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Saturday, 2 June 2018

Late spring trip 1983

Late spring trip


 五月二十二日奈良に行く。花畑が美しい。奈良国立博物館の浄土美術展をみる。仏像と浄土曼荼羅と来迎図。関西大学博物館学の実習で、小野勝年先生(Professor ONO)が指導しておられた。お話を一緒にきかせてもらい、講堂で講義もうかがう。帰りみち日吉館でおばちゃんの元気な姿に安心する。
 翌二十三日朝、川崎先生 (Professor KAWASAKI)にお電話する。お願いして、比叡に御一緒させてもらう。先生をホテルにたずね、車が坂道になり、深い木立の中に入ってゆくと、先生は「この辺に来るとほっとするよ」といわれる。比叡ドライブウェイから山頂へ。窓外につつじの花が美しい。

会報 第15号 1983年1月1日

Bulletin No. 15. 1 January 1983



Nara National Museum. Nara, Japan. Famous by Japanese Buddhism art.
The Exhibition of the Pure Land Art. Nara National Museum. 1983
Statues of Buddha
Mandalas of the Pure Land
Images of Amitabha coming
ONO Katsutoshi. Historian. 1905-1988. Famous by the study of Priest En-nin, Tendaishu sect, who entered Tang dynasty of China and remained precise diary on China at that time.
Hiyoshikan Inn. Famous regular inn by the researchers of ancient history of  Japan and Buddhism.
KAWASAKI Tsuneyuki. Historian. 1908-1996. I learnt Buddhism from him between 1979 and 1986.
Hieizan Mountain. Holy mountain of Tendaishu sect of Japanese Buddhism.
Hiei Drive way
Hieizan observation platform
Rhododendron Garden. Gifted from India.
Yokawa, Hieizan. The most inner area of holy Hieizan.
Yokawa Main Temple
Shokannnon Avalokitesvara
Statue of Dogen. Dogen 1200-1253. The founder of Sotoshu sect of Japanese Buddhism.
Eshin-in Temple. Priest Genshin ever lived.
Garden of Eshin-in. 
Shikikodo Four season Hall
Priest Ryogen  912-985.
Priest Genshin  942-1017.  The theoretical founder of Japanese Pure Land Sect
Inner Hiei Drive way
Biwako Lake. The biggest lake of Japan
Sakamoto, Shiga Prefecture, Japan. Famous by old priests of Tendaishu sect  lived.
The complete works of Denkyodaishi. Denkyodaishi is the founder of Tendaishu sect of Japanese Buddhism.
Hie-taisha Shrine. Located at the foot of Hieizan. Keep safe of Hieizan.
Eizan Station, Shiga Prefecture, Japan.
Kosei Line, One of JR lines.


Rhododendron has come out this year
Papa Wonderful. 21 History
Papa Wonderful. 30 Reunion
Papa Wonderful. 37 Photograph
Papa Wonderful. 43 On the concept of freedom in history

2 September 2017 Reprinted and Note and references added
Sekinan Library

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