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Friday, 27 September 2019

MURAVIJOVA Natary Russian Language Class

Russian Language Class

I first met with her in 1969 at her Russian language class.
On the day, I received the lecture on general semantics at the her neighboring room. The teacher was difficulty in writing the letters on the blackboard for the chalks all too short or chipped. So I went to get the right ones to use to her class.

The room was tiny and a few students attended the lesson from her.  At that time I suddenly decided that the next year I absolutely would receive her Russian language because the scenery of her image to teach the lesson was fantastically seemed fine for me. 
Next year, 1970, I got her Russian lesson at the same little room.
At the room I also received Korean language from KAJIMURA Hideki and Russian grammar from CHINO Eiichi. They did so fine lessens and were all excellent to teach and further more to tell their life style.

Muravijova's Russian lesson was always natural and familiar for the students.
AT the beginning lessons were the pronunciation of Russian. The accent and diphthong was especially  important, so she taught us . She repeated the pronunciation many times using the blackboard with writing the important words and phrases. She said that Russian vowels have the two discrimination, light and dark. The river Volga sound always dark for the Russian people. She said really familiarly remembering her good old days, so I felt .
The Russian class had the the language festival every Autumn. At where I was urged to enter the Russian poem’s recitation. Her choice for me was Lermontov. She gave me the note paper in that the poem was written in green color pen. The selection was positively one of her most favourite  poems.
Returning her life, she was the daughter of Russian army’s high class official. She and her family came to Japan to escape from the Revolution. After these difficult days, in Japan she kept teaching the Russian at the Japan-Russo Institute and also taught at several universities.

In her class, she gave us the Russian name for friendly feeling. I got Mikhail.  I liked the name and through the year she called me Misha in a sense of closeness.
One day probably in autumn, I bought a  Russian textbook titled “Teach yourself” series. After that I time to time used the phrases from  the book in the classroom. At first she astonished my colloquial speaking style  unlikely in my real ability. I apologized her that all expressions were in the book I bought at  Kinokuniya bookshop, Shinjuku. She understood the situation with smiling.
Her pronunciation  sounded so beautiful. I still now remember her clear voice together with her small build. In my image her class was always shining entering the Autumn light though the windows of the university. 

17 July 2010

21 March 2018

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