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Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Aurora Time Theory Enlarged Distance Theory For CELAN Paul Ansprache anläβlich der Entgegennahme des Literaturpreises der Freien Hansestadt Bremen

 Aurora Time Theory



Enlarged Distance Theory


For CELAN Paul

Ansprache anläβlich der Entgegennahme des Literaturpreises der Freien Hansestadt Bremen






1 Language was supposed to have distance for mainly making sentence.

Refer to the following paper under roughly sketched situation.

Distance Theory   Tokyo   May 5, 2004

2 Distance in 4 dimensional space is indicated by Minkowski space.


Δs is distance. c is light velocity. Δt = t2-t1. Δx = x2-x1. Δy = y2-y1 Δz = z2-z1.

3 Now if time is imaginary time iby being showed from HAWKING S., distance is indicated by Euclid space.


Here distance (Δs) becomes imaginary number.

This distance means that 4 dimensional space has imaginary number’s distance. The distance is abbreviated to imaginary distance.

Imaginary distance is in imaginary space.

Refer to the following paper.

Aurora Time Theory   Imaginary Time and Imaginary Space   Tokyo   From HAWKING Stephen   November 11, 2006

4 Imaginary distance is interpreted by the following.

4-1 On complex plane imaginary number is objected to the circle that is expressed by y2 + z2 = 1.

The circle is called to imaginary ring.

Aurora Theory   Aurora and Riemann Sphere   For Mason L. J.   Tokyo   October 2-3, 2006

4-2 Imaginary ring expresses point at infinity of hyperboloid by Caley transformation.

4-3 In consequence, on point at infinity, imaginary distance is expressed on the circle.

4-4 In 4 dimensional space, on point at infinity, the imaginary distance is expressed on a circle.

5 Thus supposion is the following.

In 4 dimensional space, distance on point at infinity is definitely expressed by HAWKING’s imaginary time.


Tokyo November 20, 2006

Sekinan Research Field of Language

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