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Sunday, 6 May 2018

Theory Dictionary time 2 Experience of language comprehension 2004

Theory Dictionary time 2 
Experience of language comprehension 
Tableau of dialogue of Nagano district 

When I was the second grade of elementary school, I visited Nagano district being taken by mother in summer vacation.
There I first heard Nagano dialect. I was interested in the dialog.
After returning home of Tokyo, I summarized the experience of Nagano to a tableau where I wrote a comparison of dialect between Nagano and Tokyo.
This tableau was pinned up on the wall of the classroom in new autumn term.
It was a pleasant remembrance of my language comprehension.
Question about a notation

When the third grade of elementary school, I asked a question about the notation of Japanese.
“Why many is written to ooi when father is written to otousan ?”
First learning of foreign language

When the fourth grade of elementary school, I began to learn English, the first foreign language, reading texts of elder sister.
Symbolism of France

When the second school of high school, I learned French for reading the poems of French symbolism.
Memorization of Saying of Mao Zedong

When learning the composition of Chinese, we memorized and wrote the phrase of Saying of Mao Zedong once a week.
It is a peculiar time of my life.
Learning of Russian

I learned Russian from the daughter of Russian noblewoman. 
Her pronunciation is clearly remembered at present in my heart.
She taught me the Russian poem for the festival of Russian class of the university.    
Pronunciation of Korean

When learning of pronunciation of Korean, the teacher was not satisfied with my pronunciation of imnidaI recognized the difficulty of foreign language again there.
The teacher whom I respected died at 47. 

Tokyo November 14, 2004

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