiving Information of Quantum.
The root of sending, see Warp Theory.32 For the verification of quantum’s movement, language model is adopted in the Quantum Theory for Language.
This model is called model simplified level, abbreviated to MSL.
Basis, see Model of Quantum Theory for Language.
33 For the application of the model simplified level, abbreviated to MSL, language machine is thinkable.
Basis, see Quantum Theory for Language Synopsis.
Method of machine, see Reconstruction of Information between Two Quanta.
Root of method, see Prague Theory 2.  
34 For the space where quanta exist, floor and orbit are supposed.
For rough sketch, see Place where Quantum of Language Exists.
35 The medium of two quanta which send and receive information is supposed to semi-electrical signals in the model.
For rough sketch, see Prague Theory Summary and Prospect.    
Tokyo November 28, 2004

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