Cube Theory
1 On cube, structure consists of room, corridor, house, passage, garden, step and zone.
2 Quantum is putted in a room.
3 Two rooms are linked by a corridor.
4 The left room puts transmission quantum. The room is called transmission room, abbreviated to TR.
5 The right room puts frame quantum. The room is called frame room, abbreviated to FR.
6 On transmission and frame, see the paper Quantum Language Frame and Transmission February 26, 2006.
7 TR and FR are linked by a corridor that passes information of two rooms.
8 Two rooms and a corridor form a house where information passes freely.
9 Two houses are putted parallel.
10 Two houses are linked by passages.
11 The left passage links two TR.
12 The right passage links two FR.
13 Two houses form a garden.
14 A garden has four rooms, two corridors and two passages. The garden is called upper garden, abbreviated to UG.
15 Another garden has also four rooms, two corridor and two passages. The garden is called lower garden, abbreviated to LG.
16 UG and LG are piled up and linked by four steps. Each steps links TR to TR and FR to FR.
17 Two gardens form a zone.
18 A zone has eight rooms, four corridors, four passages and four steps.
19 A zone is briefly called cube.
20 A cube has meaning.
21 Meaning consists of signal, inclusion and connection.
22 The three are mentioned at the paper Cube Theory Dimension March 22, 2006.
23 Cubes are putted side by side and lined up.
23 Now a cube appropriates a word, and lined-up cubes are appropriates a sentence of natural language.
24 On word and sentence, see the below papers.
Quantum Linguistics Growth of Word January 30, 2006
Quantum Linguistics Intension and Sentence January 20, 2006
Robot Language Sentence November 3, 2005
25 Cubes are putted one upper another and form a bigger cube. The cube is called compound cube, abbreviated CC.
26 CC makes a big word. The word is called derivative in natural language.
27 A cube itself grows up. The cube is called growing cube, abbreviated GC. Details are shown another paper.
28 See the paper Cube Theory Dimension March 22, 2006. Especially see Line number 29.
29 Cube model is now presented for experiment.
30 Room, corridor, passage and step are made by glass material.
31 Photon is adopted for quantum.
32 Photon-cube structure is adopted for quantum computer.
33 Logical structure in cube keeps quantum optical conditions.
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