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Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Why don’t you try haiku

Why don’t you try haiku

1. Haiku is the literature of writing our usual daily life. At its basis probably we confirm that everyday life is the very precious existence in this world.
2. Haiku is one of the shortest poems in the world. In Japanese haiku consists of 17 syllables. One syllable is usually constructed from one consonant and on vowel. But nasal consonant /n/ become one syllable by its one consonant. Probably in Japanese, nasal /n/  is conscious of one vowel by its vowel-like sound.
3. Haiku has one seasonal word in it. This word is called “kigo” that means “seasonal word” in English. In non-classical modern haiku, there exists non-“kigo” haiku. But this movement is rather tiny in the vast long historical heritage of haiku.
4. In Japanese, haiku is written at the style of one sentence. But at translational style frequently adopted three-line style and original 17 syllables are not so important considering the difference of language phonology.
5. Please start your own style of haiku that is such a free writing being loved in ordinary people in Japan. Now it has spread in the world already crossing the disparity of culture and language.
Hana areba
Hana no sachi ari
Natsu yukinu
If exist a flower
There exists a happiness
This summer has gone
At the veranda in the garden, August 2013
22 August 2013

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