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Monday, 4 June 2018

Writing Style of the Papers in 2013 References 2 added 2018

Writing Style of the Papers in 2013

From 2013 I changed a little on the writing style of papers. I have always thought on the several concepts for language universals and their surroundings. Synthesis of old meaning and new meaning is one of the most important themes. Dimension of language is also a big theme for long time from my beginning of the study.
Recently I frequently use the web site, webnode, in which the top page almost has "News" column that is very convenient to write tiny memo-like ideas I have always been thinking. Ending the memo and uploading the site, writing date and time are inevitably mentioned. It is very useful for me because I always need the date of thinking the theme.
So I made several sites by the webnode. But after using for the facing work they were almost deleted for cleaning the history of my task. I do not want remaining the footprints of my trifling works. At the result my remaining webnode site is only one at the present 2013, that is named SRFL Note in which there are some trivial notes on the present study.
Several papers written by the webnode "News" column  are shown at the site.
For this writing situation , "Dimension Decrease Conjecture",  "Conjecture for synthesis of meaning in word"and "Conjecture for reversion of language" have peculiar style from the ordinary papers.

From now on, what this style will be kept on is uncertain for me, but I think that adequate themes by this style will be remained, for example, on the field of the hierarchy of language related with dimension.

If the time exists some for me, I will write more several papers on the important themes using mathematical writing style to the unknown world of language hereinafter.

1. webnode
HILLSSOUTHROAD / 2013 (Archive)
2. Papers
"Dimension Decrease Conjecture" / 2013
"Conjecture for synthesis of meaning in word" / 2013
"Conjecture for reversion of language" / 2013
References 2
1. Webnode site between 2013-2018
SRFL Group
  1. SRFL Collectiom
  2. SRFL Lab
  3. SRFL Essay 
  4. SRFL Math
  5. SRFL Note
  6. SRFL Paper
  7. SRFL Theory
  8. Geometrization Language
Read more:
2. Writing style in 2018
Thinking memo for the study is now usually writing down at the Blogger sites, SRFL News and Sekinan Table. So the Webnode's News column are not frequently used now. At SRFL sites, SRFL Collection has become the main portal site.
Working sites are presented two, SRFL Lab and Geometrization Language for Quantum Group Language and Geometrization Language.

1 May 2014
4 June 2018 Text revised, references 2 added
Sekinan Research Field of Language

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