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Thursday, 28 February 2013

3 Time


1 A different quantum has a different direction toward a center of a coordinate system.
2 A different permutation of quanta makes a different linear locus.
3 A locus of quanta is a sentence.
4 A different locus guarantees a different sentence.
5 All quanta return to a center of a coordinate system.
6 Quanta’s return to a center is an end of a sentence.
7 A Quantum’s movement to a next quantum makes a time. It is called moving time.
8 A return of a permutation of quanta makes a time. It is called returning time.
9 A coordinate system makes a language world.
10 A coordinate system exists in the real world.
11 A center of a coordinate system transfers in the real world.
12 Transference of a center occurs for the relation between the language world and the real world.
13 When the real world changes the standard of the world, the language world changes the standard of the world.
14 For example, computer changes the concept of language. Nowadays language has two major meanings. One is natural language. The other is machine language. Two separation of language changes the standard of the real and language world.
15 Transference of a center of a coordinate system makes a time. It is called transferring time.
16 Transference of a center makes a new coordinate system.
17 Transference of a center makes a new direction of a quantum toward a new center.
18 New directions of a permutation of quanta make a new locus.
19 A new locus of quanta makes a new sentence.
20 All quanta return to a new center of a new coordinate system.
21 A new quantum’s movement to a new next quantum makes a new time. It is called a new moving time.
22 A quantum has a combination of three times. They are moving time, returning time and transferring time.
23 A center of a coordinate system is changeable.
24 A combination of times is changeable.
25 A sentence is changeable.
26 Language is changeable.

Tokyo January 22, 2005
For memories of CHINO, TSURUKAWA and Our Days of Youth

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