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Thursday, 28 February 2013

6 Supersurface, String and Knot including Longitude and Time

Supersurface and Language

Supersurface, String and Knot including Longitude and Time
-Toward Moduli Space-

1 Language is a substance.
2 Language has meaning.
3 Meaning is condensed in quantum.
4 Quantum has connection.
5 Connection makes lineation.
6 Lineation is expanded to plane.
7 Plane is transformed to torus.
8 Plane is expanded to cube.
9 lineation, plane and cube are expanded to surface.
9 Cube accepts operations.
10 Operations are crease and cut.
11 Crease breaks smooth surface.
12 Cut breaks topological surface.
13 Cube is transformed to cut-tube-ring.
14 Cut-tube-ring makes multi dimensions.
15 Multi dimensions clarify hierarchy of language.
16 Hierarchy clarifies true-false value of language.
17 Cut-tube-ring is expressed by string.
18 String has freedom.
19 Freedom is expressed by knot.
20 Knot has time.
21 Knot clarifies dimension.
22 String has starting point and ending point.
23 String has longitude.
24 Longitude is prescribed by language that contains meaning.
25 Meaning is measured by disparity, namely longitude, from real world.
26 Knot is done in longitude.
27 Knot is connected in time.
28 Knot is expressed by language that contains transformation.
29 Transformation is measured by looseness, namely freedom, from real world.
30 Language has string and knot.
31 Language has longitude and time.
32 Language has disparity and looseness from real world, namely 3 dimensional space.
33 Disparity and looseness are expressed in a moduli space.
34 Language is expressed in a moduli space.
35 On moduli space in relation to disparity and looseness, two loops that severally make a turn becomes model for inspection.
36 Now for brevity, what one vertical loop on 2 dimensional space is going to generate toward making a turn is proposed.
37 Loop is expressed by a supersurface.
38 Now Language is expressed by supersurface.
Refer to the following incipient papers.

Tokyo August 7, 2006
Tokyo August 9, 2006   Added

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