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Thursday, 21 February 2013

Dictoron and Aurora

Aurora Theory

For SAEKI Shizuto

Language is a substance that carries meaning1.
Refer to the following paper.
Also refer to the following papers.
Dictoron is the minimum element of language.
Dictoron has electrical charge.
Refer to the following paper.
Dictoron crosses field that has electrical charge.
Dictoron remains trace in field. The field is called aurora2.
Refer to the following papers for auroria’s image. 
Auroria is in topological space.
Refer to the following paper.
Auroria has color and shape.
Color is derived from Dictoron’s electrical charge.
Refer to the following paper.
Shape is derived from Dictoron’s vector.
Refer to the following paper.

Color and shape make expression.
Expression is changeable.
Refer to the following paper.
Expression is observed at hut that has observational device.

Tokyo September 24, 2006
Tokyo September 28, 2006 Added
<Dedicated to Tachikawa and Astronomy at Our Youth>
[Postscript January 14, 2012]
<A description by algebraic geometry>

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